
529 lines
16 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
David I. Murray
Leland Lucius
\class LOFImportFileHandle
\brief An ImportFileHandle for LOF data
Supports the opening of ".lof" files which are text files that contain
a list of individual files to open in audacity in specific formats. Files may
be file names (in the same directory as the LOF file), absolute paths or
relative paths relative to the directory of the LOF file.
(In BNF) The syntax for an LOF file, denoted by <lof>:
<lof> ::= [<window> | <file> | <#>]*
<window> ::= window [<window-parameter>]* <newline>
<window-parameter> ::= offset <time> | duration <time>
<time> ::= [<digit>]+ [ . [<digit>]* ]
<file> ::= file [<file-parameter>]* <newline>
<file-parameter> ::= offset <time>
<#> ::= <comment> <newline>
# everything following the hash character is ignored
window # an initial window command is implicit and optional
file "C:\folder1\sample1.wav" # sample1.wav is displayed
file "C:\sample2.wav" offset 5 # sample2 is displayed with a 5s offset
File "C:\sample3.wav" # sample3 is displayed with no offset
File "foo.aiff" # foo is loaded from the same directory as the LOF file
window offset 5 duration 10 # open a NEW window, zoom to display
# 10 seconds total starting at 5 (ending at 15) seconds
file "C:\sample3.wav" offset 2.5
There are two commands: "window" creates a NEW window, and "file"
appends a track to the current window and displays the file there. The
first file is always placed in a NEW window, whether or not an initial
"window" command is given.
Commands have optional keyword parameters that may be listed in any
order. A parameter should only occur once per command. The "offset"
parameter specifies a time offset. For windows, this is the leftmost
time displayed in the window. For files, the offset is an amount by
which the file is shifted in time before display (only enabled for audio;
not midi). The offset is specified as an integer or decimal number of
seconds, and the default value is zero.
Windows may also have a "duration" parameter, which specifies how much
time should be displayed in the window. The default duration is equal
to the duration of the longest track currently displayed.
\class LOFImportPlugin
\brief An ImportPlugin for LOF data
#include "../Audacity.h" // for USE_* macros
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/utils.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/textfile.h>
#include <wx/tokenzr.h>
#ifdef USE_MIDI
#include "ImportMIDI.h"
#endif // USE_MIDI
#include "../FileNames.h"
#include "../WaveTrack.h"
#include "ImportPlugin.h"
#include "Import.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "../ProjectHistory.h"
#include "../ProjectManager.h"
#include "../ProjectWindow.h"
#include "../Prefs.h"
#include "../widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
#include "../widgets/ProgressDialog.h"
#define DESC XO("List of Files in basic text format")
static const auto exts = {
class LOFImportPlugin final : public ImportPlugin
: ImportPlugin( FileExtensions( exts.begin(), exts.end() ) )
~LOFImportPlugin() { }
wxString GetPluginStringID() override { return wxT("lof"); }
TranslatableString GetPluginFormatDescription() override;
std::unique_ptr<ImportFileHandle> Open(
const FilePath &Filename, AudacityProject *pProject) override;
class LOFImportFileHandle final : public ImportFileHandle
LOFImportFileHandle( AudacityProject *pProject,
const FilePath & name, std::unique_ptr<wxTextFile> &&file);
TranslatableString GetFileDescription() override;
ByteCount GetFileUncompressedBytes() override;
ProgressResult Import(WaveTrackFactory *trackFactory, TrackHolders &outTracks,
Tags *tags) override;
wxInt32 GetStreamCount() override { return 1; }
const TranslatableStrings &GetStreamInfo() override
static TranslatableStrings empty;
return empty;
void SetStreamUsage(wxInt32 WXUNUSED(StreamID), bool WXUNUSED(Use)) override
// Takes a line of text in lof file and interprets it and opens files
void lofOpenFiles(wxString* ln);
void doDurationAndScrollOffset();
std::unique_ptr<wxTextFile> mTextFile;
wxFileName mLOFFileName; /**< The name of the LOF file, which is used to
