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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from TrackPanel.cpp
#include "../../Audacity.h"
#include "ZoomHandle.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "../../MemoryX.h"
#include <wx/dc.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
#include "../../HitTestResult.h"
#include "../../Project.h"
#include "../../RefreshCode.h"
#include "../../TrackPanelMouseEvent.h"
#include "../../ViewInfo.h"
#include "../../../images/Cursors.h"
/// This class takes care of our different zoom
/// possibilities. It is possible for a user to just
/// "zoom in" or "zoom out," but it is also possible
/// for a user to drag and select an area that he
/// or she wants to be zoomed in on. We use mZoomStart
/// and mZoomEnd to track the beginning and end of such
/// a zoom area. Note that the ViewInfo
/// actually keeps track of our zoom constant,
/// so we achieve zooming by altering the zoom constant
/// and forcing a refresh.
HitTestPreview ZoomHandle::HitPreview
(const wxMouseState &state, const AudacityProject *WXUNUSED(pProject))
static auto zoomInCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_MAGNIFIER, ZoomInCursorXpm, 19, 15);
static auto zoomOutCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_MAGNIFIER, ZoomOutCursorXpm, 19, 15);
wxString message;
// TODO: Why not mention middle click to zoom normal on Windows too?
#if defined( __WXMAC__ )
message = _("Click to Zoom In, Shift-Click to Zoom Out");
#elif defined( __WXMSW__ )
message = _("Drag to Zoom Into Region, Right-Click to Zoom Out");
#elif defined( __WXGTK__ )
message = _("Left=Zoom In, Right=Zoom Out, Middle=Normal");
return {
(state.ShiftDown() ? &*zoomOutCursor : &*zoomInCursor)
UIHandlePtr ZoomHandle::HitAnywhere
(std::weak_ptr<ZoomHandle> &holder)
auto result = std::make_shared<ZoomHandle>();
result = AssignUIHandlePtr(holder, result);
return result;
UIHandlePtr ZoomHandle::HitTest
(std::weak_ptr<ZoomHandle> &holder,
const wxMouseState &state)
if (state.ButtonIsDown(wxMOUSE_BTN_RIGHT))
return HitAnywhere(holder);
return {};
UIHandle::Result ZoomHandle::Click
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *)
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
if (event.ButtonDown() || event.LeftDClick()) {
/// Zoom button down, record the position.
mZoomStart = event.m_x;
mZoomEnd = event.m_x;
mRect = evt.rect;
return RefreshCode::RefreshNone;
UIHandle::Result ZoomHandle::Drag
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *)
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
const int left = mRect.GetLeft();
const int right = mRect.GetRight();
mZoomEnd = event.m_x;
if (event.m_x < left) {
mZoomEnd = left;
else if (event.m_x > right) {
mZoomEnd = right;
// Refresh tracks ALWAYS. Even if IsDragZooming() becomes false, make the
// dashed lines disappear. -- PRL
return RefreshCode::RefreshAll; // (IsDragZooming() ? RefreshAllTracks : RefreshNone),
HitTestPreview ZoomHandle::Preview
(const TrackPanelMouseState &st, const AudacityProject *pProject)
return HitPreview(st.state, pProject);
UIHandle::Result ZoomHandle::Release
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject,
wxWindow *)
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
ViewInfo &viewInfo = pProject->GetViewInfo();
if (mZoomEnd < mZoomStart)
std::swap(mZoomStart, mZoomEnd);
const int trackLeftEdge = mRect.x;
if (IsDragZooming())
/// This actually sets the Zoom value when you're done doing
/// a drag zoom.
double left = viewInfo.PositionToTime(mZoomStart, trackLeftEdge);
double right = viewInfo.PositionToTime(mZoomEnd, trackLeftEdge);
double multiplier =
(viewInfo.PositionToTime(mRect.width) - viewInfo.PositionToTime(0)) /
(right - left);
if (event.ShiftDown())
multiplier = 1.0 / multiplier;
viewInfo.h = left;
/// This handles normal Zoom In/Out, if you just clicked;
/// IOW, if you were NOT dragging to zoom an area.
/// \todo MAGIC NUMBER: We've got several in this method.
const double center_h =
viewInfo.PositionToTime(event.m_x, trackLeftEdge);
const double multiplier =
(event.RightUp() || event.RightDClick() || event.ShiftDown())
? 0.5 : 2.0;
if (event.MiddleUp() || event.MiddleDClick())
viewInfo.SetZoom(ZoomInfo::GetDefaultZoom()); // AS: Reset zoom.
const double new_center_h =
viewInfo.PositionToTime(event.m_x, trackLeftEdge);
viewInfo.h += (center_h - new_center_h);
mZoomEnd = mZoomStart = 0;
using namespace RefreshCode;
return RefreshAll | FixScrollbars;
UIHandle::Result ZoomHandle::Cancel(AudacityProject*)
// Cancel is implemented! And there is no initial state to restore,
// so just return a code.
return RefreshCode::RefreshAll;
void ZoomHandle::DrawExtras
(DrawingPass pass, wxDC * dc, const wxRegion &, const wxRect &panelRect)
if (pass == Cells) {
// PRL: Draw dashed lines only if we would zoom in
// for button up.
if (!IsDragZooming())
wxRect rect;
rect.x = std::min(mZoomStart, mZoomEnd);
rect.width = 1 + abs(mZoomEnd - mZoomStart);
rect.y = -1;
rect.height = panelRect.height + 2;
bool ZoomHandle::IsDragZooming() const
const int DragThreshold = 3;// Anything over 3 pixels is a drag, else a click.
return (abs(mZoomEnd - mZoomStart) > DragThreshold);