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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
@file TranslatableString.h
Paul Licameli split from Types.h
#include <stddef.h> // for size_t
#include <functional>
#include <wx/string.h>
class Identifier;
#include <vector>
//! Holds a msgid for the translation catalog; may also bind format arguments
Different string-valued accessors for the msgid itself, and for the
user-visible translation with substitution of captured format arguments.
Also an accessor for format substitution into the English msgid, for debug-
only outputs.
The msgid should be used only in unusual cases and the translation more often
Implicit conversions to and from wxString are intentionally disabled
class STRINGS_API TranslatableString {
enum class Request;
template< size_t N > struct PluralTemp;
//! A special string value that will have no screen reader pronunciation
static const TranslatableString Inaudible;
//! A multi-purpose function, depending on the enum argument
/*! the string
argument is unused in some cases
If there is no function, defaults are empty context string, no plurals,
and no substitutions */
using Formatter = std::function< wxString(const wxString &, Request) >;
TranslatableString() {}
/*! Supply {} for the second argument to cause lookup of the msgid with
empty context string (default context) rather than the null context */
explicit TranslatableString( wxString str, Formatter formatter )
: mFormatter{ std::move(formatter) }
mMsgid.swap( str );
// copy and move
TranslatableString( const TranslatableString & ) = default;
TranslatableString &operator=( const TranslatableString & ) = default;
TranslatableString( TranslatableString && str )
: mFormatter( std::move( str.mFormatter ) )
mMsgid.swap( str.mMsgid );
TranslatableString &operator=( TranslatableString &&str )
mFormatter = std::move( str.mFormatter );
mMsgid.swap( str.mMsgid );
return *this;
bool empty() const { return mMsgid.empty(); }
//! MSGID is the English lookup key in the catalog, not necessarily for user's eyes if locale is some other.
/*! The MSGID might not be all the information TranslatableString holds.
This is a deliberately ugly-looking function name. Use with caution. */
Identifier MSGID() const;
wxString Translation() const { return DoFormat( false ); }
//! Format as an English string for debugging logs and developers' eyes, not for end users
wxString Debug() const { return DoFormat( true ); }
//! Warning: comparison of msgids only, which is not all of the information!
/*! This operator makes it easier to define a std::unordered_map on TranslatableStrings */
friend bool operator == (
const TranslatableString &x, const TranslatableString &y)
{ return x.mMsgid == y.mMsgid; }
friend bool operator != (
const TranslatableString &x, const TranslatableString &y)
{ return !(x == y); }
//! Returns true if context is NullContextFormatter
bool IsVerbatim() const;
//! Capture variadic format arguments (by copy) when there is no plural.
/*! The substitution is computed later in a call to Translate() after msgid is
looked up in the translation catalog.
Any format arguments that are also of type TranslatableString will be
translated too at substitution time, for non-debug formatting */
template< typename... Args >
TranslatableString &Format( Args &&...args ) &
auto prevFormatter = mFormatter;
this->mFormatter = [prevFormatter, args...]
(const wxString &str, Request request) -> wxString {
switch ( request ) {
case Request::Context:
return TranslatableString::DoGetContext( prevFormatter );
case Request::Format:
case Request::DebugFormat:
default: {
bool debug = request == Request::DebugFormat;
return wxString::Format(
str, TranslatableString::DoGetContext( prevFormatter ),
debug ),
TranslatableString::TranslateArgument( args, debug )...
