2019-03-30 10:17:18 -04:00

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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Created by Michael Chinen (mchinen)
Audacity(R) is copyright (c) 1999-2008 Audacity Team.
License: GPL v2. See License.txt.
\class ODDecodeBlockFile
\brief ODDecodeBlockFile is a special type of SimpleBlockFile that does not necessarily have summary OR audio data available
The summary and audio is eventually computed and written to a file in a background thread.
Load On-Demand implementation of the SimpleBlockFile for audio files that need to be decoded (mp3,flac,etc..).
Also, see ODPCMAliasBlockFile for a similar file.
#ifndef __AUDACITY_ODDecodeBlockFile__
#define __AUDACITY_ODDecodeBlockFile__
#include "SimpleBlockFile.h"
#include "../BlockFile.h"
#include "../ondemand/ODTaskThread.h"
#include "../DirManager.h"
#include "../ondemand/ODDecodeTask.h"
#include <wx/atomic.h>
/// An AliasBlockFile that references uncompressed data in an existing file
class ODDecodeBlockFile final : public SimpleBlockFile
// Constructor / Destructor
/// Create a disk file and write summary and sample data to it
ODDecodeBlockFile(wxFileNameWrapper &&baseFileName, wxFileNameWrapper &&audioFileName, sampleCount aliasStart,
size_t aliasLen, int aliasChannel, unsigned int decodeType);
/// Create the memory structure to refer to the given block file
ODDecodeBlockFile(wxFileNameWrapper &&existingFile, wxFileNameWrapper &&audioFileName, sampleCount aliasStart,
size_t aliasLen, int aliasChannel, unsigned int decodeType,
float min, float max, float rms, bool dataAvailable);
virtual ~ODDecodeBlockFile();
//checks to see if summary data has been computed and written to disk yet. Thread safe. Blocks if we are writing summary data.
bool IsSummaryAvailable() const override;
/// Returns TRUE if this block's complete data is ready to be accessed by Read()
bool IsDataAvailable() const override;
/// Returns TRUE if the summary has not yet been written, but is actively being computed and written to disk
bool IsSummaryBeingComputed() override { return false; }
//Calls that rely on summary files need to be overidden
DiskByteCount GetSpaceUsage() const override;
/// Gets extreme values for the specified region
MinMaxRMS GetMinMaxRMS(
size_t start, size_t len, bool mayThrow) const override;
/// Gets extreme values for the entire block
MinMaxRMS GetMinMaxRMS(bool mayThrow) const override;
/// Returns the 256 byte summary data block
bool Read256(float *buffer, size_t start, size_t len) override;
/// Returns the 64K summary data block
bool Read64K(float *buffer, size_t start, size_t len) override;
/// returns true before decoding is complete, because it is linked to the encoded file until then.
/// returns false afterwards.
///Makes NEW ODDecodeBlockFile or SimpleBlockFile depending on summary availability
BlockFilePtr Copy(wxFileNameWrapper &&fileName) override;
///Saves as xml ODDecodeBlockFile or SimpleBlockFile depending on summary availability
void SaveXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) override;
///Reconstructs from XML a ODDecodeBlockFile and reschedules it for OD loading
static BlockFilePtr BuildFromXML(DirManager &dm, const wxChar **attrs);
///Writes the summary file if summary data is available
void Recover(void) override;
int DoWriteBlockFile(){return WriteODDecodeBlockFile();}
int WriteODDecodeBlockFile();
///Sets the value that indicates where the first sample in this block corresponds to the global sequence/clip. Only for display use.
void SetStart(sampleCount startSample){mStart = startSample;}
///Gets the value that indicates where the first sample in this block corresponds to the global sequence/clip. Only for display use.
sampleCount GetStart() const {return mStart;}
//returns the number of samples from the beginning of the track that this blockfile starts at
sampleCount GetGlobalStart() const {return mClipOffset+mStart;}
//returns the number of samples from the beginning of the track that this blockfile ends at
sampleCount GetGlobalEnd() const {return mClipOffset+mStart+GetLength();}
//Below calls are overrided just so we can take wxlog calls out, which are not threadsafe.
/// Reads the specified data from the aliased file using libsndfile
size_t ReadData(samplePtr data, sampleFormat format,
size_t start, size_t len, bool mayThrow) const override;
/// Read the summary into a buffer
bool ReadSummary(ArrayOf<char> &data) override;
///Returns the type of audiofile this blockfile is loaded from.
unsigned int GetDecodeType() /* not override */ const { return mType; }
// void SetDecodeType(unsigned int type) /* not override */ { mType = type; }
///sets the amount of samples the clip associated with this blockfile is offset in the wavetrack (non effecting)
void SetClipOffset(sampleCount numSamples){mClipOffset= numSamples;}
///Gets the number of samples the clip associated with this blockfile is offset by.
sampleCount GetClipOffset() const {return mClipOffset;}
//OD TODO:set ISAlias to true while we have no data?
///set the decoder,
void SetODFileDecoder(ODFileDecoder* decoder);
const wxFileName &GetAudioFileName(){return mAudioFileName;}
///sets the file name the summary info will be saved in. threadsafe.
void SetFileName(wxFileNameWrapper &&name) override;
GetFileNameResult GetFileName() const override;
/// Prevents a read on other threads of the encoded audio file.
void LockRead() const override;
/// Allows reading of encoded file on other threads.
void UnlockRead() const override;
///// Get the name of the file where the audio data for this block is
/// stored.
const wxFileName &GetEncodedAudioFilename()
return mAudioFileName;
/// Modify this block to point at a different file. This is generally
/// looked down on, but it is necessary in one case: see
/// DirManager::EnsureSafeFilename().
void ChangeAudioFile(wxFileNameWrapper &&newAudioFile);
// void WriteSimpleBlockFile() override;
void *CalcSummary(samplePtr buffer, size_t len,
sampleFormat format, ArrayOf<char> &cleanup) override;
//The on demand type.
unsigned int mType;
///This lock is for the filename (string) of the blockfile that contains summary/audio data
///after decoding
mutable ODLock mFileNameMutex;
///The original file the audio came from.
wxFileNameWrapper mAudioFileName;
wxAtomicInt mDataAvailable{ 0 };
bool mDataBeingComputed;
ODFileDecoder* mDecoder;
ODLock mDecoderMutex;
///For accessing the audio file that will be decoded. Used by dir manager;
mutable ODLock mReadDataMutex;
///for reporting after task is complete. Only for display use.
sampleCount mStart;
///the ODTask needs to know where this blockfile lies in the track, so for convenience, we have this here.
sampleCount mClipOffset;
sampleFormat mFormat;
sampleCount mAliasStart;//where in the encoded audio file this block corresponds to.
const int mAliasChannel;//The channel number in the encoded file..