
831 lines
22 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
James Crook
\class BatchCommands
\brief Maintains the chain of commands used in batch processing.
See also BatchCommandDialog and BatchProcessDialog.
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "BatchCommands.h"
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/dir.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <wx/filedlg.h>
#include <wx/textfile.h>
#include "AudacityApp.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "commands/CommandManager.h"
#include "effects/EffectManager.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Internat.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "Shuttle.h"
#include "export/ExportFLAC.h"
#include "export/ExportMP3.h"
#include "export/ExportOGG.h"
#include "export/ExportPCM.h"
#include "Theme.h"
#include "AllThemeResources.h"
#include "Track.h"
// KLUDGE: All commands should be on the same footing
// however, for historical reasons we distinguish between
// - Effects (which are looked up in effects lists)
// - Menu commands (which are held in command manager)
// - Specials (which we deal with specially here)
enum eCommandType { CtEffect, CtMenu, CtSpecial };
// TIDY-ME: Not currently translated,
// but there are issues to address if we do.
// CLEANSPEECH remnant
static wxString SpecialCommands[] = {
// wxT("Import"), // non-functioning
// end CLEANSPEECH remnant
static const wxString MP3Conversion = wxT("MP3 Conversion");
wxArrayString names = GetNames();
if (names.Index(MP3Conversion) == wxNOT_FOUND) {
wxString BatchCommands::GetCommand(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= (int)mCommandChain.GetCount()) {
return wxT("");
return mCommandChain[index];
wxString BatchCommands::GetParams(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= (int)mParamsChain.GetCount()) {
return wxT("");
return mParamsChain[index];
int BatchCommands::GetCount()
return (int)mCommandChain.GetCount();
bool BatchCommands::ReadChain(const wxString & chain)
// Clear any previous chain
// Build the filename
wxFileName name(FileNames::ChainDir(), chain, wxT("txt"));
// Set the file name
wxTextFile tf(name.GetFullPath());
// Open and check
if (!tf.IsOpened()) {
// wxTextFile will display any errors
return false;
// Load commands from the file
int lines = tf.GetLineCount();
if (lines > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
// Find the command name terminator...ingore line if not found
int splitAt = tf[i].Find(wxT(':'));
if (splitAt < 0) {
// Parse and clean
wxString cmd = tf[i].Left(splitAt).Strip(wxString::both);
wxString parm = tf[i].Mid(splitAt + 1).Strip(wxString::trailing);
// Backward compatibility for old Chain scripts
// Please comment the version of audacity these are introduced in, so
// that old ones can easily be removed once users have had a chance to
// migrate
if (cmd == wxT("SaveMP3_56k_before"))
cmd = wxT("ExportMP3_56k_before");
else if (cmd == wxT("SaveMP3_56k_after"))
cmd = wxT("ExportMP3_56k_after");
else if (cmd == wxT("ExportFlac"))
cmd = wxT("ExportFLAC");
else if (cmd == wxT("ExportMp3"))
cmd = wxT("ExportMP3");
else if (cmd == wxT("ExportWav"))
cmd = wxT("ExportWAV");
else if (cmd == wxT("Compressor") && (parm.find(wxT("DecayTime")) != parm.npos))
parm.Replace(wxT("DecayTime"), wxT("ReleaseTime"), NULL); // 2.0.6
// Add to lists
// Done with the file
return true;
bool BatchCommands::WriteChain(const wxString & chain)
// Build the filename
wxFileName name(FileNames::ChainDir(), chain, wxT("txt"));
// Set the file name
wxTextFile tf(name.GetFullPath());
// Create the file (Create() doesn't leave the file open)
if (!tf.Exists()) {
// Open it
if (!tf.IsOpened()) {
