Paul Licameli 906e55f047 Experimental.h in all .h or .cpp files that directly use EXPERIMENTALs...
... except Audacity.h; and in no others.

Do so even if Experimental.h gets multiply included, as in both the .h and
.cpp files.

This makes it easier to do a text scan to be sure there are no unintended quiet
changes of meaning because of omission of Experimental.h when the flag is
an enabled one.

Also move inclusions of Experimental.h earlier.

Also don't require Experimental.h to be preceded by Audacity.h to define
2019-03-17 22:54:00 -04:00

37 lines
742 B

#ifndef __realfftf_h
#define __realfftf_h
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include "MemoryX.h"
using fft_type = float;
struct FFTParam {
ArrayOf<int> BitReversed;
ArrayOf<fft_type> SinTable;
size_t Points;
int pow2Bits;
struct FFTDeleter{
void operator () (FFTParam *p) const;
using HFFT = std::unique_ptr<
FFTParam, FFTDeleter
HFFT GetFFT(size_t);
void RealFFTf(fft_type *, const FFTParam *);
void InverseRealFFTf(fft_type *, const FFTParam *);
void ReorderToTime(const FFTParam *hFFT, const fft_type *buffer, fft_type *TimeOut);
void ReorderToFreq(const FFTParam *hFFT, const fft_type *buffer,
fft_type *RealOut, fft_type *ImagOut);