Paul Licameli 5e7d41ec07 Each .cpp/.mm file includes corresponding header before any other...
... except Audacity.h

This forces us to make each header contain all forward declarations or nested
headers that it requires, rather than depend on context.
2019-03-17 22:54:52 -04:00

358 lines
10 KiB

Audacity - A Digital Audio Editor
Copyright 1999-2010 Audacity Team
Michael Chinen
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "DeviceManager.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
#include "Experimental.h"
#include "portaudio.h"
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#include "pa_win_wasapi.h"
#include "portmixer.h"
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include <wx/choice.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/settings.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/statbmp.h>
#include <wx/tooltip.h>
#include "Project.h"
#include "AudioIO.h"
#include "DeviceChange.h"
#include "toolbars/DeviceToolBar.h"
DeviceManager DeviceManager::dm;
/// Gets the singleton instance
DeviceManager* DeviceManager::Instance()
return &dm;
const std::vector<DeviceSourceMap> &DeviceManager::GetInputDeviceMaps()
if (!m_inited)
return mInputDeviceSourceMaps;
const std::vector<DeviceSourceMap> &DeviceManager::GetOutputDeviceMaps()
if (!m_inited)
return mOutputDeviceSourceMaps;
wxString MakeDeviceSourceString(const DeviceSourceMap *map)
wxString ret;
ret = map->deviceString;
if (map->totalSources > 1)
ret += wxT(": ") + map->sourceString;
return ret;
DeviceSourceMap* DeviceManager::GetDefaultDevice(int hostIndex, int isInput)
if (hostIndex < 0 || hostIndex >= Pa_GetHostApiCount()) {
return NULL;
const struct PaHostApiInfo *apiinfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(hostIndex); // get info on API
std::vector<DeviceSourceMap> & maps = isInput ? mInputDeviceSourceMaps : mOutputDeviceSourceMaps;
size_t i;
int targetDevice = isInput ? apiinfo->defaultInputDevice : apiinfo->defaultOutputDevice;
for (i = 0; i < maps.size(); i++) {
if (maps[i].deviceIndex == targetDevice)
return &maps[i];
wxLogDebug(wxT("GetDefaultDevice() no default device"));
return NULL;
DeviceSourceMap* DeviceManager::GetDefaultOutputDevice(int hostIndex)
return GetDefaultDevice(hostIndex, 0);
DeviceSourceMap* DeviceManager::GetDefaultInputDevice(int hostIndex)
return GetDefaultDevice(hostIndex, 1);
//--------------- Device Enumeration --------------------------
//Port Audio requires we open the stream with a callback or a lot of devices will fail
//as this means open in blocking mode, so we use a dummy one.
static int DummyPaStreamCallback(
const void *WXUNUSED(input), void * WXUNUSED(output),
unsigned long WXUNUSED(frameCount),
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* WXUNUSED(timeInfo),
PaStreamCallbackFlags WXUNUSED(statusFlags),
void *WXUNUSED(userData) )
return 0;
static void FillHostDeviceInfo(DeviceSourceMap *map, const PaDeviceInfo *info, int deviceIndex, int isInput)
wxString hostapiName = wxSafeConvertMB2WX(Pa_GetHostApiInfo(info->hostApi)->name);
wxString infoName = wxSafeConvertMB2WX(info->name);
map->deviceIndex = deviceIndex;
map->hostIndex = info->hostApi;
map->deviceString = infoName;
map->hostString = hostapiName;
map->numChannels = isInput ? info->maxInputChannels : info->maxOutputChannels;
static void AddSourcesFromStream(int deviceIndex, const PaDeviceInfo *info, std::vector<DeviceSourceMap> *maps, PaStream *stream)
int i;
DeviceSourceMap map;
map.sourceIndex = -1;
map.totalSources = 0;
// Only inputs have sources, so we call FillHostDeviceInfo with a 1 to indicate this
FillHostDeviceInfo(&map, info, deviceIndex, 1);
PxMixer *portMixer = Px_OpenMixer(stream, 0);
if (!portMixer) {
//if there is only one source, we don't need to concatenate the source
//or enumerate, because it is something meaningless like 'master'
//(as opposed to 'mic in' or 'line in'), and the user doesn't have any choice.
//note that some devices have no input sources at all but are still valid.
//the behavior we do is the same for 0 and 1 source cases.
map.totalSources = Px_GetNumInputSources(portMixer);
if (map.totalSources <= 1) {
map.sourceIndex = 0;
else {
//open up a stream with the device so portmixer can get the info out of it.
for (i = 0; i < map.totalSources; i++) {
map.sourceIndex = i;
map.sourceString = wxString(wxSafeConvertMB2WX(Px_GetInputSourceName(portMixer, i)));
static bool IsInputDeviceAMapperDevice(const PaDeviceInfo *info)
