
489 lines
13 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
\class UndoManager
\brief Works with HistoryDialog to provide the Undo functionality.
\class UndoStackElem
\brief Holds one item with description and time range for the
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "UndoManager.h"
#include <wx/hashset.h>
#include "Clipboard.h"
#include "DBConnection.h"
#include "Diags.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "SampleBlock.h"
#include "Sequence.h"
#include "WaveTrack.h" // temp
//#include "NoteTrack.h" // for Sonify* function declarations
#include "Diags.h"
#include "Tags.h"
#include "widgets/ProgressDialog.h"
#include <unordered_set>
using SampleBlockID = long long;
static const AudacityProject::AttachedObjects::RegisteredFactory key{
[](AudacityProject &project)
{ return std::make_unique<UndoManager>( project ); }
UndoManager &UndoManager::Get( AudacityProject &project )
return project.AttachedObjects::Get< UndoManager >( key );
const UndoManager &UndoManager::Get( const AudacityProject &project )
return Get( const_cast< AudacityProject & >( project ) );
UndoManager::UndoManager( AudacityProject &project )
: mProject{ project }
current = -1;
saved = -1;
wxASSERT( stack.empty() );
namespace {
CalculateUsage(const TrackList &tracks, SampleBlockIDSet &seen)
SpaceArray::value_type result = 0;
//TIMER_START( "CalculateSpaceUsage", space_calc );
BlockSpaceUsageAccumulator( result ),
return result;
void UndoManager::CalculateSpaceUsage()
space.resize(stack.size(), 0);
SampleBlockIDSet seen;
// After copies and pastes, a block file may be used in more than
// one place in one undo history state, and it may be used in more than
// one undo history state. It might even be used in two states, but not
// in another state that is between them -- as when you have state A,
// then make a cut to get state B, but then paste it back into state C.
// So be sure to count each block file once only, in the last undo item that
// contains it.
// Why the last and not the first? Because the user of the History dialog
// may DELETE undo states, oldest first. To reclaim disk space you must
// DELETE all states containing the block file. So the block file's
// contribution to space usage should be counted only in that latest state.
for (size_t nn = stack.size(); nn--;)
// Scan all tracks at current level
auto &tracks = *stack[nn]->state.tracks;
space[nn] = CalculateUsage(tracks, seen);
// Count the usage of the clipboard separately, using another set. Do not
// multiple-count any block occurring multiple times within the clipboard.
mClipboardSpaceUsage = CalculateUsage(
Clipboard::Get().GetTracks(), seen);
//TIMER_STOP( space_calc );
wxLongLong_t UndoManager::GetLongDescription(
unsigned int n, TranslatableString *desc, TranslatableString *size)
wxASSERT(n < stack.size());
wxASSERT(space.size() == stack.size());
*desc = stack[n]->description;
*size = Internat::FormatSize(space[n]);
return space[n];
void UndoManager::GetShortDescription(unsigned int n, TranslatableString *desc)
wxASSERT(n < stack.size());
*desc = stack[n]->shortDescription;
void UndoManager::SetLongDescription(
unsigned int n, const TranslatableString &desc)
n -= 1;
wxASSERT(n < stack.size());
stack[n]->description = desc;
void UndoManager::RemoveStateAt(int n)
// Remove the state from the array first, and destroy it at function exit.
// Because in case of callbacks from destruction of Sample blocks, there
// might be a yield to GUI and other events might inspect the undo stack
// (such as history window update). Don't expose an inconsistent stack
// state.
auto iter = stack.begin() + n;
auto state = std::move(*iter);
//! Just to find a denominator for a progress indicator.
/*! This estimate procedure should in fact be exact */
size_t UndoManager::EstimateRemovedBlocks(size_t begin, size_t end)
if (begin == end)
return 0;
// Collect ids that survive
SampleBlockIDSet wontDelete;
auto f = [&](const auto &p){
InspectBlocks(*p->state.tracks, {}, &wontDelete);
auto first = stack.begin(), last = stack.end();
std::for_each( first, first + begin, f );
std::for_each( first + end, last, f );
if (saved >= 0)
std::for_each( first + saved, first + saved + 1, f );
InspectBlocks(TrackList::Get(mProject), {}, &wontDelete);
// Collect ids that won't survive (and are not negative pseudo ids)
SampleBlockIDSet seen, mayDelete;
std::for_each( first + begin, first + end, [&](const auto &p){
auto &tracks = *p->state.tracks;
InspectBlocks(tracks, [&]( const SampleBlock &block ){
auto id = block.GetBlockID();
if ( id > 0 && !wontDelete.count( id ) )
mayDelete.insert( id );
} );
return mayDelete.size();
void UndoManager::RemoveStates(size_t begin, size_t end)
// Install a callback function that updates a progress indicator
unsigned long long nToDelete = EstimateRemovedBlocks(begin, end),
nDeleted = 0;
ProgressDialog dialog{ XO("Progress"), XO("Discarding undo/redo history"),
pdlgHideStopButton | pdlgHideCancelButton
auto callback = [&](const SampleBlock &){
dialog.Update(++nDeleted, nToDelete);
auto &trackFactory = WaveTrackFactory::Get( mProject );
auto &pSampleBlockFactory = trackFactory.GetSampleBlockFactory();
