
24 lines
632 B
Executable File

# Take LangugeNames.txt and write C++ string literals to standard out,
# which describe the UTF-8 byte sequence using only the basic coding
# character set.
# Copy and paste that over the table of strings in src/Languages.cpp.
open LANGUAGES, "LanguageNames.txt" or die "Can't open LanguageNames.txt: $!\n";
while( <LANGUAGES> ) {
print "\"";
@codes = unpack 'C*';
@newCodes = ();
for $code (@codes) {
if ($code <= ord 'z') {
push @newCodes, $code;
else {
push @newCodes, unpack('C*', sprintf("\\%03o", $code));
print pack 'C*', @newCodes;
print "\",\n";