Paul Licameli 11e924a49b ClientData
2020-08-26 01:36:48 -04:00

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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
@file ClientDataHelpers.h
@brief Some implementation details for ClientData
Paul Licameli
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <type_traits>
namespace ClientData {
// Helpers to define ClientData::Site class template
//! Statically specify whether there is mutual exclusion (separately for the table of factories, and for the per-host container of client objects).
/*! Used as non-type template parameter of ClientData::Site */
enum LockingPolicy {
NonrecursiveLocking, //!< using std::mutex
RecursiveLocking, //!< using std::recursive_mutex
//! Statically specify how the ClientData::Site implements its copy constructor and assignment.
/*! (Move construction and assignment always work.)
Used as non-type template parameter of ClientData::Site */
enum CopyingPolicy {
SkipCopying, //!< ignore the source and leave empty
ShallowCopying, //!< copy pointers only; won't compile for std::unique_ptr
DeepCopying, //!< point to new sub-objects; these must define a Clone() member; won't compile for std::weak_ptr
// forward declarations
struct Base;
template<typename> class Owner
> struct Cloneable;
//! Conversion allowing operator * on any @b Pointer parameter of ClientData::Site
/*! Return value should be bound to a const reference */
template< typename Ptr > static inline
const Ptr &Dereferenceable( Ptr &p )
{ return p; }
//! Overload of ClientData::Dereferenceable returns an rvalue
template< typename Obj > static inline
std::shared_ptr<Obj> Dereferenceable( std::weak_ptr<Obj> &p )
{ return p.lock(); }
//! Decorator template injects type Lock and method lock() into interface of @b Object
@tparam Object decorated class
@tparam LockingPolicy one of ClientData::LockingPolicy
template< typename Object, LockingPolicy > struct Lockable{};
//! Specialization for trivial, non-locking policy
template< typename Object > struct Lockable< Object, NoLocking >
: Object {
//! Empty class
struct Lock{};
Lock lock() const { return {}; }
//! Specialization for real locking with std::mutex
template< typename Object > struct Lockable< Object, NonrecursiveLocking >
: Object, std::mutex {
using Lock = std::unique_lock< std::mutex >;
Lock lock() const { return Lock{ *this }; }
//! Specialization for real locking with std::recursive_mutex
template< typename Object > struct Lockable< Object, RecursiveLocking >
: Object, std::recursive_mutex {
using Lock = std::unique_lock< std::recursive_mutex >;
Lock lock() const { return Lock{ *this }; }
//! Decorated reference to a ClientData::Lockable, with a current lock on it
/*! Uses inheritance to benefit from the empty base class optimization if possible */
template< typename Lockable > struct Locked
: private Lockable::Lock
explicit Locked( Lockable &object )
: Lockable::Lock( object.lock() )
, mObject( object )
Lockable &mObject;
//! Decorator template injects copy and move operators for container of pointers
template< typename Container, CopyingPolicy > struct Copyable{};
//! Specialization that ignores contents of the source when copying (not when moving).
template< typename Container > struct Copyable< Container, SkipCopying >
: Container {
Copyable() = default;
Copyable( const Copyable & ) {}
Copyable &operator=( const Copyable & ) { return *this; }
Copyable( Copyable && ) = default;
Copyable &operator=( Copyable&& ) = default;
//! Specialization that copies pointers, not sub-objects; [strong guarantee](@ref Strong-guarantee) for assignment
template< typename Container > struct Copyable< Container, ShallowCopying >
: Container {
Copyable() = default;
//! Call through to operator =
Copyable( const Copyable &other )
{ *this = other; }
//! @excsafety{Strong}
Copyable &operator=( const Copyable &other )
if (this != &other) {
// Build then swap for strong exception guarantee
Copyable temp;
for ( auto &&ptr : other )
temp.push_back( ptr );
this->swap( temp );
return *this;
Copyable( Copyable && ) = default;
Copyable &operator=( Copyable&& ) = default;
//! Specialization that clones sub-objects when copying; [strong guarantee](@ref Strong-guarantee) for assignment
template< typename Container > struct Copyable< Container, DeepCopying >
: Container {
Copyable() = default;
//! Call through to operator =
Copyable( const Copyable &other )
{ *this = other; }
//! @excsafety{Strong}
Copyable &operator=( const Copyable &other )
if (this != &other) {
// Build then swap for strong exception guarantee
Copyable temp;
for ( auto &&p : other ) {
using Ptr = decltype( p->Clone() );
temp.push_back( p ? p->Clone() : Ptr{} );
this->swap( temp );
return *this;
Copyable( Copyable && ) = default;
Copyable &operator=( Copyable&& ) = default;