
2706 lines
65 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Vaughan Johnson
Martyn Shaw
\class Effect
\brief Base class for many of the effects in Audacity.
\class EffectDialog
\brief New (Jun-2006) base class for effects dialogs. Likely to get
greater use in future.
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include "Effect.h"
#include "../Experimental.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <wx/choice.h>
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/listbox.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include "../AudioIO.h"
#include "../LabelTrack.h"
#include "../Mix.h"
#include "../PluginManager.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "../ProjectAudioManager.h"
#include "../ProjectSettings.h"
#include "../ShuttleGui.h"
#include "../Shuttle.h"
#include "../ViewInfo.h"
#include "../WaveTrack.h"
#include "../widgets/ProgressDialog.h"
#include "../ondemand/ODManager.h"
#include "../tracks/playabletrack/wavetrack/ui/WaveTrackView.h"
#include "../tracks/playabletrack/wavetrack/ui/WaveTrackViewConstants.h"
#include "../widgets/NumericTextCtrl.h"
#include "../widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
#include "../widgets/ErrorDialog.h"
#include <unordered_map>
// Effect application counter
int Effect::nEffectsDone=0;
static const int kPlayID = 20102;
static const int kRewindID = 20103;
static const int kFFwdID = 20104;
const wxString Effect::kUserPresetIdent = wxT("User Preset:");
const wxString Effect::kFactoryPresetIdent = wxT("Factory Preset:");
const wxString Effect::kCurrentSettingsIdent = wxT("<Current Settings>");
const wxString Effect::kFactoryDefaultsIdent = wxT("<Factory Defaults>");
using t2bHash = std::unordered_map< void*, bool >;
namespace {
Effect::VetoDialogHook &GetVetoDialogHook()
static Effect::VetoDialogHook sHook = nullptr;
return sHook;
auto Effect::SetVetoDialogHook( VetoDialogHook hook )
-> VetoDialogHook
auto &theHook = GetVetoDialogHook();
auto result = theHook;
theHook = hook;
return result;
mClient = NULL;
mTracks = NULL;
mT0 = 0.0;
mT1 = 0.0;
mDuration = 0.0;
mIsPreview = false;
mIsLinearEffect = false;
mPreviewWithNotSelected = false;
mPreviewFullSelection = false;
mNumTracks = 0;
mNumGroups = 0;
mProgress = NULL;
mUIParent = NULL;
mUIDialog = NULL;
mNumAudioIn = 0;
mNumAudioOut = 0;
mBufferSize = 0;
mBlockSize = 0;
mNumChannels = 0;
mUIDebug = false;
AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject();
mProjectRate = p ? ProjectSettings::Get( *p ).GetRate() : 44100;
mIsBatch = false;
if (mUIDialog)
// EffectDefinitionInterface implementation
EffectType Effect::GetType()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetType();
return EffectTypeNone;
PluginPath Effect::GetPath()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetPath();
return BUILTIN_EFFECT_PREFIX + GetSymbol().Internal();
ComponentInterfaceSymbol Effect::GetSymbol()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetSymbol();
return {};
VendorSymbol Effect::GetVendor()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetVendor();
return XO("Audacity");
wxString Effect::GetVersion()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetVersion();
TranslatableString Effect::GetDescription()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetDescription();
return {};
EffectFamilySymbol Effect::GetFamily()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetFamily();
// Unusually, the internal and visible strings differ for the built-in
// effect family.
return { wxT("Audacity"), XO("Built-in") };
bool Effect::IsInteractive()
if (mClient)
return mClient->IsInteractive();
return true;
bool Effect::IsDefault()
if (mClient)
return mClient->IsDefault();
return true;
bool Effect::IsLegacy()
if (mClient)
return false;
return true;
bool Effect::SupportsRealtime()
if (mClient)
return mClient->SupportsRealtime();
return false;
bool Effect::SupportsAutomation()
if (mClient)
return mClient->SupportsAutomation();
return true;
// EffectClientInterface implementation
bool Effect::SetHost(EffectHostInterface *host)
if (mClient)
return mClient->SetHost(host);
return true;
unsigned Effect::GetAudioInCount()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetAudioInCount();
return 0;
unsigned Effect::GetAudioOutCount()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetAudioOutCount();
return 0;
int Effect::GetMidiInCount()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetMidiInCount();
return 0;
int Effect::GetMidiOutCount()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetMidiOutCount();
return 0;
void Effect::SetSampleRate(double rate)
if (mClient)
mSampleRate = rate;
size_t Effect::SetBlockSize(size_t maxBlockSize)
if (mClient)
return mClient->SetBlockSize(maxBlockSize);
mBlockSize = maxBlockSize;
return mBlockSize;
size_t Effect::GetBlockSize() const
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetBlockSize();
return mBlockSize;
sampleCount Effect::GetLatency()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetLatency();
return 0;
size_t Effect::GetTailSize()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetTailSize();
return 0;
bool Effect::IsReady()
if (mClient)
return mClient->IsReady();
return true;
bool Effect::ProcessInitialize(sampleCount totalLen, ChannelNames chanMap)
if (mClient)
return mClient->ProcessInitialize(totalLen, chanMap);
return true;
bool Effect::ProcessFinalize()
if (mClient)
return mClient->ProcessFinalize();
return true;
size_t Effect::ProcessBlock(float **inBlock, float **outBlock, size_t blockLen)
if (mClient)
return mClient->ProcessBlock(inBlock, outBlock, blockLen);
return 0;
bool Effect::RealtimeInitialize()
if (mClient)
mBlockSize = mClient->SetBlockSize(512);
return mClient->RealtimeInitialize();
mBlockSize = 512;
return false;
bool Effect::RealtimeAddProcessor(unsigned numChannels, float sampleRate)
if (mClient)
return mClient->RealtimeAddProcessor(numChannels, sampleRate);
return true;
bool Effect::RealtimeFinalize()
if (mClient)
return mClient->RealtimeFinalize();
return false;
bool Effect::RealtimeSuspend()
if (mClient)
return mClient->RealtimeSuspend();
return true;
bool Effect::RealtimeResume()
if (mClient)
return mClient->RealtimeResume();
return true;
bool Effect::RealtimeProcessStart()
if (mClient)
return mClient->RealtimeProcessStart();
return true;
size_t Effect::RealtimeProcess(int group,
float **inbuf,
float **outbuf,
size_t numSamples)
if (mClient)
return mClient->RealtimeProcess(group, inbuf, outbuf, numSamples);
return 0;
bool Effect::RealtimeProcessEnd()
if (mClient)
return mClient->RealtimeProcessEnd();
return true;
bool Effect::ShowInterface(wxWindow &parent,
const EffectDialogFactory &factory, bool forceModal)
if (!IsInteractive())
return true;
if (mUIDialog)
if ( mUIDialog->Close(true) )
mUIDialog = nullptr;
return false;
if (mClient)
return mClient->ShowInterface(parent, factory, forceModal);
// mUIDialog is null
auto cleanup = valueRestorer( mUIDialog );
if ( factory )
mUIDialog = factory(parent, this, this);
