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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
\file Matrix.h
\brief Holds both the Matrix and Vector classes, supporting
linear algebra operations, including matrix inversion.
Used by InterpolateAudio.
\class Matrix
\brief Holds a matrix of doubles and supports arithmetic, subsetting,
and matrix inversion. Used by InterpolateAudio.
\class Vector
\brief Holds a matrix of doubles and supports arithmetic operations,
including Vector-Matrix operations. Used by InterpolateAudio.
class Matrix;
class Vector
Vector(const Vector& copyFrom);
Vector(int len, double *data=NULL, bool copy=true);
Vector(int len, float *data);
Vector& operator=(const Vector &other);
virtual ~Vector();
inline double& operator[](int i) { return mData[i]; }
inline double operator[](int i) const { return mData[i]; }
inline int Len() const { return mN; }
double Sum() const;
void CopyFrom(const Vector &other);
int mN;
double *mData;
bool mCopy;
class Matrix
Matrix(const Matrix& copyFrom);
Matrix(int rows, int cols, double **data=NULL);
virtual ~Matrix();
Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& other);
inline Vector& operator[](int i) { return *mRowVec[i]; }
inline Vector& operator[](int i) const { return *mRowVec[i]; }
inline int Rows() const { return mRows; }
inline int Cols() const { return mCols; }
void SwapRows(int i, int j);
double Sum() const;
void CopyFrom(const Matrix& other);
int mRows;
int mCols;
Vector **mRowVec;
bool InvertMatrix(const Matrix& input, Matrix& Minv);
Matrix TransposeMatrix(const Matrix& M);
Matrix IdentityMatrix(int N);
Vector operator+(const Vector &left, const Vector &right);
Vector operator-(const Vector &left, const Vector &right);
Vector operator*(const Vector &left, const Vector &right);
Vector operator*(const Vector &left, double right);
Vector VectorSubset(const Vector &other, int start, int len);
Vector VectorConcatenate(const Vector& left, const Vector& right);
Vector operator*(const Vector &left, const Matrix &right);
Vector operator*(const Matrix &left, const Vector &right);
Matrix operator+(const Matrix &left, const Matrix &right);
Matrix operator*(const Matrix &left, const double right);
// No operator* on matrices due to ambiguity
Matrix ScalarMultiply(const Matrix &left, const Matrix &right);
Matrix MatrixMultiply(const Matrix &left, const Matrix &right);
Matrix MatrixSubset(const Matrix &M,
int startRow, int numRows, int startCol, int numCols);
Matrix MatrixConcatenateCols(const Matrix& left, const Matrix& right);
bool InvertMatrix(const Matrix& M, Matrix& Minv);
#endif // __AUDACITY_MATRIX__
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