Paul Licameli ae9aca8177 Implement member functions of classes in corresponding .cpp files...
... in four cases; not in some other .cpp file.

This is another move that causes the generated graph to reflect dependencies

This fixes other large, hidden cycles that involved PrefsDialog.cpp: there was
link dependency on that when PrefsPanel.h was used for the base class.  No

Also cycles involving TrackPanel.cpp, which contained the default
implementations for TrackPanelCell and related abstract base classes.
2020-05-28 05:50:22 -04:00

140 lines
4.8 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "MemoryX.h"
#include "TrackPanelDrawable.h" // to inherit
class AudacityProject;
struct HitTestPreview;
struct TrackPanelDrawingContext;
struct TrackPanelMouseEvent;
struct TrackPanelMouseState;
class ViewInfo;
class wxKeyEvent;
class wxPoint;
class wxRect;
class wxWindow;
class UIHandle;
using UIHandlePtr = std::shared_ptr<UIHandle>;
#include <vector>
/// \brief The TrackPanel is built up of nodes, subtrees of the CellularPanel's area
/// Common base class for TrackPanelCell (leaf) and TrackPanelGroup (nonleaf)
class AUDACITY_DLL_API /* not final */ TrackPanelNode
: public TrackPanelDrawable
virtual ~TrackPanelNode() = 0;
// A node of the TrackPanel that contains other nodes.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API TrackPanelGroup /* not final */ : public TrackPanelNode
virtual ~TrackPanelGroup();
enum class Axis { X, Y };
// A refinement of a given rectangle partitions it along one of its axes
// and associates TrackPanelNodes with the partition.
// The sequence of coordinates should be increasing, giving left or top
// coordinates of sub-rectangles.
// Null pointers are permitted to define empty spaces with no cell object.
// If the first coordinate is right of or below the rectangle boundary,
// then that also defines an empty space at the edge.
// Sub-rectangles may be defined partly or wholly out of the bounds of the
// given rectangle. Such portions are ignored.
using Child = std::pair< wxCoord, std::shared_ptr<TrackPanelNode> >;
using Refinement = std::vector< Child >;
using Subdivision = std::pair< Axis, Refinement >;
// Report a subdivision of one of the axes of the given rectangle
virtual Subdivision Children( const wxRect &rect ) = 0;
/// Abstract base class defining TrackPanel's access to specialist classes that
/// implement drawing and user interactions
class AUDACITY_DLL_API TrackPanelCell /* not final */ : public TrackPanelNode
TrackPanelCell() = default;
TrackPanelCell( const TrackPanelCell & ) PROHIBITED;
TrackPanelCell &operator=( const TrackPanelCell & ) PROHIBITED;
virtual ~TrackPanelCell () = 0;
// May supply default cursor, status message, and tooltip, when there is no
// handle to hit at the mouse position, or the handle does not supply them.
virtual HitTestPreview DefaultPreview
(const TrackPanelMouseState &state, const AudacityProject *pProject);
// Return pointers to objects that can be queried for a status
// bar message and cursor appropriate to the point, and that dispatch
// mouse button events.
// The button-down state passed to the function is as it will be at click
// time -- not necessarily as it is now.
virtual std::vector<UIHandlePtr> HitTest
(const TrackPanelMouseState &state,
const AudacityProject *pProject) = 0;
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Include Cancelled in the flags to indicate that the event is not handled.
// Default does only that.
virtual unsigned HandleWheelRotation
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &event,
AudacityProject *pProject);
// A cell may delegate context menu handling to another one
virtual std::shared_ptr<TrackPanelCell> ContextMenuDelegate()
{ return {}; }
// The pPosition parameter indicates mouse position but may be NULL
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default implementation does nothing
virtual unsigned DoContextMenu
(const wxRect &rect,
wxWindow *pParent, wxPoint *pPosition, AudacityProject *pProject);
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default skips the event and does nothing
virtual unsigned CaptureKey
(wxKeyEvent &event, ViewInfo &viewInfo, wxWindow *pParent,
AudacityProject *project);
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default skips the event and does nothing
virtual unsigned KeyDown
(wxKeyEvent & event, ViewInfo &viewInfo, wxWindow *pParent,
AudacityProject *project);
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default skips the event and does nothing
virtual unsigned KeyUp
(wxKeyEvent & event, ViewInfo &viewInfo, wxWindow *pParent,
AudacityProject *project);
// Return value is a bitwise OR of RefreshCode values
// Default skips the event and does nothing
virtual unsigned Char
(wxKeyEvent & event, ViewInfo &viewInfo, wxWindow *pParent,
AudacityProject *project);