if (!mUIDialog)
return false;
auto hook = GetVetoDialogHook();
if( hook && hook( mUIDialog ) )
return false;
if( SupportsRealtime() && !forceModal )
// Return false to bypass effect processing
return false;
bool res = mUIDialog->ShowModal() != 0;
return res;
bool Effect::GetAutomationParameters(CommandParameters & parms)
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetAutomationParameters(parms);
return true;
bool Effect::SetAutomationParameters(CommandParameters & parms)
if (mClient)
return mClient->SetAutomationParameters(parms);
return true;
bool Effect::LoadUserPreset(const RegistryPath & name)
if (mClient)
return mClient->LoadUserPreset(name);
wxString parms;
if (!GetPrivateConfig(name, wxT("Parameters"), parms))
return false;
return SetAutomationParameters(parms);
bool Effect::SaveUserPreset(const RegistryPath & name)
if (mClient)
return mClient->SaveUserPreset(name);
wxString parms;
if (!GetAutomationParameters(parms))
return false;
return SetPrivateConfig(name, wxT("Parameters"), parms);
RegistryPaths Effect::GetFactoryPresets()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetFactoryPresets();
return {};
bool Effect::LoadFactoryPreset(int id)
if (mClient)
return mClient->LoadFactoryPreset(id);
return true;
bool Effect::LoadFactoryDefaults()
if (mClient)
return mClient->LoadFactoryDefaults();
return LoadUserPreset(GetFactoryDefaultsGroup());
// EffectUIClientInterface implementation
void Effect::SetHostUI(EffectUIHostInterface *WXUNUSED(host))
bool Effect::PopulateUI(wxWindow *parent)
mUIParent = parent;
// LoadUserPreset(GetCurrentSettingsGroup());
ShuttleGui S(mUIParent, eIsCreating);
return true;
bool Effect::IsGraphicalUI()
return false;
bool Effect::ValidateUI()
return mUIParent->Validate();
bool Effect::HideUI()
return true;
bool Effect::CloseUI()
if (mUIParent)
mUIParent = NULL;
mUIDialog = NULL;
return true;
bool Effect::CanExportPresets()
return false;
void Effect::ExportPresets()
void Effect::ImportPresets()
bool Effect::HasOptions()
return false;
void Effect::ShowOptions()
// EffectHostInterface implementation
double Effect::GetDefaultDuration()
return 30.0;
double Effect::GetDuration()
if (mDuration < 0.0)
mDuration = 0.0;
return mDuration;
NumericFormatSymbol Effect::GetDurationFormat()
return mDurationFormat;
NumericFormatSymbol Effect::GetSelectionFormat()
return ProjectSettings::Get( *GetActiveProject() ).GetSelectionFormat();
void Effect::SetDuration(double seconds)
if (seconds < 0.0)
seconds = 0.0;
if (GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate)
SetPrivateConfig(GetCurrentSettingsGroup(), wxT("LastUsedDuration"), seconds);
mDuration = seconds;
mIsSelection = false;
RegistryPath Effect::GetUserPresetsGroup(const RegistryPath & name)
RegistryPath group = wxT("UserPresets");
if (!name.empty())
group += wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR + name;
return group;
RegistryPath Effect::GetCurrentSettingsGroup()
return wxT("CurrentSettings");
RegistryPath Effect::GetFactoryDefaultsGroup()
return wxT("FactoryDefaults");
wxString Effect::GetSavedStateGroup()
return wxT("SavedState");
// ConfigClientInterface implementation
bool Effect::HasSharedConfigGroup(const RegistryPath & group)
return PluginManager::Get().HasSharedConfigGroup(GetID(), group);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfigSubgroups(const RegistryPath & group, RegistryPaths &subgroups)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfigSubgroups(GetID(), group, subgroups);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, wxString & value, const wxString & defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, int & value, int defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, bool & value, bool defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, float & value, float defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, double & value, double defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const wxString & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const int & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const bool & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const float & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const double & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::RemoveSharedConfigSubgroup(const RegistryPath & group)
return PluginManager::Get().RemoveSharedConfigSubgroup(GetID(), group);
bool Effect::RemoveSharedConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key)
return PluginManager::Get().RemoveSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key);
bool Effect::HasPrivateConfigGroup(const RegistryPath & group)
return PluginManager::Get().HasPrivateConfigGroup(GetID(), group);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfigSubgroups(const RegistryPath & group, RegistryPaths & subgroups)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfigSubgroups(GetID(), group, subgroups);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, wxString & value, const wxString & defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, int & value, int defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, bool & value, bool defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, float & value, float defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, double & value, double defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const wxString & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const int & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const bool & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const float & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key, const double & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::RemovePrivateConfigSubgroup(const RegistryPath & group)
return PluginManager::Get().RemovePrivateConfigSubgroup(GetID(), group);
bool Effect::RemovePrivateConfig(const RegistryPath & group, const RegistryPath & key)
return PluginManager::Get().RemovePrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key);
// Effect implementation
PluginID Effect::GetID()
if (mClient)
return PluginManager::GetID(mClient);
return PluginManager::GetID(this);
bool Effect::Startup(EffectClientInterface *client)
// Let destructor know we need to be shutdown
mClient = client;
// Set host so client startup can use our services
if (!SetHost(this))
// Bail if the client startup fails
mClient = NULL;
return false;
mNumAudioIn = GetAudioInCount();
mNumAudioOut = GetAudioOutCount();
bool haveDefaults;
GetPrivateConfig(GetFactoryDefaultsGroup(), wxT("Initialized"), haveDefaults, false);
if (!haveDefaults)
SetPrivateConfig(GetFactoryDefaultsGroup(), wxT("Initialized"), true);
return Startup();
bool Effect::Startup()
return true;
bool Effect::GetAutomationParameters(wxString & parms)
CommandParameters eap;
if (mUIDialog && !TransferDataFromWindow())
return false;
ShuttleGetAutomation S;
S.mpEap = &eap;
if( DefineParams( S ) ){
;// got eap value using DefineParams.
