Paul Licameli c2feee6cea Bug2346: Complete fix...
... without making undesirable dependency cycles.

Eliminate calls to NewWaveTrack in effects, but in Edit>Copy too, which was
not mentioned in the bug report.  (Copying a track, deselecting all, and pasting
preserved CLIP colors, but not the TRACK color setting which applies to newly
generated clips.)

Instead, always use the new function WaveTrack::EmptyCopy from the track to be
later replaced, getting color information.

NewWaveTrack is still used in benchmark test, import, the Track menu
commands that make new tracks, recording to new tracks, and generators without
a selection, where there is no track to copy from.

Also when deserializing tracks from the .aup file, in which case the saved
color is later retrieved from the file.

Also, in mix-and-render, where other logic decides whether to copy colors

See commit a9658e6ef7
2020-03-10 22:32:23 -04:00

458 lines
16 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Clayton Otey
This class contains all of the common code for an
effect that uses SBSMS to do its processing (TimeScale)
#include "../Audacity.h" // for USE_* macros
#include "SBSMSEffect.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "../LabelTrack.h"
#include "../WaveTrack.h"
#include "TimeWarper.h"
enum {
SBSMSOutBlockSize = 512
class ResampleBuf
processed = 0;
bool bPitch;
ArrayOf<audio> buf;
double ratio;
sampleCount processed;
size_t blockSize;
long SBSMSBlockSize;
sampleCount offset;
sampleCount end;
ArrayOf<float> leftBuffer;
ArrayOf<float> rightBuffer;
WaveTrack *leftTrack;
WaveTrack *rightTrack;
std::unique_ptr<SBSMS> sbsms;
std::unique_ptr<SBSMSInterface> iface;
ArrayOf<audio> SBSMSBuf;
// Not required by callbacks, but makes for easier cleanup
std::unique_ptr<Resampler> resampler;
std::unique_ptr<SBSMSQuality> quality;
std::shared_ptr<WaveTrack> outputLeftTrack;
std::shared_ptr<WaveTrack> outputRightTrack;
std::exception_ptr mpException {};
class SBSMSEffectInterface final : public SBSMSInterfaceSliding {
SBSMSEffectInterface(Resampler *resampler,
Slide *rateSlide, Slide *pitchSlide,
bool bReferenceInput,
long samples, long preSamples,
SBSMSQuality *quality)
: SBSMSInterfaceSliding(rateSlide,pitchSlide,bReferenceInput,samples,preSamples,quality)
this->resampler = resampler;
virtual ~SBSMSEffectInterface() {}
long samples(audio *buf, long n) {
return resampler->read(buf, n);
Resampler *resampler;
long resampleCB(void *cb_data, SBSMSFrame *data)
ResampleBuf *r = (ResampleBuf*) cb_data;
auto blockSize = limitSampleBufferSize(
r->end - r->offset
// Get the samples from the tracks and put them in the buffers.
// I don't know if we can safely propagate errors through sbsms, and it
// does not seem to let us report error codes, so use this roundabout to
// stop the effect early.
try {
(samplePtr)(r->leftBuffer.get()), floatSample, r->offset, blockSize);
(samplePtr)(r->rightBuffer.get()), floatSample, r->offset, blockSize);
catch ( ... ) {
// Save the exception object for re-throw when out of the library
r->mpException = std::current_exception();
data->size = 0;
return 0;
// convert to sbsms audio format
for(decltype(blockSize) i=0; i<blockSize; i++) {
r->buf[i][0] = r->leftBuffer[i];
r->buf[i][1] = r->rightBuffer[i];
data->buf = r->buf.get();
data->size = blockSize;
if(r->bPitch) {
float t0 = r->processed.as_float() / r->iface->getSamplesToInput();
float t1 = (r->processed + blockSize).as_float() / r->iface->getSamplesToInput();
data->ratio0 = r->iface->getStretch(t0);
data->ratio1 = r->iface->getStretch(t1);
} else {
data->ratio0 = r->ratio;
data->ratio1 = r->ratio;
r->processed += blockSize;
r->offset += blockSize;
return blockSize;
long postResampleCB(void *cb_data, SBSMSFrame *data)
ResampleBuf *r = (ResampleBuf*) cb_data;
auto count = r->sbsms->read(r->iface.get(), r->SBSMSBuf.get(), r->SBSMSBlockSize);
data->buf = r->SBSMSBuf.get();
data->size = count;
data->ratio0 = 1.0 / r->ratio;
data->ratio1 = 1.0 / r->ratio;
return count;
void EffectSBSMS :: setParameters(double rateStartIn, double rateEndIn, double pitchStartIn, double pitchEndIn,
SlideType rateSlideTypeIn, SlideType pitchSlideTypeIn,
bool bLinkRatePitchIn, bool bRateReferenceInputIn, bool bPitchReferenceInputIn)
this->rateStart = rateStartIn;
this->rateEnd = rateEndIn;
this->pitchStart = pitchStartIn;
this->pitchEnd = pitchEndIn;
this->bLinkRatePitch = bLinkRatePitchIn;
