Paul Licameli e4a7c9ba5b Uses of TranslatableString as value of XO macro...
... It is not implicitly convertible from wxString, compelling many uses of
the new type to fix compilation.
2019-12-01 18:05:20 -05:00

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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Shane T. Mueller
Leland Lucius
See ToolsToolBar.h for details
\class ToolsToolBar
\brief A kind of ToolBar with Tools on it.
This class, which is a child of Toolbar, creates the
window containing the tool selection (ibeam, envelope,
move, zoom). The window can be embedded within a
normal project window, or within a ToolBarFrame.
All of the controls in this window were custom-written for
Audacity - they are not native controls on any platform -
however, it is intended that the images could be easily
replaced to allow "skinning" or just customization to
match the look and feel of each platform.
\see \ref Themability
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include "ToolsToolBar.h"
#include "ToolManager.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
#include <wx/setup.h> // for wxUSE_* macros
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/tooltip.h>
#include "../Prefs.h"
#include "../AllThemeResources.h"
#include "../ImageManipulation.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "../ProjectSettings.h"
#include "../ProjectWindow.h"
#include "../tracks/ui/Scrubbing.h"
#include "../widgets/AButton.h"
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(ToolsToolBar, ToolBar);
/// Methods for ToolsToolBar
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ToolsToolBar, ToolBar)
EVT_COMMAND_RANGE(ToolCodes::firstTool + FirstToolID,
ToolCodes::lastTool + FirstToolID,
//Standard constructor
ToolsToolBar::ToolsToolBar( AudacityProject &project )
: ToolBar(project, ToolsBarID, _("Tools"), wxT("Tools"))
using namespace ToolCodes;
//Read the following wxASSERTs as documentating a design decision
wxASSERT( selectTool == selectTool - firstTool );
wxASSERT( envelopeTool == envelopeTool - firstTool );
wxASSERT( slideTool == slideTool - firstTool );
wxASSERT( zoomTool == zoomTool - firstTool );
wxASSERT( drawTool == drawTool - firstTool );
wxASSERT( multiTool == multiTool - firstTool );
bool multiToolActive = false;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Tools/MultiToolActive"), &multiToolActive);
if (multiToolActive)
mCurrentTool = multiTool;
mCurrentTool = selectTool;
static_assert( ToolsToolBar::numTools == ToolCodes::numTools,
"mismatch in number of tools" );
ToolsToolBar &ToolsToolBar::Get( AudacityProject &project )
auto &toolManager = ToolManager::Get( project );
return *static_cast<ToolsToolBar*>( toolManager.GetToolBar(ToolsBarID) );
const ToolsToolBar &ToolsToolBar::Get( const AudacityProject &project )
return Get( const_cast<AudacityProject&>( project )) ;
void ToolsToolBar::RegenerateTooltips()
// JKC:
// Under Win98 Tooltips appear to be buggy, when you have a lot of
// tooltip messages flying around. I found that just creating a
// twelfth tooltip caused Audacity to crash when it tried to show
// any tooltip.
// Win98 does NOT recover from this crash - for any application which is
// using tooltips will also crash thereafter... so you must reboot.
// Rather weird.
// Getting windows to process more of its stacked up messages seems
// to workaround the problem. The problem is not fully understood though
// (as of April 2003).
// Vaughan, October 2003: Now we're crashing on Win2K if
// "Quit when closing last window" is unchecked, when we come back
// through here, on either of the wxSafeYield calls.
// James confirms that commenting them out does not cause his original problem
// to reappear, so they're commented out now.