// Won't be needed in future
else if (!GetAutomationParameters(eap))
return false;
return eap.GetParameters(parms);
bool Effect::SetAutomationParameters(const wxString & parms)
wxString preset = parms;
bool success = false;
if (preset.StartsWith(kUserPresetIdent))
preset.Replace(kUserPresetIdent, wxEmptyString, false);
success = LoadUserPreset(GetUserPresetsGroup(preset));
else if (preset.StartsWith(kFactoryPresetIdent))
preset.Replace(kFactoryPresetIdent, wxEmptyString, false);
auto presets = GetFactoryPresets();
success = LoadFactoryPreset( make_iterator_range( presets ).index( preset ) );
else if (preset.StartsWith(kCurrentSettingsIdent))
preset.Replace(kCurrentSettingsIdent, wxEmptyString, false);
success = LoadUserPreset(GetCurrentSettingsGroup());
else if (preset.StartsWith(kFactoryDefaultsIdent))
preset.Replace(kFactoryDefaultsIdent, wxEmptyString, false);
success = LoadUserPreset(GetFactoryDefaultsGroup());
CommandParameters eap(parms);
ShuttleSetAutomation S;
S.SetForValidating( &eap );
// DefineParams returns false if not defined for this effect.
if( !DefineParams( S ) )
// the old method...
success = SetAutomationParameters(eap);
else if( !S.bOK )
success = false;
success = true;
S.SetForWriting( &eap );
DefineParams( S );
if (!success)
XO("%s: Could not load settings below. Default settings will be used.\n\n%s")
.Format( GetName(), preset ) );
// We are using defualt settings and we still wish to continue.
return true;
//return false;
if (!mUIDialog)
return true;
return TransferDataToWindow();
RegistryPaths Effect::GetUserPresets()
RegistryPaths presets;
GetPrivateConfigSubgroups(GetUserPresetsGroup(wxEmptyString), presets);
std::sort( presets.begin(), presets.end() );
return presets;
bool Effect::HasCurrentSettings()
return HasPrivateConfigGroup(GetCurrentSettingsGroup());
bool Effect::HasFactoryDefaults()
return HasPrivateConfigGroup(GetFactoryDefaultsGroup());
wxString Effect::GetPreset(wxWindow * parent, const wxString & parms)
EffectPresetsDialog dlg(parent, this);
if (dlg.ShowModal())
return dlg.GetSelected();
return wxEmptyString;
wxString Effect::ManualPage()
return wxEmptyString;
wxString Effect::HelpPage()
return wxEmptyString;
bool Effect::IsBatchProcessing()
return mIsBatch;
void Effect::SetBatchProcessing(bool start)
mIsBatch = start;
if (start)
bool Effect::DoEffect(wxWindow &parent,
double projectRate,
TrackList *list,
TrackFactory *factory,
NotifyingSelectedRegion &selectedRegion,
const EffectDialogFactory &dialogFactory)
wxASSERT(selectedRegion.duration() >= 0.0);
mpSelectedRegion = &selectedRegion;
mFactory = factory;
mProjectRate = projectRate;
mTracks = list;
// Update track/group counts
bool isSelection = false;
mDuration = 0.0;
if (GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate)
GetPrivateConfig(GetCurrentSettingsGroup(), wxT("LastUsedDuration"), mDuration, GetDefaultDuration());
WaveTrack *newTrack{};
bool success = false;
auto oldDuration = mDuration;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
if (!success) {
if (newTrack) {
// LastUsedDuration may have been modified by Preview.
ReplaceProcessedTracks( false );
} );
// We don't yet know the effect type for code in the Nyquist Prompt, so
// assume it requires a track and handle errors when the effect runs.
if ((GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate || GetPath() == NYQUIST_PROMPT_ID) && (mNumTracks == 0)) {
newTrack = mTracks->Add(mFactory->NewWaveTrack());
mT0 = selectedRegion.t0();
mT1 = selectedRegion.t1();
if (mT1 > mT0)
// there is a selection: let's fit in there...
// MJS: note that this is just for the TTC and is independent of the track rate
// but we do need to make sure we have the right number of samples at the project rate
double quantMT0 = QUANTIZED_TIME(mT0, mProjectRate);
double quantMT1 = QUANTIZED_TIME(mT1, mProjectRate);
mDuration = quantMT1 - quantMT0;
isSelection = true;
mT1 = mT0 + mDuration;
mDurationFormat = isSelection
? NumericConverter::TimeAndSampleFormat()
: NumericConverter::DefaultSelectionFormat();
mF0 = selectedRegion.f0();
mF1 = selectedRegion.f1();
wxArrayString Names;
if( mF0 != SelectedRegion::UndefinedFrequency )
if( mF1 != SelectedRegion::UndefinedFrequency )
SetPresetParameters( &Names, NULL );
// Note: Init may read parameters from preferences
if (!Init())
return false;
// Prompting will be bypassed when applying an effect that has already
// been configured, e.g. repeating the last effect on a different selection.
// Prompting may call Effect::Preview
if ( dialogFactory &&
IsInteractive() &&
!ShowInterface(parent, dialogFactory, IsBatchProcessing()) )
return false;
bool returnVal = true;
bool skipFlag = CheckWhetherSkipEffect();
if (skipFlag == false)
auto name = GetName();
ProgressDialog progress{
XO("Applying %s...").Format( name ),
auto vr = valueRestorer( mProgress, &progress );
returnVal = Process();
if (returnVal && (mT1 >= mT0 ))
selectedRegion.setTimes(mT0, mT1);
success = returnVal;
return returnVal;
bool Effect::Delegate(
Effect &delegate, wxWindow &parent, const EffectDialogFactory &factory )
NotifyingSelectedRegion region;
region.setTimes( mT0, mT1 );
return delegate.DoEffect( parent, mProjectRate, mTracks, mFactory,
region, factory );
// All legacy effects should have this overridden
bool Effect::Init()
return true;
int Effect::GetPass()
return mPass;
bool Effect::InitPass1()
return true;
bool Effect::InitPass2()
return false;
bool Effect::Process()
bool bGoodResult = true;
// It's possible that the number of channels the effect expects changed based on
// the parameters (the Audacity Reverb effect does when the stereo width is 0).