return *this;
template< typename... Args >
TranslatableString &&Format( Args &&...args ) &&
return std::move( Format( std::forward<Args>(args)... ) );
//! Choose a non-default and non-null disambiguating context for lookups
/*! This is meant to be the first of chain-call modifications of the
TranslatableString object; it will destroy any previously captured
information */
TranslatableString &Context( const wxString &context ) &
this->mFormatter = [context]
(const wxString &str, Request request) -> wxString {
switch ( request ) {
case Request::Context:
return context;
case Request::DebugFormat:
return DoSubstitute( {}, str, context, true );
case Request::Format:
return DoSubstitute( {}, str, context, false );
return *this;
TranslatableString &&Context( const wxString &context ) &&
return std::move( Context( context ) );
//! Append another translatable string
/*! lookup of msgids for
this and for the argument are both delayed until Translate() is invoked
on this, and then the formatter concatenates the translations */
TranslatableString &Join(
TranslatableString arg, const wxString &separator = {} ) &;
TranslatableString &&Join(
TranslatableString arg, const wxString &separator = {} ) &&
{ return std::move( Join( std::move(arg), separator ) ); }
TranslatableString &operator +=( TranslatableString arg )
Join( std::move( arg ) );
return *this;
//! Implements the XP macro
/*! That macro specifies a second msgid, a list
of format arguments, and which of those format arguments selects among
messages; the translated strings to select among, depending on language,
might actually be more or fewer than two. See Internat.h. */
template< size_t N >
PluralTemp< N > Plural( const wxString &pluralStr ) &&
return PluralTemp< N >{ *this, pluralStr };
/*! Translated strings may still contain menu hot-key codes (indicated by &)
that wxWidgets interprets, and also trailing ellipses, that should be
removed for other uses. */
enum StripOptions : unsigned {
// Values to be combined with bitwise OR
MenuCodes = 0x1,
Ellipses = 0x2,
TranslatableString &Strip( unsigned options = MenuCodes ) &;
TranslatableString &&Strip( unsigned options = MenuCodes ) &&
{ return std::move( Strip( options ) ); }
//! non-mutating, constructs another TranslatableString object
TranslatableString Stripped( unsigned options = MenuCodes ) const
{ return TranslatableString{ *this }.Strip( options ); }
wxString StrippedTranslation() const { return Stripped().Translation(); }
static const Formatter NullContextFormatter;
//! Construct a TranslatableString that does no translation but passes str verbatim
explicit TranslatableString( wxString str )
: mFormatter{ NullContextFormatter }
mMsgid.swap( str );
friend TranslatableString Verbatim( wxString str );
enum class Request {
Context, //!< return a disambiguating context string
Format, //!< Given the msgid, format the string for end users
DebugFormat, //!< Given the msgid, format the string for developers
static const wxChar *const NullContextName;
friend std::hash< TranslatableString >;
static wxString DoGetContext( const Formatter &formatter );
static wxString DoSubstitute(
const Formatter &formatter,
const wxString &format, const wxString &context, bool debug );
wxString DoFormat( bool debug ) const
{ return DoSubstitute(
mFormatter, mMsgid, DoGetContext(mFormatter), debug ); }
static wxString DoChooseFormat(
const Formatter &formatter,
const wxString &singular, const wxString &plural, unsigned nn, bool debug );
template< typename T > static const T &TranslateArgument( const T &arg, bool )
{ return arg; }
//! This allows you to wrap arguments of Format in std::cref
/*! (So that they are captured (as if) by reference rather than by value) */
template< typename T > static auto TranslateArgument(
const std::reference_wrapper<T> &arg, bool debug )
-> decltype(
TranslatableString::TranslateArgument( arg.get(), debug ) )
{ return TranslatableString::TranslateArgument( arg.get(), debug ); }
static wxString TranslateArgument( const TranslatableString &arg, bool debug )
{ return arg.DoFormat( debug ); }
template< size_t N > struct PluralTemp{
TranslatableString &ts;
const wxString &pluralStr;
template< typename... Args >
TranslatableString &&operator()( Args&&... args )
// Pick from the pack the argument that specifies number
auto selector =
std::template get< N >( std::forward_as_tuple( args... ) );
// We need an unsigned value. Guard against negative values.
auto nn = static_cast<unsigned>(
std::max<unsigned long long>( 0, selector )
auto plural = this->pluralStr;
auto prevFormatter = this->ts.mFormatter;
this->ts.mFormatter = [prevFormatter, plural, nn, args...]
(const wxString &str, Request request) -> wxString {
switch ( request ) {
case Request::Context:
return TranslatableString::DoGetContext( prevFormatter );
case Request::Format:
case Request::DebugFormat:
bool debug = request == Request::DebugFormat;
return wxString::Format(
prevFormatter, str, plural, nn, debug ),
TranslatableString::TranslateArgument( args, debug )...
return std::move(ts);
wxString mMsgid;
Formatter mFormatter;
inline TranslatableString operator +(
TranslatableString x, TranslatableString y )
return std::move(x += std::move(y));
using TranslatableStrings = std::vector<TranslatableString>;
//! For using std::unordered_map on TranslatableString
/*! Note: hashing on msgids only, which is not all of the information */
namespace std
template<> struct hash< TranslatableString > {
size_t operator () (const TranslatableString &str) const // noexcept
const wxString &stdstr = str.mMsgid.ToStdWstring(); // no allocations, a cheap fetch
using Hasher = hash< wxString >;
return Hasher{}( stdstr );
//! Allow TranslatableString to work with shift output operators
template< typename Sink >
inline Sink &operator <<( Sink &sink, const TranslatableString &str )
return sink << str.Translation();
//! Require calls to the one-argument constructor to go through this distinct global function name.
/*! This makes it easier to locate and
review the uses of this function, separately from the uses of the type. */
inline TranslatableString Verbatim( wxString str )
{ return TranslatableString( std::move( str ) ); }