
254 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
\class FileNames
\brief Provides Static functions to yield filenames.
This class helps us with setting a base path, and makes it easier
for us to keep track of the different kinds of files we read and write
JKC: In time I plan to add all file names and file extensions
used throughout Audacity into this one place.
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/stdpaths.h>
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Internat.h"
#include "PlatformCompatibility.h"
#if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
#include <dlfcn.h>
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
#include <windows.h>
static wxString gDataDir;
wxString FileNames::MkDir(const wxString &Str)
// Behaviour of wxFileName::DirExists() and wxFileName::MkDir() has
// changed between wx2.6 and wx2.8, so we use static functions instead.
if (!wxFileName::DirExists(Str))
wxFileName::Mkdir(Str, 511, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL);
return Str;
/// Returns the directory used for temp files.
/// \todo put a counter in here to see if it gets used a lot.
/// if it does, then maybe we should cache the path name
/// each time.
wxString FileNames::TempDir()
return FileNames::MkDir(gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Directories/TempDir"), wxT("")));
// originally an ExportMultiple method. Append suffix if newName appears in otherNames.
void FileNames::MakeNameUnique(wxArrayString &otherNames, wxFileName &newName)
if (otherNames.Index(newName.GetFullName(), false) >= 0) {
int i=2;
wxString orig = newName.GetName();
do {
newName.SetName(wxString::Format(wxT("%s-%d"), orig.c_str(), i));
} while (otherNames.Index(newName.GetFullName(), false) >= 0);
// Audacity user data directories
wxString FileNames::AutoSaveDir()
wxFileName autoSaveDir(FileNames::DataDir(), wxT("AutoSave"));
return FileNames::MkDir(autoSaveDir.GetFullPath());
wxString FileNames::DataDir()
// LLL: Wouldn't you know that as of WX 2.6.2, there is a conflict
// between wxStandardPaths and wxConfig under Linux. The latter
// creates a normal file as "$HOME/.audacity", while the former
// expects the ".audacity" portion to be a directory.
if (gDataDir.IsEmpty())
// If there is a directory "Portable Settings" relative to the
// executable's EXE file, the prefs are stored in there, otherwise
// the prefs are stored in the user data dir provided by the OS.
wxFileName exePath(PlatformCompatibility::GetExecutablePath());
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// This removes (for instance) ""
wxFileName portablePrefsPath(exePath.GetPath(), wxT("Portable Settings"));
if (::wxDirExists(portablePrefsPath.GetFullPath()))
// Use "Portable Settings" folder
gDataDir = portablePrefsPath.GetFullPath();
} else
// Use OS-provided user data dir folder
wxString dataDir;
#if defined( __WXGTK__ )
dataDir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir() + wxT("-data");
dataDir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir();
gDataDir = FileNames::MkDir(dataDir);
return gDataDir;
wxString FileNames::HtmlHelpDir()
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
wxFileName exePath(PlatformCompatibility::GetExecutablePath());
// This removes (for instance) ""
return wxFileName( exePath.GetPath()+wxT("/help/manual"), wxEmptyString ).GetFullPath();
//linux goes into /*prefix*/share/audacity/
//windows goes into the dir containing the .exe
wxString exeDir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir();
//for mac this puts us within the .app:
return wxFileName( exeDir+wxT("/help/manual"), wxEmptyString ).GetFullPath();
wxString FileNames::HtmlHelpIndexFile(bool quick)
wxString htmlHelpIndex;
htmlHelpIndex = wxFileName( HtmlHelpDir(), wxT("quick_help.html") ).GetFullPath();
htmlHelpIndex = wxFileName( HtmlHelpDir(), wxT("index.html") ).GetFullPath();
return htmlHelpIndex;
wxString FileNames::ChainDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("Chains") ).GetFullPath() );
wxString FileNames::NRPDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("NRP") ).GetFullPath() );
wxString FileNames::NRPFile()
return wxFileName( NRPDir(), wxT("noisegate.nrp") ).GetFullPath();
wxString FileNames::PlugInDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("Plug-Ins") ).GetFullPath() );
wxString FileNames::PluginsCache()
return wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("plugins.cfg") ).GetFullPath();
wxString FileNames::ThemeDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("Theme") ).GetFullPath() );
wxString FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("Components") ).GetFullPath() );
wxString FileNames::ThemeCachePng()
return wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("ImageCache.png") ).GetFullPath();
wxString FileNames::ThemeCacheHtm()
return wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("ImageCache.htm") ).GetFullPath();
wxString FileNames::ThemeImageDefsAsCee()
return wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("ThemeImageDefsAsCee.h") ).GetFullPath();
wxString FileNames::ThemeCacheAsCee( )
return wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("ThemeAsCeeCode.h") ).GetFullPath();
wxString FileNames::ThemeComponent(const wxString &Str)
return wxFileName( ThemeComponentsDir(), Str, wxT("png") ).GetFullPath();
// Returns the full path of program module (.exe, .dll, .so, .dylib) containing address
wxString FileNames::PathFromAddr(void *addr)
wxFileName name;
#if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
Dl_info info;
if (dladdr(addr, &info)) {
char realname[PATH_MAX + 1];
int len;
name = LAT1CTOWX(info.dli_fname);
len = readlink(OSINPUT(name.GetFullPath()), realname, PATH_MAX);
if (len > 0) {
realname[len] = 0;
#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
HMODULE module;
(LPTSTR) addr,
&module)) {
DWORD nSize;
nSize = GetModuleFileName(module, path, MAX_PATH);
if (nSize && nSize < MAX_PATH) {
name = LAT1CTOWX(path);
return name.GetFullPath();