James Crook 466e9c179e Create ComponentInterface
It combines the old IdentInterface with the ParamsInterface, providing an identifier and parameters (if needed).
The main purpose of the change is to make the class hierarchy (as viewed via doxygen) much easier to follow.
2018-11-02 17:04:43 +00:00

326 lines
12 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Leland Lucius
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/fileconf.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include "MemoryX.h"
#include <map>
#include "audacity/EffectInterface.h"
#include "audacity/ImporterInterface.h"
#include "audacity/ModuleInterface.h"
#include "audacity/PluginInterface.h"
// PluginDescriptor
typedef enum
PluginTypeNone = 0, // 2.1.0 placeholder entries...not used by 2.1.1 or greater
PluginTypeStub =1, // Used for plugins that have not yet been registered
PluginTypeEffect =1<<1,
} PluginType;
// TODO: Convert this to multiple derived classes
class PluginDescriptor
virtual ~PluginDescriptor();
bool IsInstantiated() const;
ComponentInterface *GetInstance();
void SetInstance(ComponentInterface *instance);
PluginType GetPluginType() const;
void SetPluginType(PluginType type);
// All plugins
// These return untranslated strings
const wxString & GetID() const;
const wxString & GetProviderID() const;
const wxString & GetPath() const;
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol & GetSymbol() const;
wxString GetUntranslatedVersion() const;
// There is no translated version
wxString GetVendor() const;
bool IsEnabled() const;
bool IsValid() const;
// These should be passed an untranslated value
void SetID(const PluginID & ID);
void SetProviderID(const PluginID & providerID);
void SetPath(const wxString & path);
void SetSymbol(const ComponentInterfaceSymbol & symbol);
// These should be passed an untranslated value wrapped in XO() so
// the value will still be extracted for translation
void SetVersion(const wxString & version);
void SetVendor(const wxString & vendor);
void SetEnabled(bool enable);
void SetValid(bool valid);
// Effect plugins only
// Internal string only, no translated counterpart!
// (Use Effect::GetFamilyName instead)
// This string persists in configuration files
// So config compatibility will break if it is changed across Audacity versions
wxString GetEffectFamilyId() const;
EffectType GetEffectType() const;
bool IsEffectDefault() const;
bool IsEffectInteractive() const;
bool IsEffectLegacy() const;
bool IsEffectRealtime() const;
bool IsEffectAutomatable() const;
// "family" should be an untranslated string wrapped in wxT()
void SetEffectFamilyId(const wxString & family);
void SetEffectType(EffectType type);
void SetEffectDefault(bool dflt);
void SetEffectInteractive(bool interactive);
void SetEffectLegacy(bool legacy);
void SetEffectRealtime(bool realtime);
void SetEffectAutomatable(bool automatable);
// Importer plugins only
const wxString & GetImporterIdentifier() const;
const wxString & GetImporterFilterDescription() const;
const wxArrayString & GetImporterExtensions() const;
void SetImporterIdentifier(const wxString & identifier);
void SetImporterFilterDescription(const wxString & filterDesc);
void SetImporterExtensions(const wxArrayString & extensions);
void DeleteInstance();
// Common
// Among other purposes, PluginDescriptor acts as the resouce handle,
// or smart pointer, to a resource created in a plugin library, and is responsible
// for a cleanup of this pointer.