// wxTextFile will display any errors
return false;
// Start with a clean slate
// Copy over the commands
int lines = mCommandChain.GetCount();
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
// restore deprecated commands in chain script
if (mCommandChain[i] == wxT("ExportMP3_56k_before"))
mCommandChain[i] = wxT("SaveMP3_56k_before");
else if (mCommandChain[i] == wxT("ExportMP3_56k_after"))
mCommandChain[i] = wxT("SaveMP3_56k_after");
else if (mCommandChain[i] == wxT("ExportFLAC"))
mCommandChain[i] = wxT("ExportFlac");
else if (mCommandChain[i] == wxT("ExportMP3"))
mCommandChain[i] = wxT("ExportMp3");
else if (mCommandChain[i] == wxT("ExportWAV"))
mCommandChain[i] = wxT("ExportWav");
tf.AddLine(mCommandChain[i] + wxT(":") + mParamsChain[ i ]);
// Write the chain
// Done with the file
return true;
bool BatchCommands::AddChain(const wxString & chain)
// Build the filename
wxFileName name(FileNames::ChainDir(), chain, wxT("txt"));
// Set the file name
wxTextFile tf(name.GetFullPath());
// Create it..Create will display errors
return tf.Create();
bool BatchCommands::DeleteChain(const wxString & chain)
// Build the filename
wxFileName name(FileNames::ChainDir(), chain, wxT("txt"));
// Delete it...wxRemoveFile will display errors
return wxRemoveFile(name.GetFullPath());
bool BatchCommands::RenameChain(const wxString & oldchain, const wxString & newchain)
// Build the filenames
wxFileName oname(FileNames::ChainDir(), oldchain, wxT("txt"));
wxFileName nname(FileNames::ChainDir(), newchain, wxT("txt"));
// Rename it...wxRenameFile will display errors
return wxRenameFile(oname.GetFullPath(), nname.GetFullPath());
void BatchCommands::SetWavToMp3Chain() // a function per default chain? This is flawed design! MJS
AddToChain( wxT("Normalize") );
AddToChain( wxT("ExportMP3") );
// Gets all commands that are valid for this mode.
wxArrayString BatchCommands::GetAllCommands()
wxArrayString commands;
wxString command;
AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
if (!project)
return commands;
unsigned int i;
// CLEANSPEECH remnant
commands.Add( SpecialCommands[i] );
// end CLEANSPEECH remnant
PluginManager & pm = PluginManager::Get();
EffectManager & em = EffectManager::Get();
const PluginDescriptor *plug = pm.GetFirstPlugin(PluginTypeEffect);
while (plug)
command = em.GetEffectIdentifier(plug->GetID());
if (!command.IsEmpty())
plug = pm.GetNextPlugin(PluginTypeEffect);
/* This is for later in development: include the menu commands.
CommandManager * mManager = project->GetCommandManager();
wxArrayString mNames;
mManager->GetAllCommandNames(mNames, false);
for(i=0; i<mNames.GetCount(); i++) {
commands.Add( mNames[i] );
return commands;
wxString BatchCommands::GetCurrentParamsFor(const wxString & command)
const PluginID & ID = EffectManager::Get().GetEffectByIdentifier(command);
if (ID.empty())
return wxEmptyString; // effect not found.
return EffectManager::Get().GetEffectParameters(ID);
wxString BatchCommands::PromptForParamsFor(const wxString & command, const wxString & params, wxWindow *parent)
const PluginID & ID = EffectManager::Get().GetEffectByIdentifier(command);
if (ID.empty())
return wxEmptyString; // effect not found
wxString res = params;
EffectManager::Get().SetBatchProcessing(ID, true);
if (EffectManager::Get().SetEffectParameters(ID, params))
if (EffectManager::Get().PromptUser(ID, parent))
res = EffectManager::Get().GetEffectParameters(ID);
EffectManager::Get().SetBatchProcessing(ID, false);
return res;
wxString BatchCommands::PromptForPresetFor(const wxString & command, const wxString & params, wxWindow *parent)
const PluginID & ID = EffectManager::Get().GetEffectByIdentifier(command);
if (ID.empty())
return wxEmptyString; // effect not found.
