James Crook 466e9c179e Create ComponentInterface
It combines the old IdentInterface with the ParamsInterface, providing an identifier and parameters (if needed).
The main purpose of the change is to make the class hierarchy (as viewed via doxygen) much easier to follow.
2018-11-02 17:04:43 +00:00

197 lines
11 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
#include "commands/CommandTargets.h"
#include "../include/audacity/ComponentInterface.h"
class ComponentInterfaceSymbol;
class WrappedType;
class Shuttle /* not final */ {
// constructors and destructors
virtual ~Shuttle() {}
bool mbStoreInClient;
wxString mValueString;
// Even though virtual, mostly the transfer functions won't change
// for special kinds of archive.
virtual bool TransferBool( const wxString & Name, bool & bValue, const bool & bDefault );
virtual bool TransferFloat( const wxString & Name, float & fValue, const float &fDefault );
virtual bool TransferDouble( const wxString & Name, double & dValue, const double &dDefault );
virtual bool TransferInt( const wxString & Name, int & iValue, const int &iDefault );
virtual bool TransferInt( const wxString & Name, wxLongLong_t & iValue, const wxLongLong_t &iDefault );
virtual bool TransferLongLong( const wxString & Name, wxLongLong_t & iValue, const wxLongLong_t &iDefault );
virtual bool TransferString( const wxString & Name, wxString & strValue, const wxString &strDefault );
virtual bool TransferEnum( const wxString & Name, int & iValue,
const int nChoices, const wxString * pFirstStr);
virtual bool TransferWrappedType( const wxString & Name, WrappedType & W );
// We expect the ExchangeWithMaster function to change from one type of
// archive to another.
virtual bool ExchangeWithMaster(const wxString & Name);
class ShuttleCli final : public Shuttle
wxString mParams;
ShuttleCli(){ mParams = wxT("") ;}
virtual ~ShuttleCli() {}
bool ExchangeWithMaster(const wxString & Name) override;
class CommandParameters;
\brief Shuttle that deals with parameters. This is a base class with lots of
virtual functions that do nothing by default.
class ShuttleParams : public Shuttle
wxString mParams;
bool *pOptionalFlag;
CommandParameters * mpEap;
ShuttleParams(){ mParams = wxT("") ;mpEap=NULL;pOptionalFlag=NULL;}
virtual ~ShuttleParams() {}
bool ExchangeWithMaster(const wxString & Name) override;
bool ShouldSet();
virtual ShuttleParams & Optional( bool & WXUNUSED(var) ){ pOptionalFlag = NULL;return *this;};
virtual ShuttleParams & OptionalY( bool & var ){ return Optional( var );};
virtual ShuttleParams & OptionalN( bool & var ){ return Optional( var );};
virtual void Define( bool & var, const wxChar * key, const bool vdefault, const bool vmin=false, const bool vmax=false, const bool vscl=false );
virtual void Define( size_t & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin=0, const int vmax=100000, const int vscl=1 );
virtual void Define( int & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin=0, const int vmax=100000, const int vscl=1 );
virtual void Define( float & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl=1.0f );
virtual void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl=1.0f );
virtual void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const double vdefault, const double vmin, const double vmax, const double vscl=1.0f );
virtual void Define( wxString &var, const wxChar * key, const wxString vdefault, const wxString vmin="", const wxString vmax="", const wxString vscl="" );
virtual void DefineEnum( int &var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault,
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol strings[], size_t nStrings );
\brief Shuttle that gets parameter values into a string.
class ShuttleGetAutomation : public ShuttleParams
ShuttleParams & Optional( bool & var ) override;
void Define( bool & var, const wxChar * key, const bool vdefault, const bool vmin, const bool vmax, const bool vscl ) override;
void Define( int & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( size_t & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( float & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const double vdefault, const double vmin, const double vmax, const double vscl ) override;
void Define( wxString &var, const wxChar * key, const wxString vdefault, const wxString vmin, const wxString vmax, const wxString vscl ) override;
void DefineEnum( int &var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault,
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol strings[], size_t nStrings ) override;
\brief Shuttle that sets parameters to a value (from a string)
class ShuttleSetAutomation : public ShuttleParams
ShuttleSetAutomation(){ bWrite = false; bOK = false;};
bool bOK;
bool bWrite;
ShuttleParams & Optional( bool & var ) override;
bool CouldGet(const wxString &key);
void SetForValidating( CommandParameters * pEap){ mpEap=pEap; bOK=true;bWrite=false;};
void SetForWriting(CommandParameters * pEap){ mpEap=pEap;bOK=true;bWrite=true;};
void Define( bool & var, const wxChar * key, const bool vdefault, const bool vmin, const bool vmax, const bool vscl ) override;
void Define( int & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( size_t & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( float & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const double vdefault, const double vmin, const double vmax, const double vscl ) override;
void Define( wxString &var, const wxChar * key, const wxString vdefault, const wxString vmin, const wxString vmax, const wxString vscl ) override;
void DefineEnum( int &var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault,
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol strings[], size_t nStrings ) override;
\brief Shuttle that retrieves a JSON format definition of a command's parameters.
class ShuttleGetDefinition : public ShuttleParams, public CommandMessageTargetDecorator
ShuttleGetDefinition( CommandMessageTarget & target );
wxString Result;
bool IsOptional();
ShuttleParams & Optional( bool & var ) override;
void Define( bool & var, const wxChar * key, const bool vdefault, const bool vmin, const bool vmax, const bool vscl ) override;
void Define( int & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( size_t & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( float & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const double vdefault, const double vmin, const double vmax, const double vscl ) override;
void Define( wxString &var, const wxChar * key, const wxString vdefault, const wxString vmin, const wxString vmax, const wxString vscl ) override;
void DefineEnum( int &var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault,
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol strings[], size_t nStrings ) override;
\brief Shuttle that sets parameters to their default values.
class ShuttleDefaults : public ShuttleParams
wxString Result;
virtual ShuttleParams & Optional( bool & var )override{ var = true; pOptionalFlag = NULL;return *this;};
virtual ShuttleParams & OptionalY( bool & var )override{ var = true; pOptionalFlag = NULL;return *this;};
virtual ShuttleParams & OptionalN( bool & var )override{ var = false;pOptionalFlag = NULL;return *this;};
void Define( bool & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const bool vdefault,
const bool WXUNUSED(vmin), const bool WXUNUSED(vmax), const bool WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( int & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const int vdefault,
const int WXUNUSED(vmin), const int WXUNUSED(vmax), const int WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( size_t & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const int vdefault,
const int WXUNUSED(vmin), const int WXUNUSED(vmax), const int WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override{ var = vdefault;};
void Define( float & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const float vdefault,
const float WXUNUSED(vmin), const float WXUNUSED(vmax), const float WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const float vdefault,
const float WXUNUSED(vmin), const float WXUNUSED(vmax), const float WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const double vdefault,
const double WXUNUSED(vmin), const double WXUNUSED(vmax), const double WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( wxString &var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const wxString vdefault,
const wxString WXUNUSED(vmin), const wxString WXUNUSED(vmax), const wxString WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void DefineEnum( int &var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const int vdefault,
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol WXUNUSED(strings) [], size_t WXUNUSED( nStrings ) )
override { var = vdefault;};
#define SHUTTLE_PARAM( var, name ) \
Define( var, KEY_ ## name, DEF_ ## name, MIN_ ## name, MAX_ ## name, SCL_ ## name )
#define SHUTTLE_ENUM_PARAM( var, name, strings, nStrings ) \
DefineEnum( var, KEY_ ## name, DEF_ ## name, strings, nStrings )