2018-11-04 14:21:00 +00:00

128 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli
#include "MemoryX.h"
class AudacityProject;
struct HitTestPreview;
struct TrackPanelMouseEvent;
struct TrackPanelMouseState;
class ViewInfo;
class wxKeyEvent;
class wxPoint;
class wxRect;
class wxWindow;
class UIHandle;
using UIHandlePtr = std::shared_ptr<UIHandle>;
#include <vector>
/// \brief The TrackPanel is built up of nodes, subtrees of the CellularPanel's area
/// This class itself has almost nothing in it. Other classes derived from it
/// build up the capabilities.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API /* not final */ TrackPanelNode
virtual ~TrackPanelNode() = 0;
// A node of the TrackPanel that contins other nodes.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API TrackPanelGroup /* not final */ : public TrackPanelNode
virtual ~TrackPanelGroup();
enum class Axis { X, Y };
// A refinement of a given rectangle partitions it along one of its axes
// and associates TrackPanelNodes with the partition.
// The sequence of coordinates should be increasing, giving left or top
// coordinates of sub-rectangles.
// Null pointers are permitted to define empty spaces with no cell object.
// If the first coordinate is right of or below the rectangle boundary,
// then that also defines an empty space at the edge.
// Sub-rectangles may be defined partly or wholly out of the bounds of the
// given rectangle. Such portions are ignored.
using Child = std::pair< wxCoord, std::shared_ptr<TrackPanelNode> >;
using Refinement = std::vector< Child >;
using Subdivision = std::pair< Axis, Refinement >;
// Report a subdivision of one of the axes of the given rectangle
virtual Subdivision Children( const wxRect &rect ) = 0;
/// Abstract base class defining TrackPanel's access to specialist classes that
/// implement drawing and user interactions
class AUDACITY_DLL_API TrackPanelCell /* not final */ : public TrackPanelNode
virtual ~TrackPanelCell () = 0;
// May supply default cursor, status message, and tooltip, when there is no
// handle to hit at the mouse position, or the handle does not supply them.
virtual HitTestPreview DefaultPreview
(const TrackPanelMouseState &state, const AudacityProject *pProject);
// Return pointers to objects that can be queried for a status
// bar message and cursor appropriate to the point, and that dispatch
// mouse button events.
// The button-down state passed to the function is as it will be at click
// time -- not necessarily as it is now.
virtual std::vector<UIHandlePtr> HitTest
(const TrackPanelMouseState &state,
const AudacityProject *pProject) = 0;
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Include Cancelled in the flags to indicate that the event is not handled.
// Default does only that.
virtual unsigned HandleWheelRotation
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &event,
AudacityProject *pProject);
// A cell may delegate context menu handling to another one
virtual std::shared_ptr<TrackPanelCell> ContextMenuDelegate()
{ return {}; }
// The pPosition parameter indicates mouse position but may be NULL
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default implementation does nothing
virtual unsigned DoContextMenu
(const wxRect &rect,
wxWindow *pParent, wxPoint *pPosition);
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default skips the event and does nothing
virtual unsigned CaptureKey
(wxKeyEvent &event, ViewInfo &viewInfo, wxWindow *pParent);
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default skips the event and does nothing
virtual unsigned KeyDown
(wxKeyEvent & event, ViewInfo &viewInfo, wxWindow *pParent);
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default skips the event and does nothing
virtual unsigned KeyUp
(wxKeyEvent & event, ViewInfo &viewInfo, wxWindow *pParent);
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default skips the event and does nothing
virtual unsigned Char
(wxKeyEvent & event, ViewInfo &viewInfo, wxWindow *pParent);