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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from TrackPanel.cpp
#include "../../Audacity.h"
#include "EnvelopeHandle.h"
#include "../../Experimental.h"
#include "../../MemoryX.h"
#include "../../Envelope.h"
#include "../../HitTestResult.h"
#include "../../prefs/WaveformSettings.h"
#include "../../Project.h"
#include "../../RefreshCode.h"
#include "../../TimeTrack.h"
#include "../../TrackArtist.h"
#include "../../TrackPanelMouseEvent.h"
#include "../../ViewInfo.h"
#include "../../WaveTrack.h"
#include "../../../images/Cursors.h"
EnvelopeHandle::EnvelopeHandle( Envelope *pEnvelope )
: mEnvelope{ pEnvelope }
void EnvelopeHandle::Enter(bool)
mChangeHighlight = RefreshCode::RefreshCell;
UIHandlePtr EnvelopeHandle::HitAnywhere
(std::weak_ptr<EnvelopeHandle> & WXUNUSED(holder), Envelope *envelope, bool timeTrack)
auto result = std::make_shared<EnvelopeHandle>( envelope );
result->mTimeTrack = timeTrack;
return result;
namespace {
void GetTimeTrackData
(const AudacityProject &project, const TimeTrack &tt,
double &dBRange, bool &dB, float &zoomMin, float &zoomMax)
const auto &viewInfo = project.GetViewInfo();
dBRange = viewInfo.dBr;
dB = tt.GetDisplayLog();
zoomMin = tt.GetRangeLower(), zoomMax = tt.GetRangeUpper();
if (dB) {
// MB: silly way to undo the work of GetWaveYPos while still getting a logarithmic scale
zoomMin = LINEAR_TO_DB(std::max(1.0e-7, double(dBRange))) / dBRange + 1.0;
zoomMax = LINEAR_TO_DB(std::max(1.0e-7, double(zoomMax))) / dBRange + 1.0;
UIHandlePtr EnvelopeHandle::TimeTrackHitTest
(std::weak_ptr<EnvelopeHandle> &holder,
const wxMouseState &state, const wxRect &rect,
const AudacityProject *pProject, const std::shared_ptr<TimeTrack> &tt)
auto envelope = tt->GetEnvelope();
if (!envelope)
return {};
bool dB;
double dBRange;
float zoomMin, zoomMax;
GetTimeTrackData( *pProject, *tt, dBRange, dB, zoomMin, zoomMax);
return EnvelopeHandle::HitEnvelope
(holder, state, rect, pProject, envelope, zoomMin, zoomMax, dB, dBRange,
UIHandlePtr EnvelopeHandle::WaveTrackHitTest
(std::weak_ptr<EnvelopeHandle> &holder,
const wxMouseState &state, const wxRect &rect,
const AudacityProject *pProject, const std::shared_ptr<WaveTrack> &wt)
/// method that tells us if the mouse event landed on an
/// envelope boundary.
Envelope *const envelope = wt->GetEnvelopeAtX(state.GetX());
if (!envelope)
return {};
const int displayType = wt->GetDisplay();
// Not an envelope hit, unless we're using a type of wavetrack display
// suitable for envelopes operations, ie one of the Wave displays.
if (displayType != WaveTrack::Waveform)
return {}; // No envelope, not a hit, so return.
// Get envelope point, range 0.0 to 1.0
const bool dB = !wt->GetWaveformSettings().isLinear();
float zoomMin, zoomMax;
wt->GetDisplayBounds(&zoomMin, &zoomMax);
const float dBRange = wt->GetWaveformSettings().dBRange;
return EnvelopeHandle::HitEnvelope
(holder, state, rect, pProject, envelope, zoomMin, zoomMax, dB, dBRange, false);
UIHandlePtr EnvelopeHandle::HitEnvelope
(std::weak_ptr<EnvelopeHandle> &holder,
const wxMouseState &state, const wxRect &rect, const AudacityProject *pProject,
Envelope *envelope, float zoomMin, float zoomMax,
bool dB, float dBRange, bool timeTrack)
const ViewInfo &viewInfo = pProject->GetViewInfo();
const double envValue =
envelope->GetValue(viewInfo.PositionToTime(state.m_x, rect.x));
// Get y position of envelope point.
int yValue = GetWaveYPos(envValue,
zoomMin, zoomMax,
rect.height, dB, true, dBRange, false) + rect.y;
// Get y position of center line
int ctr = GetWaveYPos(0.0,
zoomMin, zoomMax,
rect.height, dB, true, dBRange, false) + rect.y;
// Get y distance of mouse from center line (in pixels).
int yMouse = abs(ctr - state.m_y);
// Get y distance of envelope from center line (in pixels)
yValue = abs(ctr - yValue);
// JKC: It happens that the envelope is actually drawn offset from its
// 'true' position (it is 3 pixels wide). yMisalign is really a fudge
// factor to allow us to hit it exactly, but I wouldn't dream of
// calling it yFudgeFactor :)
const int yMisalign = 2;
// Perhaps yTolerance should be put into preferences?
const int yTolerance = 5; // how far from envelope we may be and count as a hit.
int distance;
// For amplification using the envelope we introduced the idea of contours.