wxString preset = EffectManager::Get().GetPreset(ID, params, parent);
// Preset will be empty if the user cancelled the dialog, so return the original
// parameter value.
if (preset.IsEmpty())
return params;
return preset;
double BatchCommands::GetEndTime()
AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
if( project == NULL )
//wxMessageBox( wxT("No project to process!") );
return -1.0;
TrackList * tracks = project->GetTracks();
if( tracks == NULL )
//wxMessageBox( wxT("No tracks to process!") );
return -1.0;
double endTime = tracks->GetEndTime();
return endTime;
bool BatchCommands::IsMono()
AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
if( project == NULL )
//wxMessageBox( wxT("No project and no Audio to process!") );
return false;
TrackList * tracks = project->GetTracks();
if( tracks == NULL )
//wxMessageBox( wxT("No tracks to process!") );
return false;
TrackListIterator iter(tracks);
Track *t = iter.First();
bool mono = true;
while (t) {
if (t->GetLinked()) {
mono = false;
t = iter.Next();
return mono;
wxString BatchCommands::BuildCleanFileName(const wxString &fileName, const wxString &extension)
const wxFileName newFileName{ fileName };
wxString justName = newFileName.GetName();
wxString pathName = newFileName.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
if (justName == wxT("")) {
wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::Now();
int year = now.GetYear();
wxDateTime::Month month = now.GetMonth();
wxString monthName = now.GetMonthName(month);
int dom = now.GetDay();
int hour = now.GetHour();
int minute = now.GetMinute();
int second = now.GetSecond();
justName = wxString::Format(wxT("%d-%s-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d"),
year, monthName.c_str(), dom, hour, minute, second);
// SetName(cleanedFileName);
// bool isStereo;
// double endTime = project->mTracks->GetEndTime();
// double startTime = 0.0;
pathName = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/DefaultOpenPath"), ::wxGetCwd());
::wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("Export recording to %s\n/cleaned/%s%s"),
pathName.c_str(), justName.c_str(), extension.c_str()),
wxT("Export recording"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE);
pathName += wxT("/");
wxString cleanedName = pathName;
cleanedName += wxT("cleaned");
bool flag = ::wxFileName::FileExists(cleanedName);
if (flag == true) {
::wxMessageBox(wxT("Cannot create directory 'cleaned'. \nFile already exists that is not a directory"));
return wxT("");
::wxFileName::Mkdir(cleanedName, 0777, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL); // make sure it exists
cleanedName += wxT("/");
cleanedName += justName;
cleanedName += extension;
return cleanedName;
bool BatchCommands::WriteMp3File( const wxString & Name, int bitrate )
{ //check if current project is mono or stereo
unsigned numChannels = 2;
if (IsMono()) {
numChannels = 1;
double endTime = GetEndTime();
if( endTime <= 0.0f )
return false;
AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
if( bitrate <=0 )
// 'No' bitrate given, use the current default.
// Use Mp3Stereo to control if export is to a stereo or mono file
return mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("MP3"), Name, false, 0.0, endTime);
bool rc;
long prevBitRate = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/MP3Bitrate"), 128);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/MP3Bitrate"), bitrate);
// Use Mp3Stereo to control if export is to a stereo or mono file
rc = mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("MP3"), Name, false, 0.0, endTime);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/MP3Bitrate"), prevBitRate);
return rc;
// TIDY-ME: Get rid of special commands and make them part of the
// 'menu' system (but not showing on the menu)
// ======= IMPORTANT ========
// Special Commands are a KLUDGE whilst we wait for a better system to handle the menu
// commands from batch mode.
// Really we should be using a similar (or same) system to that used for effects
// so that parameters can be passed to the commands. Many of the menu
// commands take a selection as their parameter.
// If you find yourself adding lots of existing commands from the menus here, STOP
// and think again.