mNumAudioIn = GetAudioInCount();
mNumAudioOut = GetAudioOutCount();
mPass = 1;
if (InitPass1())
bGoodResult = ProcessPass();
mPass = 2;
if (bGoodResult && InitPass2())
bGoodResult = ProcessPass();
return bGoodResult;
bool Effect::ProcessPass()
bool bGoodResult = true;
bool isGenerator = GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate;
FloatBuffers inBuffer, outBuffer;
ArrayOf<float *> inBufPos, outBufPos;
ChannelName map[3];
mBufferSize = 0;
mBlockSize = 0;
int count = 0;
bool clear = false;
const bool multichannel = mNumAudioIn > 1;
auto range = multichannel
? mOutputTracks->Leaders()
: mOutputTracks->Any();
range.VisitWhile( bGoodResult,
[&](WaveTrack *left, const Track::Fallthrough &fallthrough) {
if (!left->GetSelected())
return fallthrough();
sampleCount len;
sampleCount leftStart;
sampleCount rightStart = 0;
if (!isGenerator)
GetSamples(left, &leftStart, &len);
mSampleCnt = len;
len = 0;
leftStart = 0;
mSampleCnt = left->TimeToLongSamples(mDuration);
mNumChannels = 0;
WaveTrack *right{};
// Iterate either over one track which could be any channel,
// or if multichannel, then over all channels of left,
// which is a leader.
for (auto channel :
TrackList::Channels(left).StartingWith(left)) {
if (channel->GetChannel() == Track::LeftChannel)
map[mNumChannels] = ChannelNameFrontLeft;
else if (channel->GetChannel() == Track::RightChannel)
map[mNumChannels] = ChannelNameFrontRight;
map[mNumChannels] = ChannelNameMono;
++ mNumChannels;
map[mNumChannels] = ChannelNameEOL;
if (! multichannel)
if (mNumChannels == 2) {
// TODO: more-than-two-channels
right = channel;
clear = false;
if (!isGenerator)
GetSamples(right, &rightStart, &len);
// Ignore other channels
// Let the client know the sample rate
// Get the block size the client wants to use
auto max = left->GetMaxBlockSize() * 2;
mBlockSize = SetBlockSize(max);
// Calculate the buffer size to be at least the max rounded up to the clients
// selected block size.
const auto prevBufferSize = mBufferSize;
mBufferSize = ((max + (mBlockSize - 1)) / mBlockSize) * mBlockSize;
// If the buffer size has changed, then (re)allocate the buffers
if (prevBufferSize != mBufferSize)
// Always create the number of input buffers the client expects even if we don't have
// the same number of channels.
inBufPos.reinit( mNumAudioIn );
inBuffer.reinit( mNumAudioIn, mBufferSize );
// We won't be using more than the first 2 buffers, so clear the rest (if any)
for (size_t i = 2; i < mNumAudioIn; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < mBufferSize; j++)
inBuffer[i][j] = 0.0;
// Always create the number of output buffers the client expects even if we don't have
// the same number of channels.
outBufPos.reinit( mNumAudioOut );
// Output buffers get an extra mBlockSize worth to give extra room if
// the plugin adds latency
outBuffer.reinit( mNumAudioOut, mBufferSize + mBlockSize );
// (Re)Set the input buffer positions
for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumAudioIn; i++)
inBufPos[i] = inBuffer[i].get();
// (Re)Set the output buffer positions
for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumAudioOut; i++)
outBufPos[i] = outBuffer[i].get();
// Clear unused input buffers
if (!right && !clear && mNumAudioIn > 1)
for (size_t j = 0; j < mBufferSize; j++)
inBuffer[1][j] = 0.0;
clear = true;
// Go process the track(s)
bGoodResult = ProcessTrack(
count, map, left, right, leftStart, rightStart, len,
inBuffer, outBuffer, inBufPos, outBufPos);
if (!bGoodResult)
[&](Track *t) {
if (t->IsSyncLockSelected())
t->SyncLockAdjust(mT1, mT0 + mDuration);
if (bGoodResult && GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate)
mT1 = mT0 + mDuration;
return bGoodResult;
bool Effect::ProcessTrack(int count,
ChannelNames map,
WaveTrack *left,
WaveTrack *right,
sampleCount leftStart,
sampleCount rightStart,
sampleCount len,
FloatBuffers &inBuffer,
FloatBuffers &outBuffer,
ArrayOf< float * > &inBufPos,
ArrayOf< float *> &outBufPos)
bool rc = true;
// Give the plugin a chance to initialize
if (!ProcessInitialize(len, map))
return false;
{ // Start scope for cleanup
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
// Allow the plugin to cleanup
if (!ProcessFinalize())
// In case of non-exceptional flow of control, set rc
rc = false;
} );
// For each input block of samples, we pass it to the effect along with a
// variable output location. This output location is simply a pointer into a
// much larger buffer. This reduces the number of calls required to add the
// samples to the output track.
// Upon return from the effect, the output samples are "moved to the left" by
// the number of samples in the current latency setting, effectively removing any
// delay introduced by the effect.
// At the same time the total number of delayed samples are gathered and when
// there is no further input data to process, the loop continues to call the
// effect with an empty input buffer until the effect has had a chance to
// return all of the remaining delayed samples.