// The contours have the same shape as the envelope, which may be partially off-screen.
// The contours are closer in to the center line.
int ContourSpacing = (int)(rect.height / (2 * (zoomMax - zoomMin)));
const int MaxContours = 2;
// Adding ContourSpacing/2 selects a region either side of the contour.
int yDisplace = yValue - yMisalign - yMouse + ContourSpacing / 2;
if (yDisplace > (MaxContours * ContourSpacing))
return {};
// Subtracting the ContourSpacing/2 we added earlier ensures distance is centred on the contour.
distance = abs((yDisplace % ContourSpacing) - ContourSpacing / 2);
if (distance >= yTolerance)
return {};
return HitAnywhere(holder, envelope, timeTrack);
UIHandle::Result EnvelopeHandle::Click
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
using namespace RefreshCode;
const bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
if ( unsafe )
return Cancelled;
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
const ViewInfo &viewInfo = pProject->GetViewInfo();
const auto pTrack = static_cast<Track*>(evt.pCell.get());
if (pTrack->GetKind() == Track::Wave) {
WaveTrack *const wt = static_cast<WaveTrack*>(pTrack);
if (wt->GetDisplay() != WaveTrack::Waveform)
return Cancelled;
if (!mEnvelope)
return Cancelled;
mLog = !wt->GetWaveformSettings().isLinear();
wt->GetDisplayBounds(&mLower, &mUpper);
mdBRange = wt->GetWaveformSettings().dBRange;
mEnvelopeEditor =
std::make_unique< EnvelopeEditor >( *mEnvelope, true );
// Assume linked track is wave or null
auto partner = static_cast<WaveTrack*>(wt->GetLink());
if (partner)
auto clickedEnvelope = partner->GetEnvelopeAtX(event.GetX());
if (clickedEnvelope)
mEnvelopeEditorRight =
std::make_unique< EnvelopeEditor >( *clickedEnvelope, true );
else if (pTrack->GetKind() == Track::Time)
TimeTrack *const tt = static_cast<TimeTrack*>(pTrack);
if (!mEnvelope)
return Cancelled;
GetTimeTrackData( *pProject, *tt, mdBRange, mLog, mLower, mUpper);
mEnvelopeEditor =
std::make_unique< EnvelopeEditor >( *mEnvelope, false );
return Cancelled;
mRect = evt.rect;
const bool needUpdate = ForwardEventToEnvelopes(event, viewInfo);
return needUpdate ? RefreshCell : RefreshNone;
UIHandle::Result EnvelopeHandle::Drag
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
using namespace RefreshCode;
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
const ViewInfo &viewInfo = pProject->GetViewInfo();
const bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
if (unsafe) {
return RefreshCell | Cancelled;
const bool needUpdate = ForwardEventToEnvelopes(event, viewInfo);
return needUpdate ? RefreshCell : RefreshNone;
HitTestPreview EnvelopeHandle::Preview
(const TrackPanelMouseState &, const AudacityProject *pProject)
const bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
static auto disabledCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_NO_ENTRY, DisabledCursorXpm, 16, 16);
static auto envelopeCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_ARROW, EnvCursorXpm, 16, 16);
wxString message;
if (mTimeTrack)
message = _("Click and drag to warp playback time");
message = _("Click and drag to edit the amplitude envelope");
return {
? &*disabledCursor
: &*envelopeCursor)
UIHandle::Result EnvelopeHandle::Release
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject,
wxWindow *)
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
const ViewInfo &viewInfo = pProject->GetViewInfo();
const bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
if (unsafe)
return this->Cancel(pProject);
const bool needUpdate = ForwardEventToEnvelopes(event, viewInfo);
/* i18n-hint: (verb) Audacity has just adjusted the envelope .*/
_("Adjusted envelope."),
/* i18n-hint: The envelope is a curve that controls the audio loudness.*/
using namespace RefreshCode;
return needUpdate ? RefreshCell : RefreshNone;
UIHandle::Result EnvelopeHandle::Cancel(AudacityProject *pProject)
return RefreshCode::RefreshCell;
bool EnvelopeHandle::ForwardEventToEnvelopes
(const wxMouseEvent &event, const ViewInfo &viewInfo)
/// The Envelope class actually handles things at the mouse
/// event level, so we have to forward the events over. Envelope
/// will then tell us whether or not we need to redraw.
// AS: I'm not sure why we can't let the Envelope take care of
// redrawing itself. ?
bool needUpdate =
event, mRect, viewInfo, mLog, mdBRange, mLower, mUpper);
if (mEnvelopeEditorRight)
needUpdate |=
event, mRect, viewInfo, mLog, mdBRange, mLower, mUpper);
return needUpdate;