
239 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from TrackPanel.cpp
#include "../../Audacity.h"
#include "TrackSelectHandle.h"
#include "TrackControls.h"
#include "../../Experimental.h"
#include "../../HitTestResult.h"
#include "../../MixerBoard.h"
#include "../../Project.h"
#include "../../RefreshCode.h"
#include "../../TrackPanel.h"
#include "../../TrackPanelMouseEvent.h"
#include "../../WaveTrack.h"
#include "../../MemoryX.h"
#include <wx/cursor.h>
#include <wx/translation.h>
#include "../../../images/Cursors.h"
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
/* i18n-hint: Command names a modifier key on Macintosh keyboards */
#define CTRL_CLICK _("Command-Click")
/* i18n-hint: Ctrl names a modifier key on Windows or Linux keyboards */
#define CTRL_CLICK _("Ctrl-Click")
namespace {
wxString Message(unsigned trackCount) {
if (trackCount > 1)
// i18n-hint: %s is replaced by (translation of) 'Ctrl-Click' on windows, 'Command-Click' on Mac
return wxString::Format(
_("%s to select or deselect track. Drag up or down to change track order."),
// i18n-hint: %s is replaced by (translation of) 'Ctrl-Click' on windows, 'Command-Click' on Mac
return wxString::Format(
_("%s to select or deselect track."),
TrackSelectHandle::TrackSelectHandle( const std::shared_ptr<Track> &pTrack )
: mpTrack( pTrack )
UIHandlePtr TrackSelectHandle::HitAnywhere
(std::weak_ptr<TrackSelectHandle> &holder,
const std::shared_ptr<Track> &pTrack)
auto result = std::make_shared<TrackSelectHandle>(pTrack);
result = AssignUIHandlePtr(holder, result);
return result;
UIHandle::Result TrackSelectHandle::Click
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
// If unsafe to drag, still, it does harmlessly change the selected track
// set on button down.
using namespace RefreshCode;
Result result = RefreshNone;
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
// AS: If not a click, ignore the mouse event.
if (!event.ButtonDown() && !event.ButtonDClick())
return Cancelled;
if (!event.Button(wxMOUSE_BTN_LEFT))
return Cancelled;
const auto pTrack = mpTrack;
if (!pTrack)
return Cancelled;
const bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
// DM: If they weren't clicking on a particular part of a track label,
// deselect other tracks and select this one.
// JH: also, capture the current track for rearranging, so the user
// can drag the track up or down to swap it with others
if (unsafe)
result |= Cancelled;
else {
mRearrangeCount = 0;
(pTrack.get(), event.ShiftDown(), event.ControlDown(), !unsafe);
mClicked = true;
return result;
UIHandle::Result TrackSelectHandle::Drag
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
using namespace RefreshCode;
Result result = RefreshNone;
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
TrackList *const tracks = pProject->GetTracks();
// probably harmless during play? However, we do disallow the click, so check this too.
bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
if (unsafe)
return result;
MixerBoard* pMixerBoard = pProject->GetMixerBoard(); // Update mixer board, too.
if (event.m_y < mMoveUpThreshold || event.m_y < 0) {
if (pMixerBoard)
if(auto pPlayable = dynamic_cast< const PlayableTrack* >( mpTrack.get() ))
pMixerBoard->MoveTrackCluster(pPlayable, true /* up */);
else if ( event.m_y > mMoveDownThreshold
|| event.m_y > evt.whole.GetHeight() ) {
if (pMixerBoard)
if(auto pPlayable = dynamic_cast< const PlayableTrack* >( mpTrack.get() ))
pMixerBoard->MoveTrackCluster(pPlayable, false /* down */);
return result;
// JH: if we moved up or down, recalculate the thresholds and make sure the
// track is fully on-screen.
result |= EnsureVisible | RefreshAll;
return result;
HitTestPreview TrackSelectHandle::Preview
(const TrackPanelMouseState &, const AudacityProject *project)
const auto trackCount = project->GetTrackPanel()->GetTrackCount();
auto message = Message(trackCount);
if (mClicked) {
static auto disabledCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_NO_ENTRY, DisabledCursorXpm, 16, 16);
static wxCursor rearrangeCursor{ wxCURSOR_HAND };
const bool unsafe = GetActiveProject()->IsAudioActive();
return {
? &*disabledCursor
: &rearrangeCursor)
// , message // Stop showing the tooltip after the click
else {
// Only mouse-over
// Don't test safety, because the click to change selection is allowed
static wxCursor arrowCursor{ wxCURSOR_ARROW };
return {
UIHandle::Result TrackSelectHandle::Release
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &, AudacityProject *, wxWindow *)
// If we're releasing, surely we are dragging a track?
wxASSERT( mpTrack );
if (mRearrangeCount != 0) {
AudacityProject *const project = ::GetActiveProject();
wxString dir;
/* i18n-hint: a direction as in up or down.*/
dir = mRearrangeCount < 0 ? _("up") : _("down");
/* i18n-hint: will substitute name of track for first %s, "up" or "down" for the other.*/
project->PushState(wxString::Format(_("Moved '%s' %s"),
_("Move Track"));
// Bug 1677
// Holding on to the reference to the track was causing it to be released far later
// than necessary, on shutdown, and so causing a crash as a dialog about cleaning
// out files could not show at that time.
// No need to redraw, that was done when drag moved the track
return RefreshCode::RefreshNone;
UIHandle::Result TrackSelectHandle::Cancel(AudacityProject *pProject)
// Bug 1677
return RefreshCode::RefreshAll;
/// Figure out how far the user must drag the mouse up or down
/// before the track will swap with the one above or below
void TrackSelectHandle::CalculateRearrangingThresholds(const wxMouseEvent & event)
// JH: this will probably need to be tweaked a bit, I'm just
// not sure what formula will have the best feel for the
// user.
AudacityProject *const project = ::GetActiveProject();
TrackList *const tracks = project->GetTracks();
if (tracks->CanMoveUp(mpTrack.get()))
mMoveUpThreshold =
event.m_y - tracks->GetGroupHeight(tracks->GetPrev(mpTrack.get(), true));
mMoveUpThreshold = INT_MIN;
if (tracks->CanMoveDown(mpTrack.get()))
mMoveDownThreshold =
event.m_y + tracks->GetGroupHeight(tracks->GetNext(mpTrack.get(), true));
mMoveDownThreshold = INT_MAX;