auto inLeftPos = leftStart;
auto inRightPos = rightStart;
auto outLeftPos = leftStart;
auto outRightPos = rightStart;
auto inputRemaining = len;
decltype(GetLatency()) curDelay = 0, delayRemaining = 0;
decltype(mBlockSize) curBlockSize = 0;
decltype(mBufferSize) inputBufferCnt = 0;
decltype(mBufferSize) outputBufferCnt = 0;
bool cleared = false;
auto chans = std::min<unsigned>(mNumAudioOut, mNumChannels);
std::shared_ptr<WaveTrack> genLeft, genRight;
decltype(len) genLength = 0;
bool isGenerator = GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate;
bool isProcessor = GetType() == EffectTypeProcess;
double genDur = 0;
if (isGenerator)
if (mIsPreview) {
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/EffectsPreviewLen"), &genDur, 6.0);
genDur = wxMin(mDuration, CalcPreviewInputLength(genDur));
else {
genDur = mDuration;
genLength = sampleCount((left->GetRate() * genDur) + 0.5); // round to nearest sample
delayRemaining = genLength;
cleared = true;
// Create temporary tracks
genLeft = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(left->GetSampleFormat(), left->GetRate());
if (right)
genRight = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(right->GetSampleFormat(), right->GetRate());
// Call the effect until we run out of input or delayed samples
while (inputRemaining != 0 || delayRemaining != 0)
// Still working on the input samples
if (inputRemaining != 0)
// Need to refill the input buffers
if (inputBufferCnt == 0)
// Calculate the number of samples to get
inputBufferCnt =
limitSampleBufferSize( mBufferSize, inputRemaining );
// Fill the input buffers
left->Get((samplePtr) inBuffer[0].get(), floatSample, inLeftPos, inputBufferCnt);
if (right)
right->Get((samplePtr) inBuffer[1].get(), floatSample, inRightPos, inputBufferCnt);
// Reset the input buffer positions
for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumChannels; i++)
inBufPos[i] = inBuffer[i].get();
// Calculate the number of samples to process
curBlockSize = mBlockSize;
if (curBlockSize > inputRemaining)
// We've reached the last block...set current block size to what's left
// inputRemaining is positive and bounded by a size_t
curBlockSize = inputRemaining.as_size_t();
inputRemaining = 0;
// Clear the remainder of the buffers so that a full block can be passed
// to the effect
auto cnt = mBlockSize - curBlockSize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumChannels; i++)
for (decltype(cnt) j = 0 ; j < cnt; j++)
inBufPos[i][j + curBlockSize] = 0.0;
// Might be able to use up some of the delayed samples
if (delayRemaining != 0)
// Don't use more than needed
cnt = limitSampleBufferSize(cnt, delayRemaining);
delayRemaining -= cnt;
curBlockSize += cnt;
// We've exhausted the input samples and are now working on the delay
else if (delayRemaining != 0)
// Calculate the number of samples to process
curBlockSize = limitSampleBufferSize( mBlockSize, delayRemaining );
delayRemaining -= curBlockSize;
// From this point on, we only want to feed zeros to the plugin
if (!cleared)
// Reset the input buffer positions
for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumChannels; i++)
inBufPos[i] = inBuffer[i].get();
// And clear
for (size_t j = 0; j < mBlockSize; j++)
inBuffer[i][j] = 0.0;
cleared = true;
// Finally call the plugin to process the block
decltype(curBlockSize) processed;
processed = ProcessBlock(inBufPos.get(), outBufPos.get(), curBlockSize);
catch( const AudacityException & WXUNUSED(e) )
// PRL: Bug 437:
// Pass this along to our application-level handler
// PRL:
// Exceptions for other reasons, maybe in third-party code...
// Continue treating them as we used to, but I wonder if these
// should now be treated the same way.
return false;
wxASSERT(processed == curBlockSize);
// Bump to next input buffer position
if (inputRemaining != 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumChannels; i++)
inBufPos[i] += curBlockSize;
inputRemaining -= curBlockSize;
inputBufferCnt -= curBlockSize;
// "ls" and "rs" serve as the input sample index for the left and
// right channels when processing the input samples. If we flip
// over to processing delayed samples, they simply become counters
// for the progress display.
inLeftPos += curBlockSize;
inRightPos += curBlockSize;
// Get the current number of delayed samples and accumulate
if (isProcessor)
auto delay = GetLatency();
curDelay += delay;
delayRemaining += delay;
// If the plugin has delayed the output by more samples than our current
// block size, then we leave the output pointers alone. This effectively
// removes those delayed samples from the output buffer.
if (curDelay >= curBlockSize)
curDelay -= curBlockSize;
curBlockSize = 0;
// We have some delayed samples, at the beginning of the output samples,
// so overlay them by shifting the remaining output samples.
else if (curDelay > 0)
// curDelay is bounded by curBlockSize:
auto delay = curDelay.as_size_t();
curBlockSize -= delay;
for (size_t i = 0; i < chans; i++)
memmove(outBufPos[i], outBufPos[i] + delay, sizeof(float) * curBlockSize);
curDelay = 0;
// Adjust the number of samples in the output buffers
outputBufferCnt += curBlockSize;
// Still have room in the output buffers
if (outputBufferCnt < mBufferSize)
// Bump to next output buffer position
for (size_t i = 0; i < chans; i++)
outBufPos[i] += curBlockSize;
// Output buffers have filled
if (isProcessor)
// Write them out
left->Set((samplePtr) outBuffer[0].get(), floatSample, outLeftPos, outputBufferCnt);
if (right)
if (chans >= 2)
right->Set((samplePtr) outBuffer[1].get(), floatSample, outRightPos, outputBufferCnt);
right->Set((samplePtr) outBuffer[0].get(), floatSample, outRightPos, outputBufferCnt);
else if (isGenerator)
genLeft->Append((samplePtr) outBuffer[0].get(), floatSample, outputBufferCnt);
if (genRight)
genRight->Append((samplePtr) outBuffer[1].get(), floatSample, outputBufferCnt);
// Reset the output buffer positions
for (size_t i = 0; i < chans; i++)
outBufPos[i] = outBuffer[i].get();
// Bump to the next track position
outLeftPos += outputBufferCnt;
outRightPos += outputBufferCnt;
outputBufferCnt = 0;
if (mNumChannels > 1)
if (TrackGroupProgress(count,
(inLeftPos - leftStart).as_double() /
(isGenerator ? genLength : len).as_double()))
rc = false;
if (TrackProgress(count,
(inLeftPos - leftStart).as_double() /
(isGenerator ? genLength : len).as_double()))
rc = false;
// Put any remaining output
if (rc && outputBufferCnt)
if (isProcessor)
left->Set((samplePtr) outBuffer[0].get(), floatSample, outLeftPos, outputBufferCnt);
if (right)
if (chans >= 2)
right->Set((samplePtr) outBuffer[1].get(), floatSample, outRightPos, outputBufferCnt);
right->Set((samplePtr) outBuffer[0].get(), floatSample, outRightPos, outputBufferCnt);
else if (isGenerator)
genLeft->Append((samplePtr) outBuffer[0].get(), floatSample, outputBufferCnt);
if (genRight)
genRight->Append((samplePtr) outBuffer[1].get(), floatSample, outputBufferCnt);
if (rc && isGenerator)
AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject();
// PRL: this code was here and could not have been the right
// intent, mixing time and sampleCount values:
// StepTimeWarper warper(mT0 + genLength, genLength - (mT1 - mT0));
// This looks like what it should have been:
// StepTimeWarper warper(mT0 + genDur, genDur - (mT1 - mT0));
// But rather than fix it, I will just disable the use of it for now.
