2019-06-06 12:53:20 -04:00

185 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
#include "Audacity.h"
#include <wx/dir.h> // for wxDIR_FILES
#include <wx/string.h> // function return value
#include "audacity/Types.h"
class wxFileName;
class wxFileNameWrapper;
// Uh, this is really a namespace rather than a class,
// since all the functions are static.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API FileNames
// This exists to compensate for bugs in wxCopyFile:
static bool CopyFile(
const FilePath& file1, const FilePath& file2, bool overwrite = true);
// wxWidgets doesn't have a function to do this: make a hard file-system
// link if possible. It might not be, as when the paths are on different
// storage devices.
static bool HardLinkFile( const FilePath& file1, const FilePath& file2);
static wxString MkDir(const wxString &Str);
static wxString TempDir();
static const FilePath &DefaultTempDir();
static void SetDefaultTempDir( const FilePath &tempDir );
static bool IsTempDirectoryNameOK( const FilePath & Name );
static bool IsMidi(const FilePath &fName);
/** \brief A list of directories that should be searched for Audacity files
* (plug-ins, help files, etc.).
* On Unix this will include the directory Audacity was installed into,
* plus the current user's .audacity-data/Plug-Ins directory. Additional
* directories can be specified using the AUDACITY_PATH environment
* variable. On Windows or Mac OS, this will include the directory
* which contains the Audacity program. */
static const FilePaths &AudacityPathList();
static void SetAudacityPathList( FilePaths list );
// originally an ExportMultiple method. Append suffix if newName appears in otherNames.
static void MakeNameUnique(
FilePaths &otherNames, wxFileName &newName);
static wxString LowerCaseAppNameInPath( const wxString & dirIn);
/** \brief Audacity user data directory
* Where audacity keeps it's settings and other user data squirreled away,
* by default ~/.audacity-data/ on Unix, Application Data/Audacity on
* windows system */
static FilePath DataDir();
static FilePath ResourcesDir();
static FilePath AutoSaveDir();
static FilePath HtmlHelpDir();
static FilePath HtmlHelpIndexFile(bool quick);
static FilePath LegacyChainDir();
static FilePath MacroDir();
static FilePath NRPDir();
static FilePath NRPFile();
static FilePath PluginRegistry();
static FilePath PluginSettings();
static FilePath BaseDir();
static FilePath ModulesDir();
/** \brief The user plug-in directory (not a system one)
* This returns the string path to where the user may have put plug-ins
* if they don't have system admin rights. Under default settings, it's
* <DataDir>/Plug-Ins/ */
static FilePath PlugInDir();
static FilePath ThemeDir();
static FilePath ThemeComponentsDir();
static FilePath ThemeCachePng();
static FilePath ThemeCacheAsCee();
static FilePath ThemeComponent(const wxString &Str);
static FilePath ThemeCacheHtm();
static FilePath ThemeImageDefsAsCee();
// Obtain name of loaded module that contains address
static FilePath PathFromAddr(void *addr);
static bool IsPathAvailable( const FilePath & Path);
static wxFileNameWrapper DefaultToDocumentsFolder
(const wxString &preference);
// If not None, determines a preference key (for the default path string) to
// be read and updated
enum class Operation {
// _ on None to defeat some macro that is expanding this.
static wxString FindDefaultPath(Operation op);
static void UpdateDefaultPath(Operation op, const FilePath &path);
// F is a function taking a wxString, returning wxString
template<typename F>
static wxString WithDefaultPath
(Operation op, const FilePath &defaultPath, F function)
auto path = defaultPath;
if (path.empty())
path = FileNames::FindDefaultPath(op);
auto result = function(path);
FileNames::UpdateDefaultPath(op, result);
return result;
static wxString
SelectFile(Operation op, // op matters only when default_path is empty
const wxString& message,
const FilePath& default_path,
const FilePath& default_filename,
// empty, or one extension, or multiple extensions joined with
// '|', extensions including the leading dot:
const wxString& default_extension,
const wxString& wildcard,
int flags,
wxWindow *parent);
// Useful functions for working with search paths
static void AddUniquePathToPathList(const FilePath &path,
FilePaths &pathList);
static void AddMultiPathsToPathList(const wxString &multiPathString,
FilePaths &pathList);
static void FindFilesInPathList(const wxString & pattern,
const FilePaths & pathList,
FilePaths &results,
int flags = wxDIR_FILES);
/** \brief Protect against Unicode to multi-byte conversion failures
* on Windows */
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
static char *VerifyFilename(const wxString &s, bool input = true);
// stuff for file name sanitisation
static wxCharBuffer mFilename;
// Private constructors: No one is ever going to instantiate it.
// Use this macro to wrap all filenames and pathnames that get
// passed directly to a system call, like opening a file, creating
// a directory, checking to see that a file exists, etc...
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
// Note, on Windows we don't define an OSFILENAME() to prevent accidental use.
// See VerifyFilename() for an explanation.
#define OSINPUT(X) FileNames::VerifyFilename(X, true)
#define OSOUTPUT(X) FileNames::VerifyFilename(X, false)
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
#define OSFILENAME(X) ((char *) (const char *)(X).fn_str())
#define OSFILENAME(X) ((char *) (const char *)(X).mb_str())