// ======= IMPORTANT ========
// CLEANSPEECH remnant
bool BatchCommands::ApplySpecialCommand(int WXUNUSED(iCommand), const wxString & command,const wxString & params)
if (ReportAndSkip(command, params))
return true;
AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
unsigned numChannels = 1; //used to switch between mono and stereo export
if (IsMono()) {
numChannels = 1; //export in mono
} else {
numChannels = 2; //export in stereo
wxString filename;
wxString extension; // required for correct message
if (command == wxT("ExportWAV"))
extension = wxT(".wav");
else if (command == wxT("ExportOgg"))
extension = wxT(".ogg");
else if (command == wxT("ExportFLAC"))
extension = wxT(".flac");
else extension = wxT(".mp3");
if (mFileName.IsEmpty()) {
filename = BuildCleanFileName(project->GetFileName(), extension);
else {
filename = BuildCleanFileName(mFileName, extension);
// We have a command index, but we don't use it!
// TODO: Make this special-batch-command code use the menu item code....
// FIXME: TRAP_ERR No error reporting on write file failure in batch mode.
if (command == wxT("NoAction")) {
return true;
} else if (!mFileName.IsEmpty() && command == wxT("Import")) {
// historically this was in use, now ignored if there
return true;
} else if (command == wxT("ExportMP3_56k_before")) {
filename.Replace(wxT("cleaned/"), wxT("cleaned/MasterBefore_"), false);
return WriteMp3File(filename, 56);
} else if (command == wxT("ExportMP3_56k_after")) {
filename.Replace(wxT("cleaned/"), wxT("cleaned/MasterAfter_"), false);
return WriteMp3File(filename, 56);
} else if (command == wxT("ExportMP3")) {
return WriteMp3File(filename, 0); // 0 bitrate means use default/current
} else if (command == wxT("ExportWAV")) {
filename.Replace(wxT(".mp3"), wxT(".wav"), false);
double endTime = GetEndTime();
if (endTime <= 0.0f) {
return false;
return mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("WAV"), filename, false, 0.0, endTime);
} else if (command == wxT("ExportOgg")) {
filename.Replace(wxT(".mp3"), wxT(".ogg"), false);
double endTime = GetEndTime();
if (endTime <= 0.0f) {
return false;
return mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("OGG"), filename, false, 0.0, endTime);
wxMessageBox(_("Ogg Vorbis support is not included in this build of Audacity"));
return false;
} else if (command == wxT("ExportFLAC")) {
filename.Replace(wxT(".mp3"), wxT(".flac"), false);
double endTime = GetEndTime();
if (endTime <= 0.0f) {
return false;
return mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("FLAC"), filename, false, 0.0, endTime);
wxMessageBox(_("FLAC support is not included in this build of Audacity"));
return false;
wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Command %s not implemented yet"),command.c_str()));
return false;
// end CLEANSPEECH remnant
bool BatchCommands::ApplyEffectCommand(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & command, const wxString & params)
//Possibly end processing here, if in batch-debug
if( ReportAndSkip(command, params))
return true;
AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
// FIXME: for later versions may want to not select-all in batch mode.
// IF nothing selected, THEN select everything
// (most effects require that you have something selected).
bool res = false;
EffectManager::Get().SetBatchProcessing(ID, true);
// transfer the parameters to the effect...
if (EffectManager::Get().SetEffectParameters(ID, params))
// and apply the effect...
res = project->OnEffect(ID, AudacityProject::OnEffectFlags::kConfigured |
AudacityProject::OnEffectFlags::kSkipState |
EffectManager::Get().SetBatchProcessing(ID, false);
return res;
bool BatchCommands::ApplyCommand(const wxString & command, const wxString & params)
unsigned int i;
// Test for a special command.