// The purpose was to remap split lines inside the selected region when
// a generator replaces it with sound of different duration. But
// the "correct" version might have the effect of mapping some splits too
// far left, to before the selection.
// In practice the wrong version probably did nothing most of the time,
// because the cutoff time for the step time warper was 44100 times too
// far from mT0.
// Transfer the data from the temporary tracks to the actual ones
// mT1 gives us the NEW selection. We want to replace up to GetSel1().
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( *p ).selectedRegion;
selectedRegion.t1(), genLeft.get(), true, true,
nullptr /* &warper */);
if (genRight)
right->ClearAndPaste(mT0, mT1, genRight.get(), true, true,
nullptr /* &warper */);
} // End scope for cleanup
return rc;
void Effect::End()
void Effect::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & WXUNUSED(S))
bool Effect::TransferDataToWindow()
return true;
bool Effect::TransferDataFromWindow()
return true;
bool Effect::EnableApply(bool enable)
// May be called during initialization, so try to find the dialog
wxWindow *dlg = mUIDialog;
if (!dlg && mUIParent)
dlg = wxGetTopLevelParent(mUIParent);
if (dlg)
wxWindow *apply = dlg->FindWindow(wxID_APPLY);
// Don't allow focus to get trapped
if (!enable)
wxWindow *focus = dlg->FindFocus();
if (focus == apply)
return enable;
bool Effect::EnablePreview(bool enable)
// May be called during initialization, so try to find the dialog
wxWindow *dlg = mUIDialog;
if (!dlg && mUIParent)
dlg = wxGetTopLevelParent(mUIParent);
if (dlg)
wxWindow *play = dlg->FindWindow(kPlayID);
if (play)
wxWindow *rewind = dlg->FindWindow(kRewindID);
wxWindow *ffwd = dlg->FindWindow(kFFwdID);
// Don't allow focus to get trapped
if (!enable)
wxWindow *focus = dlg->FindFocus();
if (focus && (focus == play || focus == rewind || focus == ffwd))
if (SupportsRealtime())
return enable;
void Effect::EnableDebug(bool enable)
mUIDebug = enable;
void Effect::SetLinearEffectFlag(bool linearEffectFlag)
mIsLinearEffect = linearEffectFlag;
void Effect::SetPreviewFullSelectionFlag(bool previewDurationFlag)
mPreviewFullSelection = previewDurationFlag;
void Effect::IncludeNotSelectedPreviewTracks(bool includeNotSelected)
mPreviewWithNotSelected = includeNotSelected;
bool Effect::TotalProgress(double frac, const TranslatableString &msg)
auto updateResult = (mProgress ?
mProgress->Update(frac, msg) :
return (updateResult != ProgressResult::Success);
bool Effect::TrackProgress(int whichTrack, double frac, const TranslatableString &msg)
auto updateResult = (mProgress ?
mProgress->Update(whichTrack + frac, (double) mNumTracks, msg) :
return (updateResult != ProgressResult::Success);
bool Effect::TrackGroupProgress(int whichGroup, double frac, const TranslatableString &msg)
auto updateResult = (mProgress ?
mProgress->Update(whichGroup + frac, (double) mNumGroups, msg) :
return (updateResult != ProgressResult::Success);
void Effect::GetSamples(
const WaveTrack *track, sampleCount *start, sampleCount *len)
double trackStart = track->GetStartTime();
double trackEnd = track->GetEndTime();
double t0 = mT0 < trackStart ? trackStart : mT0;
double t1 = mT1 > trackEnd ? trackEnd : mT1;
#if 0
if (GetType() & INSERT_EFFECT) {
t1 = t0 + mDuration;
if (mT0 == mT1) {
// Not really part of the calculation, but convenient to put here
track->InsertSilence(t0, t1);
if (t1 > t0) {
*start = track->TimeToLongSamples(t0);
auto end = track->TimeToLongSamples(t1);
*len = end - *start;
else {
*start = 0;
*len = 0;
// private methods
// Use this method to copy the input tracks to mOutputTracks, if
// doing the processing on them, and replacing the originals only on success (and not cancel).
// Copy the group tracks that have tracks selected
// If not all sync-locked selected, then only selected wave tracks.
void Effect::CopyInputTracks(bool allSyncLockSelected)
// Reset map
mOutputTracks = TrackList::Create();
auto trackRange = mTracks->Any() +
[&] (const Track *pTrack) {
return allSyncLockSelected
? pTrack->IsSelectedOrSyncLockSelected()
: track_cast<const WaveTrack*>( pTrack ) && pTrack->GetSelected();
t2bHash added;
for (auto aTrack : trackRange)
Track *o = mOutputTracks->Add(aTrack->Duplicate());
Track *Effect::AddToOutputTracks(const std::shared_ptr<Track> &t)
return mOutputTracks->Add(t);
Effect::AddedAnalysisTrack::AddedAnalysisTrack(Effect *pEffect, const wxString &name)
: mpEffect(pEffect)
LabelTrack::Holder pTrack{ pEffect->mFactory->NewLabelTrack() };
mpTrack = pTrack.get();
if (!name.empty())
pEffect->mTracks->Add( pTrack );
Effect::AddedAnalysisTrack::AddedAnalysisTrack(AddedAnalysisTrack &&that)
mpEffect = that.mpEffect;
mpTrack = that.mpTrack;
void Effect::AddedAnalysisTrack::Commit()
mpEffect = nullptr;
if (mpEffect) {
// not committed -- DELETE the label track
auto Effect::AddAnalysisTrack(const wxString &name) -> std::shared_ptr<AddedAnalysisTrack>
return std::shared_ptr<AddedAnalysisTrack>
{ safenew AddedAnalysisTrack{ this, name } };
(Effect *pEffect, const LabelTrack *pOrigTrack, const wxString &name)
: mpEffect(pEffect)
// copy LabelTrack here, so it can be undone on cancel
auto newTrack = pOrigTrack->Copy(pOrigTrack->GetStartTime(), pOrigTrack->GetEndTime());
mpTrack = static_cast<LabelTrack*>(newTrack.get());
// Why doesn't LabelTrack::Copy complete the job? :
if (!name.empty())
// mpOrigTrack came from mTracks which we own but expose as const to subclasses
// So it's okay that we cast it back to const
mpOrigTrack =
newTrack );
Effect::ModifiedAnalysisTrack::ModifiedAnalysisTrack(ModifiedAnalysisTrack &&that)
mpEffect = that.mpEffect;
mpTrack = that.mpTrack;
mpOrigTrack = std::move(that.mpOrigTrack);
void Effect::ModifiedAnalysisTrack::Commit()
mpEffect = nullptr;
if (mpEffect) {
// not committed -- DELETE the label track
// mpOrigTrack came from mTracks which we own but expose as const to subclasses
// So it's okay that we cast it back to const
mpEffect->mTracks->Replace(mpTrack, mpOrigTrack);
auto Effect::ModifyAnalysisTrack
(const LabelTrack *pOrigTrack, const wxString &name) -> ModifiedAnalysisTrack
return{ this, pOrigTrack, name };
// If bGoodResult, replace mTracks tracks with successfully processed mOutputTracks copies.