this->rateSlideType = rateSlideTypeIn;
this->pitchSlideType = pitchSlideTypeIn;
this->bRateReferenceInput = bRateReferenceInputIn;
this->bPitchReferenceInput = bPitchReferenceInputIn;
void EffectSBSMS::setParameters(double tempoRatio, double pitchRatio)
setParameters(tempoRatio, tempoRatio, pitchRatio, pitchRatio,
SlideConstant, SlideConstant, false, false, false);
std::unique_ptr<TimeWarper> createTimeWarper(double t0, double t1, double duration,
double rateStart, double rateEnd, SlideType rateSlideType)
std::unique_ptr<TimeWarper> warper;
if (rateStart == rateEnd || rateSlideType == SlideConstant) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearTimeWarper>(t0, t0, t1, t0+duration);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideLinearInputRate) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearInputRateTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideLinearOutputRate) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearOutputRateTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideLinearInputStretch) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearInputStretchTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideLinearOutputStretch) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearOutputStretchTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideGeometricInput) {
warper = std::make_unique<GeometricInputTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideGeometricOutput) {
warper = std::make_unique<GeometricOutputTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
return warper;
// Labels inside the affected region are moved to match the audio; labels after
// it are shifted along appropriately.
bool EffectSBSMS::ProcessLabelTrack(LabelTrack *lt)
auto warper1 = createTimeWarper(mT0,mT1,(mT1-mT0)*mTotalStretch,rateStart,rateEnd,rateSlideType);
RegionTimeWarper warper{ mT0, mT1, std::move(warper1) };
return true;
double EffectSBSMS::getInvertedStretchedTime(double rateStart, double rateEnd, SlideType slideType, double outputTime)
Slide slide(slideType,rateStart,rateEnd,0);
return slide.getInverseStretchedTime(outputTime);
double EffectSBSMS::getRate(double rateStart, double rateEnd, SlideType slideType, double t)
Slide slide(slideType,rateStart,rateEnd,0);
return slide.getRate(t);
bool EffectSBSMS::Process()
bool bGoodResult = true;
//Iterate over each track
//all needed because this effect needs to introduce silence in the group tracks to keep sync
this->CopyInputTracks(true); // Set up mOutputTracks.
mCurTrackNum = 0;
double maxDuration = 0.0;
// Must sync if selection length will change
bool mustSync = (rateStart != rateEnd);
Slide rateSlide(rateSlideType,rateStart,rateEnd);
Slide pitchSlide(pitchSlideType,pitchStart,pitchEnd);
mTotalStretch = rateSlide.getTotalStretch();
mOutputTracks->Leaders().VisitWhile( bGoodResult,
[&](LabelTrack *lt, const Track::Fallthrough &fallthrough) {
if (!(lt->GetSelected() || (mustSync && lt->IsSyncLockSelected())))
return fallthrough();
if (!ProcessLabelTrack(lt))
bGoodResult = false;
[&](WaveTrack *leftTrack, const Track::Fallthrough &fallthrough) {
if (!leftTrack->GetSelected())
return fallthrough();
//Get start and end times from track
mCurT0 = leftTrack->GetStartTime();
mCurT1 = leftTrack->GetEndTime();
//Set the current bounds to whichever left marker is
//greater and whichever right marker is less
mCurT0 = wxMax(mT0, mCurT0);
mCurT1 = wxMin(mT1, mCurT1);
// Process only if the right marker is to the right of the left marker
if (mCurT1 > mCurT0) {
auto start = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT0);
auto end = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT1);
// TODO: more-than-two-channels
auto channels = TrackList::Channels(leftTrack);
WaveTrack *rightTrack = (channels.size() > 1)
? * ++ channels.first
: nullptr;
if (rightTrack) {
double t;
//Adjust bounds by the right tracks markers
t = rightTrack->GetStartTime();
t = wxMax(mT0, t);
mCurT0 = wxMin(mCurT0, t);
t = rightTrack->GetEndTime();
t = wxMin(mT1, t);
mCurT1 = wxMax(mCurT1, t);
//Transform the marker timepoints to samples
start = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT0);
end = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT1);
mCurTrackNum++; // Increment for rightTrack, too.
const auto trackStart =
const auto trackEnd =
