
160 lines
3.1 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
#include <wx/brush.h>
#include <wx/frame.h>
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include <wx/checkbox.h>
#include <wx/dialog.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
#include <wx/pen.h>
#include <wx/font.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/stattext.h>
#include "widgets/Ruler.h"
class wxStatusBar;
class wxButton;
class wxChoice;
class FreqWindow;
class TrackList;
class FreqWindow;
class FreqPlot:public wxWindow {
FreqPlot(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos, const wxSize & size);
void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & event);
void OnErase(wxEraseEvent & event);
FreqWindow * freqWindow;
class FreqWindow:public wxDialog {
FreqWindow(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString & title, const wxPoint & pos);
virtual ~ FreqWindow();
void GetAudio();
void Plot();
void PlotMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event);
void PlotPaint(wxPaintEvent & event);
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & event);
void OnCloseButton(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent & event);
void OnAlgChoice(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnSizeChoice(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnFuncChoice(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnAxisChoice(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnExport(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnReplot(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnGridOnOff(wxCommandEvent & event);
void Recalc();
void DrawPlot();
float *mBuffer;
bool mDrawGrid;
int mSize;
int mAlg;
int mFunc;
int mAxis;
int dBRange;
AudacityProject *p;
#ifdef __WXMSW__
static const int fontSize = 8;
static const int fontSize = 10;
wxStatusBar *mInfo;
FreqPlot *mFreqPlot;
wxFont mFreqFont;
wxCursor *mArrowCursor;
wxCursor *mCrossCursor;
wxButton *mCloseButton;
wxButton *mExportButton;
wxButton *mReplotButton;
wxChoice *mAlgChoice;
wxChoice *mSizeChoice;
wxChoice *mFuncChoice;
wxChoice *mAxisChoice;
wxCheckBox *mGridOnOff;
wxRect mPlotRect;
wxRect mInfoRect;
wxRect mUpdateRect;
wxFlexGridSizer *szr;
RulerPanel *vRuler;
RulerPanel *hRuler;
wxStaticText *mInfoText;
int mLeftMargin;
int mBottomMargin;
int mInfoHeight;
double mRate;
int mDataLen;
float *mData;
int mWindowSize;
float *mProcessed;
int mProcessedSize;
bool mLogAxis;
float mYMin;
float mYMax;
float mYStep;
wxBitmap *mBitmap;
int mMouseX;
int mMouseY;
float GetProcessedValue(float freq0, float freq1);
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