2020-03-08 16:21:28 -04:00

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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Audacity(R) is copyright (c) 1999-2008 Audacity Team.
License: GPL v2. See License.txt.
#include "../Experimental.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "audacity/EffectInterface.h"
#include "audacity/Types.h"
class AudacityCommand;
class AudacityProject;
class CommandContext;
class CommandMessageTarget;
class ComponentInterfaceSymbol;
class Effect;
class TrackFactory;
class TrackList;
class SelectedRegion;
class wxString;
typedef wxString PluginID;
using EffectMap = std::unordered_map<wxString, Effect *>;
using AudacityCommandMap = std::unordered_map<wxString, AudacityCommand *>;
using EffectOwnerMap = std::unordered_map< wxString, std::shared_ptr<Effect> >;
class EffectRack;
class AudacityCommand;
class NotifyingSelectedRegion;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API EffectManager
enum : unsigned {
// No flags specified
kNone = 0x00,
// Flag used to disable prompting for configuration parameteres.
kConfigured = 0x01,
// Flag used to disable saving the state after processing.
kSkipState = 0x02,
// Flag used to disable "Repeat Last Effect"
kDontRepeatLast = 0x04,
/** Get the singleton instance of the EffectManager. Probably not safe
for multi-thread use. */
static EffectManager & Get();
// public methods
// Used by the outside program to register the list of effects and retrieve
// them by index number, usually when the user selects one from a menu.
virtual ~EffectManager();
/** (Un)Register an effect so it can be executed. */
// Here solely for the purpose of Nyquist Workbench until
// a better solution is devised.
const PluginID & RegisterEffect(Effect *f);
void UnregisterEffect(const PluginID & ID);
TranslatableString GetEffectFamilyName(const PluginID & ID);
TranslatableString GetVendorName(const PluginID & ID);
/** Run a command given the plugin ID */
// Returns true on success.
bool DoAudacityCommand(const PluginID & ID,
const CommandContext &,
wxWindow *parent,
bool shouldPrompt = true );
// Renamed from 'Effect' to 'Command' prior to moving out of this class.
ComponentInterfaceSymbol GetCommandSymbol(const PluginID & ID);
TranslatableString GetCommandName(const PluginID & ID);
CommandID GetCommandIdentifier(const PluginID & ID);
TranslatableString GetCommandDescription(const PluginID & ID);
wxString GetCommandUrl(const PluginID & ID);
wxString GetCommandTip(const PluginID & ID);
// flags control which commands are included.
void GetCommandDefinition(const PluginID & ID, const CommandContext & context, int flags);
bool IsHidden(const PluginID & ID);
/** Support for batch commands */
bool SupportsAutomation(const PluginID & ID);
wxString GetEffectParameters(const PluginID & ID);
bool SetEffectParameters(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & params);
bool PromptUser( const PluginID & ID,
const EffectClientInterface::EffectDialogFactory &factory,
wxWindow &parent );
bool HasPresets(const PluginID & ID);
wxString GetPreset(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & params, wxWindow * parent);
wxString GetDefaultPreset(const PluginID & ID);
void SetBatchProcessing(const PluginID & ID, bool start);
struct UnsetBatchProcessing {
PluginID mID;
void operator () (EffectManager *p) const
{ if(p) p->SetBatchProcessing(mID, false); }
using BatchProcessingScope =
std::unique_ptr< EffectManager, UnsetBatchProcessing >;
// RAII for the function above
BatchProcessingScope SetBatchProcessing(const PluginID &ID)
SetBatchProcessing(ID, true); return BatchProcessingScope{ this, {ID} };
/** Allow effects to disable saving the state at run time */
void SetSkipStateFlag(bool flag);
bool GetSkipStateFlag();
const PluginID & GetEffectByIdentifier(const CommandID & strTarget);
/** Return an effect by its ID. */
Effect *GetEffect(const PluginID & ID);
AudacityCommand *GetAudacityCommand(const PluginID & ID);
EffectMap mEffects;
AudacityCommandMap mCommands;
EffectOwnerMap mHostEffects;
int mNumEffects;
// Set true if we want to skip pushing state
// after processing at effect run time.
bool mSkipStateFlag;
friend class EffectRack;