// wxSafeYield(); //Deal with some queued up messages...
using namespace ToolCodes;
static const struct Entry {
int tool;
CommandID commandName;
TranslatableString untranslatedLabel;
} table[] = {
{ selectTool, wxT("SelectTool"), XO("Selection Tool") },
{ envelopeTool, wxT("EnvelopeTool"), XO("Envelope Tool") },
{ slideTool, wxT("TimeShiftTool"), XO("Time Shift Tool") },
{ zoomTool, wxT("ZoomTool"), XO("Zoom Tool") },
{ drawTool, wxT("DrawTool"), XO("Draw Tool") },
{ multiTool, wxT("MultiTool"), XO("Multi Tool") },
for (const auto &entry : table) {
TranslatedInternalString command{
entry.commandName, wxGetTranslation(entry.untranslatedLabel) };
ToolBar::SetButtonToolTip( mProject,
*mTool[entry.tool], &command, 1u );
// wxSafeYield();
void ToolsToolBar::UpdatePrefs()
AButton * ToolsToolBar::MakeTool(
ToolsToolBar *pBar, teBmps eTool,
int id, const wxChar *label)
AButton *button = ToolBar::MakeButton(pBar,
bmpRecoloredDownSmall, // Not bmpRecoloredHiliteSmall as down is inactive.
eTool, eTool, eTool,
wxWindowID(id + FirstToolID),
wxDefaultPosition, true,
theTheme.ImageSize( bmpRecoloredUpSmall ));
button->SetLabel( label );
pBar->mToolSizer->Add( button );
return button;
void ToolsToolBar::Populate()
SetBackgroundColour( theTheme.Colour( clrMedium ) );
Add(mToolSizer = safenew wxGridSizer(2, 3, 1, 1));
/* Tools */
using namespace ToolCodes;
mTool[ selectTool ] = MakeTool( this, bmpIBeam, selectTool, _("Selection Tool") );
mTool[ envelopeTool ] = MakeTool( this, bmpEnvelope, envelopeTool, _("Envelope Tool") );
mTool[ drawTool ] = MakeTool( this, bmpDraw, drawTool, _("Draw Tool") );
mTool[ zoomTool ] = MakeTool( this, bmpZoom, zoomTool, _("Zoom Tool") );
mTool[ slideTool ] = MakeTool( this, bmpTimeShift, slideTool, _("Slide Tool") );
mTool[ multiTool ] = MakeTool( this, bmpMulti, multiTool, _("Multi Tool") );
/// Gets the currently active tool
/// In Multi-mode this might not return the multi-tool itself
/// since the active tool may be changed by what you hover over.
int ToolsToolBar::GetCurrentTool() const
return mCurrentTool;
/// Sets the currently active tool
/// @param tool - The index of the tool to be used.
void ToolsToolBar::SetCurrentTool(int tool)
//In multi-mode the current tool is shown by the
//cursor icon. The buttons are not updated.
using namespace ToolCodes;
bool leavingMulticlipMode =
IsDown(multiTool) && tool != multiTool;
if (leavingMulticlipMode)
if (tool != mCurrentTool || leavingMulticlipMode) {
//JKC: ANSWER-ME: Why is this required?
//msmeyer: I think it isn't, we leave it out for 1.3.1 (beta), and
// we'll see if anyone complains.
//for ( auto pProject : AllProjects{} )
// ProjectWindow::Get( *pProject ).RedrawProject();
ProjectSettings::Get( mProject ).SetTool( mCurrentTool );
bool ToolsToolBar::IsDown(int tool) const
return mTool[tool]->IsDown();
int ToolsToolBar::GetDownTool()
int tool;
using namespace ToolCodes;
for (tool = firstTool; tool <= lastTool; tool++)
if (IsDown(tool))
return tool;
return firstTool; // Should never happen
void ToolsToolBar::OnTool(wxCommandEvent & evt)
using namespace ToolCodes;
mCurrentTool = evt.GetId() - firstTool - FirstToolID;
for (int i = 0; i < numTools; i++)
if (i == mCurrentTool)
for ( auto pProject : AllProjects{} )
ProjectWindow::Get( *pProject ).RedrawProject();
ProjectSettings::Get( mProject ).SetTool( mCurrentTool );
void ToolsToolBar::Create(wxWindow * parent)
static RegisteredToolbarFactory factory{ ToolsBarID,
[]( AudacityProject &project ){
return ToolBar::Holder{ safenew ToolsToolBar{ project } }; }