interpret relative paths in it */
AudacityProject *mProject{};
// In order to know whether or not to create a NEW window
bool windowCalledOnce{ false };
// In order to zoom in, it must be done after files are opened
bool callDurationFactor{ false };
double durationFactor{ 1 };
// In order to offset scrollbar, it must be done after files are opened
bool callScrollOffset{ false };
double scrollOffset{ 0 };
LOFImportFileHandle::LOFImportFileHandle( AudacityProject *pProject,
const FilePath & name, std::unique_ptr<wxTextFile> &&file)
: ImportFileHandle(name)
, mTextFile(std::move(file))
, mLOFFileName{name}
, mProject{ pProject }
TranslatableString LOFImportPlugin::GetPluginFormatDescription()
return DESC;
std::unique_ptr<ImportFileHandle> LOFImportPlugin::Open(
const FilePath &filename, AudacityProject *pProject)
// Check if it is a binary file
wxFile binaryFile;
if (!binaryFile.Open(filename))
return nullptr; // File not found
int count = binaryFile.Read(buf, BINARY_FILE_CHECK_BUFFER_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// Check if this char is below the space character, but not a
// line feed or carriage return
if (buf[i] < 32 && buf[i] != 10 && buf[i] != 13)
// Assume it is a binary file
return nullptr;
// Now open the file again as text file
auto file = std::make_unique<wxTextFile>(filename);
if (!file->IsOpened())
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<LOFImportFileHandle>(
pProject, filename, std::move(file));
TranslatableString LOFImportFileHandle::GetFileDescription()
return DESC;
auto LOFImportFileHandle::GetFileUncompressedBytes() -> ByteCount
return 0;
ProgressResult LOFImportFileHandle::Import(
WaveTrackFactory * WXUNUSED(trackFactory), TrackHolders &outTracks,
Tags * WXUNUSED(tags))
// Unlike other ImportFileHandle subclasses, this one never gives any tracks
// back to the caller.
// Instead, it recursively calls AudacityProject::Import for each file listed
// in the .lof file.
// Each importation creates a NEW undo state.
// If there is an error or exception during one of them, only that one's
// side effects are rolled back, and the rest of the import list is skipped.
// The file may have "window" directives that cause NEW AudacityProjects
// to be created, and the undo states are pushed onto the latest project.
// If a project is created but the first file import into it fails, destroy
// the project.
return ProgressResult::Failed;
wxString line = mTextFile->GetFirstLine();
while (!mTextFile->Eof())
line = mTextFile->GetNextLine();
// for last line
return ProgressResult::Failed;
// set any duration/offset factors for last window, as all files were called
return ProgressResult::Success;
static Importer::RegisteredImportPlugin registered{ "LOF",
std::make_unique< LOFImportPlugin >()
#ifdef USE_MIDI
// return null on failure; if success, return the given project, or a NEW
// one, if the given was null; create no NEW project if failure
static AudacityProject *DoImportMIDIProject(
AudacityProject *pProject, const FilePath &fileName)
AudacityProject *pNewProject {};
if ( !pProject )
pProject = pNewProject = ProjectManager::New();
auto cleanup = finally( [&]
{ if ( pNewProject ) GetProjectFrame( *pNewProject ).Close(true); } );
if ( DoImportMIDI( *pProject, fileName ) ) {
pNewProject = nullptr;
return pProject;
return nullptr;
/** @brief Processes a single line from a LOF text file, doing whatever is
* indicated on the line.
* This function should just return for lines it cannot deal with, and the
* caller will continue to the next line of the input file
void LOFImportFileHandle::lofOpenFiles(wxString* ln)
wxStringTokenizer tok(*ln, wxT(" "));
wxStringTokenizer temptok1(*ln, wxT("\""));
wxStringTokenizer temptok2(*ln, wxT(" "));
int tokenplace = 0;
wxString targetfile;
wxString tokenholder = tok.GetNextToken();
if (tokenholder.IsSameAs(wxT("window"), false))
// set any duration/offset factors for last window, as all files were called
if (windowCalledOnce)
// Cause a project to be created with the next import
mProject = nullptr;
// Apply any offset and duration directives of the first "window" line
// to the previously open project, not a NEW one.