auto prevCallback =
auto cleanup = finally([&]{ pSampleBlockFactory->SetBlockDeletionCallback( prevCallback ); });
// Wrap the whole in a savepoint for better performance
Optional<TransactionScope> pTrans;
auto pConnection = ConnectionPtr::Get(mProject).mpConnection.get();
if (pConnection)
pTrans.emplace(*pConnection, "DiscardingUndoStates");
for (size_t ii = begin; ii < end; ++ii) {
if (current > begin)
if (saved > static_cast<int>(begin))
// Success, commit the savepoint
if (pTrans)
if (begin != end)
// wxWidgets will own the event object
mProject.QueueEvent( safenew wxCommandEvent{ EVT_UNDO_PURGE } );
// Check sanity
nDeleted == 0 || // maybe bypassing all deletions
nDeleted == nToDelete, "Block count was misestimated");
void UndoManager::ClearStates()
RemoveStates(0, stack.size());
current = -1;
saved = -1;
unsigned int UndoManager::GetNumStates()
return stack.size();
unsigned int UndoManager::GetCurrentState()
return current;
bool UndoManager::UndoAvailable()
return (current > 0);
bool UndoManager::RedoAvailable()
return (current < (int)stack.size() - 1);
void UndoManager::ModifyState(const TrackList * l,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion,
const std::shared_ptr<Tags> &tags)
if (current == wxNOT_FOUND) {
// SonifyBeginModifyState();
// Delete current -- not necessary, but let's reclaim space early
// Duplicate
auto tracksCopy = TrackList::Create( nullptr );
for (auto t : *l) {
if ( t->GetId() == TrackId{} )
// Don't copy a pending added track
// Replace
stack[current]->state.tracks = std::move(tracksCopy);
stack[current]->state.tags = tags;
stack[current]->state.selectedRegion = selectedRegion;
// SonifyEndModifyState();
// wxWidgets will own the event object
mProject.QueueEvent( safenew wxCommandEvent{ EVT_UNDO_MODIFIED } );
void UndoManager::RenameState( int state,
const TranslatableString &longDescription,
const TranslatableString &shortDescription)
if (state >= 0 && state < stack.size() ) {
auto &theState = *stack[state];
theState.description = longDescription;
theState.shortDescription = shortDescription;
void UndoManager::PushState(const TrackList * l,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion,
const std::shared_ptr<Tags> &tags,
const TranslatableString &longDescription,
const TranslatableString &shortDescription,
UndoPush flags)
if ( (flags & UndoPush::CONSOLIDATE) != UndoPush::NONE &&
// compare full translations not msgids!
lastAction.Translation() == longDescription.Translation() &&
mayConsolidate ) {
ModifyState(l, selectedRegion, tags);
// MB: If the "saved" state was modified by ModifyState, reset
// it so that UnsavedChanges returns true.
if (current == saved) {
saved = -1;
auto tracksCopy = TrackList::Create( nullptr );
for (auto t : *l) {
if ( t->GetId() == TrackId{} )
// Don't copy a pending added track
mayConsolidate = true;
// Assume tags was duplicated before any changes.
// Just save a NEW shared_ptr to it.
longDescription, shortDescription, selectedRegion, tags)
lastAction = longDescription;
// wxWidgets will own the event object
mProject.QueueEvent( safenew wxCommandEvent{ EVT_UNDO_PUSHED } );
void UndoManager::AbandonRedo()
if (saved > current) {
saved = -1;
RemoveStates( current + 1, stack.size() );
void UndoManager::SetStateTo(unsigned int n, const Consumer &consumer)
wxASSERT(n < stack.size());
current = n;
lastAction = {};
mayConsolidate = false;
consumer( *stack[current] );
// wxWidgets will own the event object
mProject.QueueEvent( safenew wxCommandEvent{ EVT_UNDO_RESET } );
void UndoManager::Undo(const Consumer &consumer)
lastAction = {};
mayConsolidate = false;
consumer( *stack[current] );
// wxWidgets will own the event object
mProject.QueueEvent( safenew wxCommandEvent{ EVT_UNDO_OR_REDO } );
void UndoManager::Redo(const Consumer &consumer)
if (!RedoAvailable()) {
*sel0 = stack[current]->sel0;
*sel1 = stack[current]->sel1;
else {
*sel0 = stack[current]->sel0;
*sel1 = stack[current]->sel1;
lastAction = {};
mayConsolidate = false;
consumer( *stack[current] );
// wxWidgets will own the event object
mProject.QueueEvent( safenew wxCommandEvent{ EVT_UNDO_OR_REDO } );
void UndoManager::VisitStates( const Consumer &consumer, bool newestFirst )
auto fn = [&]( decltype(stack[0]) &ptr ){ consumer( *ptr ); };
if (newestFirst)
std::for_each(stack.rbegin(), stack.rend(), fn);
std::for_each(stack.begin(), stack.end(), fn);
void UndoManager::VisitStates(
const Consumer &consumer, size_t begin, size_t end )
auto size = stack.size();
if (begin < end) {
end = std::min(end, size);
for (auto ii = begin; ii < end; ++ii)
else {
if (size == 0)
begin = std::min(begin, size - 1);
for (auto ii = begin; ii > end; --ii)
bool UndoManager::UnsavedChanges() const
return (saved != current);
void UndoManager::StateSaved()
saved = current;
int UndoManager::GetSavedState() const
return saved;
// currently unused
//void UndoManager::Debug()
// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) {
// for (auto t : stack[i]->tracks->Any())
// wxPrintf(wxT("*%d* %s %f\n"),
// i, (i == (unsigned int)current) ? wxT("-->") : wxT(" "),
// t ? t->GetEndTime()-t->GetStartTime() : 0);
// }