// Else clear and DELETE mOutputTracks copies.
void Effect::ReplaceProcessedTracks(const bool bGoodResult)
if (!bGoodResult) {
// Free resources, unless already freed.
// Processing failed or was cancelled so throw away the processed tracks.
if ( mOutputTracks )
// Reset map
//TODO:undo the non-gui ODTask transfer
// Assume resources need to be freed.
wxASSERT(mOutputTracks); // Make sure we at least did the CopyInputTracks().
auto iterOut = mOutputTracks->ListOfTracks::begin(),
iterEnd = mOutputTracks->ListOfTracks::end();
size_t cnt = mOMap.size();
size_t i = 0;
for (; iterOut != iterEnd; ++i) {
ListOfTracks::value_type o = *iterOut;
// If tracks were removed from mOutputTracks, then there will be
// tracks in the map that must be removed from mTracks.
while (i < cnt && mOMap[i] != o.get()) {
const auto t = mIMap[i];
if (t) {
// This should never happen
wxASSERT(i < cnt);
// Remove the track from the output list...don't DELETE it
iterOut = mOutputTracks->erase(iterOut);
const auto t = mIMap[i];
if (t == NULL)
// This track is a NEW addition to output tracks; add it to mTracks
mTracks->Add( o );
// Replace mTracks entry with the NEW track
mTracks->Replace(t, o);
// If the track is a wave track,
// Swap the wavecache track the ondemand task uses, since now the NEW
// one will be kept in the project
if (ODManager::IsInstanceCreated()) {
ODManager::Instance()->ReplaceWaveTrack( t, o );
// If tracks were removed from mOutputTracks, then there may be tracks
// left at the end of the map that must be removed from mTracks.
while (i < cnt) {
const auto t = mIMap[i];
if (t) {
// Reset map
// Make sure we processed everything
// The output list is no longer needed
void Effect::CountWaveTracks()
mNumTracks = mTracks->Selected< const WaveTrack >().size();
mNumGroups = mTracks->SelectedLeaders< const WaveTrack >().size();
double Effect::CalcPreviewInputLength(double previewLength)
return previewLength;
bool Effect::IsHidden()
return false;
void Effect::Preview(bool dryOnly)
if (mNumTracks == 0) { // nothing to preview
auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get();
if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) {
wxWindow *FocusDialog = wxWindow::FindFocus();
double previewDuration;
bool isNyquist = GetFamily() == NYQUISTEFFECTS_FAMILY;
bool isGenerator = GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate;
// Mix a few seconds of audio from all of the tracks
double previewLen;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/EffectsPreviewLen"), &previewLen, 6.0);
const double rate = mProjectRate;
if (isNyquist && isGenerator) {
previewDuration = CalcPreviewInputLength(previewLen);
else {
previewDuration = wxMin(mDuration, CalcPreviewInputLength(previewLen));
double t1 = mT0 + previewDuration;
if ((t1 > mT1) && !isGenerator) {
t1 = mT1;
if (t1 <= mT0)
bool success = true;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
// Effect is already inited; we will call Process, End, and then Init
// again, so the state is exactly the way it was before Preview
// was called.
if (!dryOnly) {
GuardedCall( [&]{ Init(); } );
} );
auto vr0 = valueRestorer( mT0 );
auto vr1 = valueRestorer( mT1 );
// Most effects should stop at t1.
if (!mPreviewFullSelection)
mT1 = t1;
// Save the original track list
TrackList *saveTracks = mTracks;
auto cleanup2 = finally( [&] {
mTracks = saveTracks;
if (FocusDialog) {
// In case of failed effect, be sure to free memory.
ReplaceProcessedTracks( false );
} );
// Build NEW tracklist from rendering tracks
auto uTracks = TrackList::Create();
mTracks = uTracks.get();
// Linear Effect preview optimised by pre-mixing to one track.
// Generators need to generate per track.
if (mIsLinearEffect && !isGenerator) {
WaveTrack::Holder mixLeft, mixRight;
MixAndRender(saveTracks, mFactory, rate, floatSample, mT0, t1, mixLeft, mixRight);
if (!mixLeft)
WaveTrackView::Get( *mixLeft )
auto pLeft = mTracks->Add( mixLeft );
Track *pRight{};
if (mixRight) {
pRight = mTracks->Add( mixRight );
mTracks->GroupChannels(*pLeft, pRight ? 2 : 1);
else {
for (auto src : saveTracks->Any< const WaveTrack >()) {
if (src->GetSelected() || mPreviewWithNotSelected) {
auto dest = src->Copy(mT0, t1);
WaveTrackView::Get( *static_cast<WaveTrack*>(dest.get()) )
mTracks->Add( dest );
// NEW tracks start at time zero.
// Adjust mT0 and mT1 to be the times to process, and to
// play back in these tracks
mT1 -= mT0;
mT0 = 0.0;
// Update track/group counts
// Apply effect
if (!dryOnly) {
ProgressDialog progress{
XO("Preparing preview"),
}; // Have only "Stop" button.
auto vr = valueRestorer( mProgress, &progress );
auto vr2 = valueRestorer( mIsPreview, true );
success = Process();
if (success)
auto tracks = ProjectAudioManager::GetAllPlaybackTracks(*mTracks, true);
// Some effects (Paulstretch) may need to generate more
// than previewLen, so take the min.
t1 = std::min(mT0 + previewLen, mT1);
// Start audio playing
AudioIOStartStreamOptions options { ::GetActiveProject(), rate };
int token =
gAudioIO->StartStream(tracks, mT0, t1, options);
if (token) {
auto previewing = ProgressResult::Success;
// The progress dialog must be deleted before stopping the stream
// to allow events to flow to the app during StopStream processing.