windowCalledOnce = true;
while (tok.HasMoreTokens())
tokenholder = tok.GetNextToken();
if (tokenholder.IsSameAs(wxT("offset"), false))
if (tok.HasMoreTokens())
tokenholder = tok.GetNextToken();
if (Internat::CompatibleToDouble(tokenholder, &scrollOffset))
callScrollOffset = true;
/* i18n-hint: You do not need to translate "LOF" */
XO("Invalid window offset in LOF file."),
/* i18n-hint: You do not need to translate "LOF" */
XO("LOF Error"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE);
if (tok.HasMoreTokens())
tokenholder = tok.GetNextToken();
if (tokenholder.IsSameAs(wxT("duration"), false))
if (tok.HasMoreTokens())
tokenholder = tok.GetNextToken();
if (Internat::CompatibleToDouble(tokenholder, &durationFactor))
callDurationFactor = true;
/* i18n-hint: You do not need to translate "LOF" */
XO("Invalid duration in LOF file."),
/* i18n-hint: You do not need to translate "LOF" */
XO("LOF Error"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE);
} // End if statement
if (tokenholder == wxT("#"))
// # indicates comments; ignore line
tok = wxStringTokenizer(wxT(""), wxT(" "));
} // End while loop
} // End if statement handling "window" lines
else if (tokenholder.IsSameAs(wxT("file"), false))
// To identify filename and open it
tokenholder = temptok1.GetNextToken();
wxString targettoken = temptok1.GetNextToken();
targetfile = targettoken;
// If path is relative, make absolute path from LOF path
if(!wxIsAbsolutePath(targetfile)) {
wxFileName fName(targetfile);
if(fName.FileExists()) {
targetfile = fName.GetFullPath();
// Do recursive call to import
#ifdef USE_MIDI
// If file is a midi
if (FileNames::IsMidi(targetfile))
mProject = DoImportMIDIProject(mProject, targetfile);
// If not a midi, open audio file
#else // !USE_MIDI
/* if we don't have midi support, go straight on to opening as an
* audio file. TODO: Some sort of message here? */
#endif // USE_MIDI
mProject = ProjectManager::OpenProject( mProject, targetfile );
// Set tok to right after filename
tokenplace = temptok2.CountTokens();
for (int i = 0; i < tokenplace; i++)
tokenholder = tok.GetNextToken();
if (tok.HasMoreTokens())
tokenholder = tok.GetNextToken();
if (tokenholder == wxT("#"))
// # indicates comments; ignore line
tok = wxStringTokenizer(wxT(""), wxT(" "));
if (tokenholder.IsSameAs(wxT("offset"), false))
if (tok.HasMoreTokens())
tokenholder = tok.GetNextToken();
double offset;
// handle an "offset" specifier
if (!mProject)
// there was an import error,
// presumably with its own error message
else if (Internat::CompatibleToDouble(tokenholder, &offset))
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( *mProject );
auto t = *tracks.Leaders().rbegin();
// t is now the last track in the project, unless the import of
// all tracks failed, in which case it will be null. In that
// case we return because we cannot offset a non-existent track.
if (t == NULL)
#ifdef USE_MIDI
if (targetfile.AfterLast(wxT('.')).IsSameAs(wxT("mid"), false) ||
targetfile.AfterLast(wxT('.')).IsSameAs(wxT("midi"), false))
XO("MIDI tracks cannot be offset individually, only audio files can be."),
XO("LOF Error"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE);
for (auto channel : TrackList::Channels(t))
// Amend the undo transaction made by import
ProjectHistory::Get( *mProject ).ModifyState(false);
} // end of converting "offset" argument
/* i18n-hint: You do not need to translate "LOF" */
XO("Invalid track offset in LOF file."),
/* i18n-hint: You do not need to translate "LOF" */
XO("LOF Error"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE);
} // End if statement for "offset" parameters
} // End if statement (more tokens after file name)
} // End if statement "file" lines
else if (tokenholder == wxT("#"))
// # indicates comments; ignore line
tok = wxStringTokenizer(wxT(""), wxT(" "));
// Couldn't parse a line
void LOFImportFileHandle::doDurationAndScrollOffset()
if (!mProject)
callScrollOffset = callScrollOffset && (scrollOffset != 0);
bool doSomething = callDurationFactor || callScrollOffset;
if (callDurationFactor)
double longestDuration = TrackList::Get( *mProject ).GetEndTime();
ProjectWindow::Get( *mProject ).ZoomBy(longestDuration / durationFactor);
callDurationFactor = false;
if (callScrollOffset)
ProjectWindow::Get( *mProject ).TP_ScrollWindow(scrollOffset);
callScrollOffset = false;
if (doSomething)
// Amend last undo state
ProjectHistory::Get( *mProject ).ModifyState(false);