2019-03-26 11:33:55 -04:00

302 lines
8.9 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
#include "MemoryX.h"
#include <vector>
#include "SampleFormat.h"
#include "xml/XMLTagHandler.h"
#include "xml/XMLWriter.h"
#include "ondemand/ODTaskThread.h"
#include "audacity/Types.h"
class BlockFile;
using BlockFilePtr = std::shared_ptr<BlockFile>;
class DirManager;
// This is an internal data structure! For advanced use only.
class SeqBlock {
BlockFilePtr f;
///the sample in the global wavetrack that this block starts at.
sampleCount start;
: f{}, start(0)
SeqBlock(const BlockFilePtr &f_, sampleCount start_)
: f(f_), start(start_)
// Construct a SeqBlock with changed start, same file
SeqBlock Plus(sampleCount delta) const
return SeqBlock(f, start + delta);
class BlockArray : public std::vector<SeqBlock> {};
using BlockPtrArray = std::vector<SeqBlock*>; // non-owning pointers
class PROFILE_DLL_API Sequence final : public XMLTagHandler{
// Static methods
static void SetMaxDiskBlockSize(size_t bytes);
static size_t GetMaxDiskBlockSize();
// Constructor / Destructor / Duplicator
Sequence(const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &projDirManager, sampleFormat format);
// The copy constructor and duplicate operators take a
// DirManager as a parameter, because you might be copying
// from one project to another...
Sequence(const Sequence &orig, const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &projDirManager);
// Sequence cannot be copied without specifying a DirManager
Sequence(const Sequence&) PROHIBITED;
Sequence& operator= (const Sequence&) PROHIBITED;
// Editing
sampleCount GetNumSamples() const { return mNumSamples; }
bool Get(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, size_t len, bool mayThrow) const;
// Note that len is not size_t, because nullptr may be passed for buffer, in
// which case, silence is inserted, possibly a large amount.
void SetSamples(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, sampleCount len);
// where is input, assumed to be nondecreasing, and its size is len + 1.
// min, max, rms, bl are outputs, and their lengths are len.
// Each position in the output arrays corresponds to one column of pixels.
// The column for pixel p covers samples from
// where[p] up to (but excluding) where[p + 1].
// bl is negative wherever data are not yet available.
// Return true if successful.
bool GetWaveDisplay(float *min, float *max, float *rms, int* bl,
size_t len, const sampleCount *where) const;
// Return non-null, or else throw!
std::unique_ptr<Sequence> Copy(sampleCount s0, sampleCount s1) const;
void Paste(sampleCount s0, const Sequence *src);
size_t GetIdealAppendLen() const;
void Append(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, size_t len,
XMLWriter* blockFileLog=NULL);
void Delete(sampleCount start, sampleCount len);
void AppendAlias(const FilePath &fullPath,
sampleCount start,
size_t len, int channel, bool useOD);
void AppendCoded(const FilePath &fName, sampleCount start,
size_t len, int channel, int decodeType);
///gets an int with OD flags so that we can determine which ODTasks should be run on this track after save/open, etc.
unsigned int GetODFlags();
// Append a blockfile. The blockfile pointer is then "owned" by the
// sequence. This function is used by the recording log crash recovery
// code, but may be useful for other purposes. The blockfile must already
// be registered within the dir manager hash. This is the case
// when the blockfile is created using DirManager::NewSimpleBlockFile or
// loaded from an XML file via DirManager::HandleXMLTag
void AppendBlockFile(const BlockFilePtr &blockFile);
void SetSilence(sampleCount s0, sampleCount len);
void InsertSilence(sampleCount s0, sampleCount len);
const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &GetDirManager() { return mDirManager; }
// XMLTagHandler callback methods for loading and saving
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override;
void HandleXMLEndTag(const wxChar *tag) override;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag) override;
void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const /* not override */;
bool GetErrorOpening() { return mErrorOpening; }
// Lock/Unlock all of this sequence's BlockFiles, keeping them
// from being moved. Call this if you want to copy a
// track to a different DirManager. See BlockFile.h
// for details.
bool Lock();
bool Unlock();
bool CloseLock();//similar to Lock but should be called upon project close.
// not balanced by unlocking calls.
// Manipulating Sample Format
sampleFormat GetSampleFormat() const;
// Return true iff there is a change
bool ConvertToSampleFormat(sampleFormat format);
// Retrieving summary info
std::pair<float, float> GetMinMax(
sampleCount start, sampleCount len, bool mayThrow) const;
float GetRMS(sampleCount start, sampleCount len, bool mayThrow) const;
// Getting block size and alignment information
// This returns a possibly large or negative value
sampleCount GetBlockStart(sampleCount position) const;
// These return a nonnegative number of samples meant to size a memory buffer
size_t GetBestBlockSize(sampleCount start) const;
size_t GetMaxBlockSize() const;
size_t GetIdealBlockSize() const;
// This should only be used if you really, really know what
// you're doing!
BlockArray &GetBlockArray() {return mBlock;}
void LockDeleteUpdateMutex(){mDeleteUpdateMutex.Lock();}
void UnlockDeleteUpdateMutex(){mDeleteUpdateMutex.Unlock();}
// RAII idiom wrapping the functions above
struct DeleteUpdateMutexLocker {
DeleteUpdateMutexLocker(Sequence &sequence)
: mSequence(sequence)
Sequence &mSequence;
// Private static variables
static size_t sMaxDiskBlockSize;
// Private variables
std::shared_ptr<DirManager> mDirManager;
BlockArray mBlock;
sampleFormat mSampleFormat;
// Not size_t! May need to be large:
sampleCount mNumSamples{ 0 };
size_t mMinSamples; // min samples per block
size_t mMaxSamples; // max samples per block
bool mErrorOpening{ false };
///To block the Delete() method against the ODCalcSummaryTask::Update() method
ODLock mDeleteUpdateMutex;
// Private methods
int FindBlock(sampleCount pos) const;
static void AppendBlock
(DirManager &dirManager,
BlockArray &blocks, sampleCount &numSamples, const SeqBlock &b);
static bool Read(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
const SeqBlock &b,
size_t blockRelativeStart, size_t len, bool mayThrow);
// Accumulate NEW block files onto the end of a block array.
// Does not change this sequence. The intent is to use
// CommitChangesIfConsistent later.
static void Blockify
(DirManager &dirManager, size_t maxSamples, sampleFormat format,
BlockArray &list, sampleCount start, samplePtr buffer, size_t len);
bool Get(int b, samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, size_t len, bool mayThrow) const;
// Public methods
// This function throws if the track is messed up
// because of inconsistent block starts & lengths
void ConsistencyCheck (const wxChar *whereStr, bool mayThrow = true) const;
// This function prints information to stdout about the blocks in the
// tracks and indicates if there are inconsistencies.
static void DebugPrintf
(const BlockArray &block, sampleCount numSamples, wxString *dest);
static void ConsistencyCheck
(const BlockArray &block, size_t maxSamples, size_t from,
sampleCount numSamples, const wxChar *whereStr,
bool mayThrow = true);
// The next two are used in methods that give a strong guarantee.
// They either throw because final consistency check fails, or swap the
// changed contents into place.
void CommitChangesIfConsistent
(BlockArray &newBlock, sampleCount numSamples, const wxChar *whereStr);
void AppendBlocksIfConsistent
(BlockArray &additionalBlocks, bool replaceLast,
sampleCount numSamples, const wxChar *whereStr);