// SBSMS has a fixed sample rate - we just convert to its sample rate and then convert back
float srTrack = leftTrack->GetRate();
float srProcess = bLinkRatePitch ? srTrack : 44100.0;
// the resampler needs a callback to supply its samples
ResampleBuf rb;
auto maxBlockSize = leftTrack->GetMaxBlockSize();
rb.blockSize = maxBlockSize;
rb.buf.reinit(rb.blockSize, true);
rb.leftTrack = leftTrack;
rb.rightTrack = rightTrack?rightTrack:leftTrack;
rb.leftBuffer.reinit(maxBlockSize, true);
rb.rightBuffer.reinit(maxBlockSize, true);
// Samples in selection
auto samplesIn = end - start;
// Samples for SBSMS to process after resampling
auto samplesToProcess = (sampleCount) (samplesIn.as_float() * (srProcess/srTrack));
SlideType outSlideType;
SBSMSResampleCB outResampleCB;
if(bLinkRatePitch) {
rb.bPitch = true;
outSlideType = rateSlideType;
outResampleCB = resampleCB;
rb.offset = start;
rb.end = end;
// Third party library has its own type alias, check it
static_assert(sizeof(sampleCount::type) <=
"Type _sbsms_::SampleCountType is too narrow to hold a sampleCount");
rb.iface = std::make_unique<SBSMSInterfaceSliding>
(&rateSlide, &pitchSlide, bPitchReferenceInput,
( samplesToProcess.as_long_long() ),
0, nullptr);
else {
rb.bPitch = false;
outSlideType = (srProcess==srTrack?SlideIdentity:SlideConstant);
outResampleCB = postResampleCB;
rb.ratio = srProcess/srTrack;
rb.quality = std::make_unique<SBSMSQuality>(&SBSMSQualityStandard);
rb.resampler = std::make_unique<Resampler>(resampleCB, &rb, srProcess==srTrack?SlideIdentity:SlideConstant);
rb.sbsms = std::make_unique<SBSMS>(rightTrack ? 2 : 1, rb.quality.get(), true);
rb.SBSMSBlockSize = rb.sbsms->getInputFrameSize();
rb.SBSMSBuf.reinit(static_cast<size_t>(rb.SBSMSBlockSize), true);
// Note: width of getMaxPresamples() is only long. Widen it
decltype(start) processPresamples = rb.quality->getMaxPresamples();
processPresamples =
(( start - trackStart ).as_float() *
auto trackPresamples = start - trackStart;
trackPresamples =
(processPresamples.as_float() *
rb.offset = start - trackPresamples;
rb.end = trackEnd;
rb.iface = std::make_unique<SBSMSEffectInterface>
(rb.resampler.get(), &rateSlide, &pitchSlide,
// The argument type is only long!
static_cast<long> ( samplesToProcess.as_long_long() ),
// This argument type is also only long!
static_cast<long> ( processPresamples.as_long_long() ),
Resampler resampler(outResampleCB,&rb,outSlideType);
audio outBuf[SBSMSOutBlockSize];
float outBufLeft[2*SBSMSOutBlockSize];
float outBufRight[2*SBSMSOutBlockSize];
// Samples in output after SBSMS
sampleCount samplesToOutput = rb.iface->getSamplesToOutput();
// Samples in output after resampling back
auto samplesOut = (sampleCount) (samplesToOutput.as_float() * (srTrack/srProcess));
// Duration in track time
double duration = (mCurT1-mCurT0) * mTotalStretch;
if(duration > maxDuration)
maxDuration = duration;
auto warper = createTimeWarper(mCurT0,mCurT1,maxDuration,rateStart,rateEnd,rateSlideType);
rb.outputLeftTrack = leftTrack->EmptyCopy();
rb.outputRightTrack = rightTrack->EmptyCopy();
long pos = 0;
long outputCount = -1;
// process
while(pos<samplesOut && outputCount) {
const auto frames =
limitSampleBufferSize( SBSMSOutBlockSize, samplesOut - pos );
outputCount =,frames);
for(int i = 0; i < outputCount; i++) {
outBufLeft[i] = outBuf[i][0];
outBufRight[i] = outBuf[i][1];
pos += outputCount;
rb.outputLeftTrack->Append((samplePtr)outBufLeft, floatSample, outputCount);
rb.outputRightTrack->Append((samplePtr)outBufRight, floatSample, outputCount);
double frac = (double)pos / samplesOut.as_double();
int nWhichTrack = mCurTrackNum;
if(rightTrack) {
nWhichTrack = 2*(mCurTrackNum/2);
if (frac < 0.5)
frac *= 2.0; // Show twice as far for each track, because we're doing 2 at once.
else {
frac -= 0.5;
frac *= 2.0; // Show twice as far for each track, because we're doing 2 at once.
if (TrackProgress(nWhichTrack, frac)) {
bGoodResult = false;
auto pException = rb.mpException;
rb.mpException = {};
if (pException)
leftTrack->ClearAndPaste(mCurT0, mCurT1, rb.outputLeftTrack.get(),
true, false, warper.get());
rightTrack->ClearAndPaste(mCurT0, mCurT1, rb.outputRightTrack.get(),
true, false, warper.get());
[&](Track *t) {
if (mustSync && t->IsSyncLockSelected())
t->SyncLockAdjust(mCurT1, mCurT0 + (mCurT1 - mCurT0) * mTotalStretch);
if (bGoodResult) {
// Update selection
mT0 = mCurT0;
mT1 = mCurT0 + maxDuration;
return bGoodResult;