// CLEANSPEECH remnant
if( command == SpecialCommands[i] )
return ApplySpecialCommand( i, command, params );
// end CLEANSPEECH remnant
// Test for an effect.
const PluginID & ID = EffectManager::Get().GetEffectByIdentifier( command );
if (!ID.empty())
return ApplyEffectCommand(ID, command, params);
_("Your batch command of %s was not recognized."), command.c_str() ));
return false;
bool BatchCommands::ApplyCommandInBatchMode(const wxString & command, const wxString &params)
AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
bool rc;
// enter batch mode...
bool prevShowMode = project->GetShowId3Dialog();
rc = ApplyCommand( command, params );
// exit batch mode...
return rc;
// ApplyChain returns true on success, false otherwise.
// Any error reporting to the user has already been done.
bool BatchCommands::ApplyChain(const wxString & filename)
mFileName = filename;
unsigned int i;
bool res = true;
mAbort = false;
for (i = 0; i < mCommandChain.GetCount(); i++) {
if (!ApplyCommandInBatchMode(mCommandChain[i], mParamsChain[i]) || mAbort) {
res = false;
AudacityProject *proj = GetActiveProject();
if (!res)
if(proj) {
// Chain failed or was cancelled; revert to the previous state
return false;
// Chain was successfully applied; save the NEW project state
wxString longDesc, shortDesc;
wxString name = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Batch/ActiveChain"), wxEmptyString);
if (name.IsEmpty())
longDesc = wxT("Applied batch chain");
shortDesc = wxT("Apply chain");
longDesc = wxString::Format(wxT("Applied batch chain '%s'"), name.c_str());
shortDesc = wxString::Format(wxT("Apply '%s'"), name.c_str());
if (!proj)
return false;
proj->PushState(longDesc, shortDesc);
return true;
// AbortBatch() allows a premature terminatation of a batch.
void BatchCommands::AbortBatch()
mAbort = true;
void BatchCommands::AddToChain(const wxString &command, int before)
AddToChain(command, GetCurrentParamsFor(command), before);
void BatchCommands::AddToChain(const wxString &command, const wxString &params, int before)
if (before == -1) {
before = (int)mCommandChain.GetCount();
mCommandChain.Insert(command, before);
mParamsChain.Insert(params, before);
void BatchCommands::DeleteFromChain(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= (int)mCommandChain.GetCount()) {
void BatchCommands::ResetChain()
// ReportAndSkip() is a diagnostic function that avoids actually
// applying the requested effect if in batch-debug mode.
bool BatchCommands::ReportAndSkip(const wxString & command, const wxString & params)
int bDebug;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Batch/Debug"), &bDebug, false);
if( bDebug == 0 )
return false;
//TODO: Add a cancel button to these, and add the logic so that we can abort.
if( params != wxT("") )
wxMessageBox( wxString::Format(_("Apply %s with parameter(s)\n\n%s"),command.c_str(), params.c_str()),
_("Test Mode"));
wxMessageBox( wxString::Format(_("Apply %s"),command.c_str()),
_("Test Mode"));
return true;
wxArrayString BatchCommands::GetNames()
wxArrayString names;
wxArrayString files;
wxDir::GetAllFiles(FileNames::ChainDir(), &files, wxT("*.txt"), wxDIR_FILES);
size_t i;
wxFileName ff;
for (i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); i++) {
ff = (files[i]);
return names;
bool BatchCommands::IsFixed(const wxString & name)
if (name == MP3Conversion)
return true;
return false;
void BatchCommands::RestoreChain(const wxString & name)
// TIDY-ME: Effects change their name with localisation.
// Commands (at least currently) don't. Messy.
if (name == MP3Conversion)
void BatchCommands::Split(const wxString & str, wxString & command, wxString & param)
int splitAt;
if (str.IsEmpty()) {
splitAt = str.Find(wxT(':'));
if (splitAt < 0) {
command = str.Mid(0, splitAt);
param = str.Mid(splitAt + 1);
wxString BatchCommands::Join(const wxString & command, const wxString & param)
return command + wxT(": ") + param;