
134 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from PrefsDialog.cpp
#include "PrefsPanel.h"
#include <mutex>
namespace {
const auto PathStart = wxT("Preferences");
static Registry::GroupItem &sRegistry()
static Registry::TransparentGroupItem<> registry{ PathStart };
return registry;
struct PrefsItem final : Registry::ConcreteGroupItem<false> {
PrefsPanel::Factory factory;
bool expanded{ false };
PrefsItem( const wxString &name,
const PrefsPanel::Factory &factory_, bool expanded_ )
: ConcreteGroupItem<false>{ name }
, factory{ factory_ }, expanded{ expanded_ }
// Collects registry tree nodes into a vector, in preorder.
struct PrefsItemVisitor final : Registry::Visitor {
PrefsItemVisitor( PrefsPanel::Factories &factories_ )
: factories{ factories_ }
childCounts.push_back( 0 );
void BeginGroup( Registry::GroupItem &item, const Path & ) override
auto pItem = dynamic_cast<PrefsItem*>( &item );
if (!pItem)
indices.push_back( factories.size() );
factories.emplace_back( pItem->factory, 0, pItem->expanded );
childCounts.push_back( 0 );
void EndGroup( Registry::GroupItem &item, const Path & ) override
auto pItem = dynamic_cast<PrefsItem*>( &item );
if (!pItem)
auto &factory = factories[ indices.back() ];
factory.nChildren = childCounts.back();
PrefsPanel::Factories &factories;
std::vector<size_t> childCounts;
std::vector<size_t> indices;
PluginPath PrefsPanel::GetPath()
{ return BUILTIN_PREFS_PANEL_PREFIX + GetSymbol().Internal(); }
VendorSymbol PrefsPanel::GetVendor()
{ return XO("Audacity");}
wxString PrefsPanel::GetVersion()
PrefsPanel::Registration::Registration( const wxString &name,
const Factory &factory, bool expanded,
const Registry::Placement &placement )
Registry::RegisterItem( sRegistry(), placement,
std::make_unique< PrefsItem >( name, factory, expanded ) );
void PrefsPanel::Cancel()
bool PrefsPanel::ShowsPreviewButton()
return false;
wxString PrefsPanel::HelpPageName()
return wxEmptyString;
// Once only, cause initial population of preferences for the ordering
// of some preference pages that used to be given in a table but are now
// separately registered in several .cpp files; the sequence of registration
// depends on unspecified accidents of static initialization order across
// compilation units, so we need something specific here to preserve old
// default appearance of the preference dialog.
// But this needs only to mention some strings -- there is no compilation or
// link dependency of this source file on those other implementation files.
static Registry::OrderingPreferenceInitializer init{
{wxT("/Tracks"), wxT("TracksBehaviors,Spectrum")},
static Factories factories;
static std::once_flag flag;
std::call_once( flag, []{
PrefsItemVisitor visitor{ factories };
Registry::TransparentGroupItem<> top{ PathStart };
Registry::Visit( visitor, &top, &sRegistry() );
} );
return factories;