ComponentInterface *mInstance;
PluginType mPluginType;
wxString mID;
wxString mPath;
ComponentInterfaceSymbol mSymbol;
wxString mVersion;
wxString mVendor;
wxString mProviderID;
bool mEnabled;
bool mValid;
// Effects
wxString mEffectFamily;
EffectType mEffectType;
bool mEffectInteractive;
bool mEffectDefault;
bool mEffectLegacy;
bool mEffectRealtime;
bool mEffectAutomatable;
// Importers
wxString mImporterIdentifier;
wxString mImporterFilterDesc;
wxArrayString mImporterExtensions;
// PluginManager
typedef std::map<PluginID, PluginDescriptor> PluginMap;
typedef wxArrayString PluginIDList;
class PluginRegistrationDialog;
class PluginManager final : public PluginManagerInterface
// PluginManagerInterface implementation
bool IsPluginRegistered(const wxString & path) override;
const PluginID & RegisterPlugin(ModuleInterface *module) override;
const PluginID & RegisterPlugin(ModuleInterface *provider, ComponentInterface *command);
const PluginID & RegisterPlugin(ModuleInterface *provider, EffectDefinitionInterface *effect, int type) override;
const PluginID & RegisterPlugin(ModuleInterface *provider, ImporterInterface *importer) override;
void FindFilesInPathList(const wxString & pattern,
const wxArrayString & pathList,
wxArrayString & files,
bool directories = false) override;
bool HasSharedConfigGroup(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group) /* not override */;
bool GetSharedConfigSubgroups(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, wxArrayString & subgroups) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, wxString & value, const wxString & defval = _T("")) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, int & value, int defval = 0) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, bool & value, bool defval = false) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, float & value, float defval = 0.0) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, double & value, double defval = 0.0) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const wxString & value) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const int & value) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const bool & value) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const float & value) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const double & value) override;
bool RemoveSharedConfigSubgroup(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group) override;
bool RemoveSharedConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key) override;
bool HasPrivateConfigGroup(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group) /* not override */;
bool GetPrivateConfigSubgroups(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, wxArrayString & subgroups) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, wxString & value, const wxString & defval = _T("")) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, int & value, int defval = 0) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, bool & value, bool defval = false) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, float & value, float defval = 0.0) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, double & value, double defval = 0.0) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const wxString & value) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const int & value) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const bool & value) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const float & value) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const double & value) override;
bool RemovePrivateConfigSubgroup(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group) override;
bool RemovePrivateConfig(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key) override;
// PluginManager implementation
void Initialize();
void Terminate();
bool DropFile(const wxString &fileName);
static PluginManager & Get();
static PluginID GetID(ModuleInterface *module);
static PluginID GetID(ComponentInterface *command);
static PluginID GetID(EffectDefinitionInterface *effect);
static PluginID GetID(ImporterInterface *importer);
// This string persists in configuration files
// So config compatibility will break if it is changed across Audacity versions
static wxString GetPluginTypeString(PluginType type);
int GetPluginCount(PluginType type);
const PluginDescriptor *GetPlugin(const PluginID & ID);
const PluginDescriptor *GetFirstPlugin(int type); // possible or of several PlugInTypes.
const PluginDescriptor *GetNextPlugin( int type);
const PluginDescriptor *GetFirstPluginForEffectType(EffectType type);
const PluginDescriptor *GetNextPluginForEffectType(EffectType type);
bool IsPluginEnabled(const PluginID & ID);
void EnablePlugin(const PluginID & ID, bool enable);
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol & GetSymbol(const PluginID & ID);
ComponentInterface *GetInstance(const PluginID & ID);
void CheckForUpdates(bool bFast = false);
bool ShowManager(wxWindow *parent, EffectType type = EffectTypeNone);
const PluginID & RegisterPlugin(EffectDefinitionInterface *effect, PluginType type );
void UnregisterPlugin(const PluginID & ID);
// private! Use Get()
void Load();
void LoadGroup(wxFileConfig *pRegistry, PluginType type);
void Save();
void SaveGroup(wxFileConfig *pRegistry, PluginType type);
PluginDescriptor & CreatePlugin(const PluginID & id, ComponentInterface *ident, PluginType type);
wxFileConfig *GetSettings();
bool HasGroup(const wxString & group);
bool GetSubgroups(const wxString & group, wxArrayString & subgroups);
bool GetConfig(const wxString & key, wxString & value, const wxString & defval = L"");
bool GetConfig(const wxString & key, int & value, int defval = 0);
bool GetConfig(const wxString & key, bool & value, bool defval = false);
bool GetConfig(const wxString & key, float & value, float defval = 0.0);
bool GetConfig(const wxString & key, double & value, double defval = 0.0);
bool SetConfig(const wxString & key, const wxString & value);
bool SetConfig(const wxString & key, const int & value);
bool SetConfig(const wxString & key, const bool & value);
bool SetConfig(const wxString & key, const float & value);
bool SetConfig(const wxString & key, const double & value);
/* Return values are keys for lookup in a config file */
wxString SettingsPath(const PluginID & ID, bool shared);
wxString SharedGroup(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group);
wxString SharedKey(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key);
wxString PrivateGroup(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group);
wxString PrivateKey(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & group, const wxString & key);
// The PluginID must be kept unique. Since the wxFileConfig class does not preserve
// case, we use base64 encoding.
wxString ConvertID(const PluginID & ID);
wxString b64encode(const void *in, int len);
int b64decode(const wxString &in, void *out);
friend std::default_delete<PluginManager>;
static std::unique_ptr<PluginManager> mInstance;
bool IsDirty();
void SetDirty(bool dirty = true);
std::unique_ptr<wxFileConfig> mSettings;
bool mDirty;
int mCurrentIndex;
PluginMap mPlugins;
PluginMap::iterator mPluginsIter;
friend class PluginRegistrationDialog;