// The progress dialog blocks these events.
ProgressDialog progress
(GetName(), XO("Previewing"), pdlgHideCancelButton);
while (gAudioIO->IsStreamActive(token) && previewing == ProgressResult::Success) {
previewing = progress.Update(gAudioIO->GetStreamTime() - mT0, t1 - mT0);
while (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) {
else {
ShowErrorDialog(FocusDialog, XO("Error"),
XO("Error opening sound device.\nTry changing the audio host, playback device and the project sample rate."),
int Effect::MessageBox( const TranslatableString& message,
long style, const TranslatableString &titleStr)
auto title = titleStr.empty()
? GetName()
: XO("%s: %s").Format( GetName(), titleStr );
return AudacityMessageBox( message, title, style, mUIParent );
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(EffectDialog, wxDialogWrapper)
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, EffectDialog::OnOk)
EffectDialog::EffectDialog(wxWindow * parent,
const TranslatableString & title,
int type,
int flags,
int additionalButtons)
: wxDialogWrapper(parent, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, flags)
mType = type;
mAdditionalButtons = additionalButtons;
void EffectDialog::Init()
long buttons = eOkButton;
if ((mType != EffectTypeAnalyze) && (mType != EffectTypeTool))
buttons |= eCancelButton;
if (mType == EffectTypeProcess)
buttons |= ePreviewButton;
ShuttleGui S(this, eIsCreating);
/// This is a virtual function which will be overridden to
/// provide the actual parameters that we want for each
/// kind of dialog.
void EffectDialog::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & WXUNUSED(S))
bool EffectDialog::TransferDataToWindow()
ShuttleGui S(this, eIsSettingToDialog);
return true;
bool EffectDialog::TransferDataFromWindow()
ShuttleGui S(this, eIsGettingFromDialog);
return true;
bool EffectDialog::Validate()
return true;
void EffectDialog::OnPreview(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
void EffectDialog::OnOk(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
// On wxGTK (wx2.8.12), the default action is still executed even if
// the button is disabled. This appears to affect all wxDialogs, not
// just our Effects dialogs. So, this is a only temporary workaround
// for legacy effects that disable the OK button. Hopefully this has
// been corrected in wx3.
if (FindWindow(wxID_OK)->IsEnabled() && Validate() && TransferDataFromWindow())
// EffectPresetsDialog
ID_Type = 10000
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(EffectPresetsDialog, wxDialogWrapper)
EVT_CHOICE(ID_Type, EffectPresetsDialog::OnType)
EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(wxID_ANY, EffectPresetsDialog::OnOk)
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, EffectPresetsDialog::OnOk)
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL, EffectPresetsDialog::OnCancel)
EffectPresetsDialog::EffectPresetsDialog(wxWindow *parent, Effect *effect)
: wxDialogWrapper(parent, wxID_ANY, XO("Select Preset"))
ShuttleGui S(this, eIsCreating);
mType = S.Id(ID_Type).AddChoice( {}, {}, 0 );
mPresets = S
.Style( wxLB_SINGLE | wxLB_NEEDED_SB )
.AddListBox( {} );
mUserPresets = effect->GetUserPresets();
mFactoryPresets = effect->GetFactoryPresets();
if (mUserPresets.size() > 0)
mType->Append(_("User Presets"));
if (mFactoryPresets.size() > 0)
mType->Append(_("Factory Presets"));
if (effect->HasCurrentSettings())
mType->Append(_("Current Settings"));
if (effect->HasFactoryDefaults())
mType->Append(_("Factory Defaults"));
wxString EffectPresetsDialog::GetSelected() const
return mSelection;
void EffectPresetsDialog::SetSelected(const wxString & parms)
wxString preset = parms;
if (preset.StartsWith(Effect::kUserPresetIdent))
preset.Replace(Effect::kUserPresetIdent, wxEmptyString, false);
SetPrefix(XO("User Presets"), preset);
else if (preset.StartsWith(Effect::kFactoryPresetIdent))
preset.Replace(Effect::kFactoryPresetIdent, wxEmptyString, false);
SetPrefix(XO("Factory Presets"), preset);
else if (preset.StartsWith(Effect::kCurrentSettingsIdent))
SetPrefix(XO("Current Settings"), wxEmptyString);
else if (preset.StartsWith(Effect::kFactoryDefaultsIdent))
SetPrefix(XO("Factory Defaults"), wxEmptyString);
void EffectPresetsDialog::SetPrefix(
const TranslatableString & type, const wxString & prefix)
if (type == XO("User Presets"))
for (const auto &preset : mUserPresets)
if (mPresets->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND)
mSelection = Effect::kUserPresetIdent + mPresets->GetStringSelection();
else if (type == XO("Factory Presets"))
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mFactoryPresets.size(); i < cnt; i++)
auto label = mFactoryPresets[i];
if (label.empty())
label = _("None");
if (mPresets->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND)
mSelection = Effect::kFactoryPresetIdent + mPresets->GetStringSelection();
else if (type == XO("Current Settings"))
mSelection = Effect::kCurrentSettingsIdent;
else if (type == XO("Factory Defaults"))
mSelection = Effect::kFactoryDefaultsIdent;
void EffectPresetsDialog::UpdateUI()
int selected = mType->GetSelection();
if (selected == wxNOT_FOUND)
selected = 0;
wxString type = mType->GetString(selected);
if (type == _("User Presets"))
selected = mPresets->GetSelection();
if (selected == wxNOT_FOUND)
selected = 0;
for (const auto &preset : mUserPresets)
mSelection = Effect::kUserPresetIdent + mPresets->GetString(selected);
else if (type == _("Factory Presets"))
selected = mPresets->GetSelection();
if (selected == wxNOT_FOUND)
selected = 0;
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mFactoryPresets.size(); i < cnt; i++)
auto label = mFactoryPresets[i];
if (label.empty())
label = _("None");
mSelection = Effect::kFactoryPresetIdent + mPresets->GetString(selected);
else if (type == _("Current Settings"))
mSelection = Effect::kCurrentSettingsIdent;
else if (type == _("Factory Defaults"))
mSelection = Effect::kFactoryDefaultsIdent;
void EffectPresetsDialog::OnType(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
void EffectPresetsDialog::OnOk(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
void EffectPresetsDialog::OnCancel(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
mSelection = wxEmptyString;