// For Windows only, portaudio returns the default mapper object
// as the first index after a NEW hostApi index is detected (true for MME and DS)
// this is a bit of a hack, but there's no other way to find out which device is a mapper,
// I've looked at string comparisons, but if the system is in a different language this breaks.
#ifdef __WXMSW__
static int lastHostApiTypeId = -1;
int hostApiTypeId = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(info->hostApi)->type;
if(hostApiTypeId != lastHostApiTypeId &&
(hostApiTypeId == paMME || hostApiTypeId == paDirectSound)) {
lastHostApiTypeId = hostApiTypeId;
return true;
return false;
static void AddSources(int deviceIndex, int rate, std::vector<DeviceSourceMap> *maps, int isInput)
int error = 0;
DeviceSourceMap map;
const PaDeviceInfo *info = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
// This tries to open the device with the samplerate worked out above, which
// will be the highest available for play and record on the device, or
// 44.1kHz if the info cannot be fetched.
PaStream *stream = NULL;
PaStreamParameters parameters;
parameters.device = deviceIndex;
parameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32;
parameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
parameters.channelCount = 1;
// If the device is for input, open a stream so we can use portmixer to query
// the number of inputs. We skip this for outputs because there are no 'sources'
// and some platforms (e.g. XP) have the same device for input and output, (while
// Vista/Win7 seperate these into two devices with the same names (but different
// portaudio indecies)
// Also, for mapper devices we don't want to keep any sources, so check for it here
if (isInput && !IsInputDeviceAMapperDevice(info)) {
if (info)
parameters.suggestedLatency = info->defaultLowInputLatency;
parameters.suggestedLatency = 10.0;
error = Pa_OpenStream(&stream,
rate, paFramesPerBufferUnspecified,
paClipOff | paDitherOff,
DummyPaStreamCallback, NULL);
if (stream && !error) {
AddSourcesFromStream(deviceIndex, info, maps, stream);
} else {
map.sourceIndex = -1;
map.totalSources = 0;
FillHostDeviceInfo(&map, info, deviceIndex, isInput);
if(error) {
wxLogDebug(wxT("PortAudio stream error creating device list: ") +
map.hostString + wxT(":") + map.deviceString + wxT(": ") +
/// Gets a NEW list of devices by terminating and restarting portaudio
/// Assumes that DeviceManager is only used on the main thread.
void DeviceManager::Rescan()
// get rid of the previous scan info
// if we are doing a second scan then restart portaudio to get NEW devices
if (m_inited) {
// check to see if there is a stream open - can happen if monitoring,
// but otherwise Rescan() should not be available to the user.
if (gAudioIO) {
if (gAudioIO->IsMonitoring())
while (gAudioIO->IsBusy())
// restart portaudio - this updates the device list
// FIXME: TRAP_ERR restarting PortAudio
// FIXME: TRAP_ERR PaErrorCode not handled in ReScan()
int nDevices = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
//The heirarchy for devices is Host/device/source.
//Some newer systems aggregate this.
//So we need to call port mixer for every device to get the sources
for (int i = 0; i < nDevices; i++) {
const PaDeviceInfo *info = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i);
if (info->maxOutputChannels > 0) {
AddSources(i, info->defaultSampleRate, &mOutputDeviceSourceMaps, 0);
if (info->maxInputChannels > 0) {
#ifdef __WXMSW__
if (Pa_GetHostApiInfo(info->hostApi)->type != paWASAPI ||
PaWasapi_IsLoopback(i) > 0)
AddSources(i, info->defaultSampleRate, &mInputDeviceSourceMaps, 1);
// If this was not an initial scan update each device toolbar.
// Hosts may have disappeared or appeared so a complete repopulate is needed.
if (m_inited) {
DeviceToolBar *dt;
for (size_t i = 0; i < gAudacityProjects.size(); i++) {
dt = gAudacityProjects[i]->GetDeviceToolBar();
m_inited = true;
mRescanTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
float DeviceManager::GetTimeSinceRescan() {
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto dur = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<float>>(now - mRescanTime);
return dur.count();
//private constructor - Singleton.
: DeviceChangeHandler()
m_inited = false;
mRescanTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
void DeviceManager::Init()
void DeviceManager::DeviceChangeNotification()