
86 lines
2.5 KiB

#ifndef CATEGORY_H
#define CATEGORY_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "contract.h"
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
struct Category {
std::string _name;
std::string _desc;
std::vector<Contract> _contracts;
friend bool operator==(const Category &lhs, const Category &rhs) {
if (lhs._name == rhs._name &&
lhs._desc == rhs._desc &&
lhs._contracts == rhs._contracts)
return true;
else return false;
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) {
ar & _name;
ar & _desc;
ar & _contracts;
static auto category_removeContract(Category &category, Contract &item) -> void {
// Search for the item to remove.
for (int i = 0; i < category._contracts.size(); i++) {
if (category._contracts[i] == item) {
throw std::runtime_error("Contract to remove does not exist.");
static auto category_addContract(Category &category, Contract item) -> void {
// Check if the item is not already in Category.
for (auto i : category._contracts) {
if (i == item) {
throw std::runtime_error("Contract already exists.");
// Add the contract.
static auto category_moveContract(Category &src, Category &dest, Contract &item) -> void {
// Check if the item is in dest.
for (auto i : dest._contracts) {
if (i == item) {
throw std::runtime_error("Contract already exists in destination.");
// Copy the contract to local var.
auto local = Contract{item};
// Find the index of contract in src.
int index = 0;
for (; index < src._contracts.size(); index++)
if (src._contracts[index] == item) break;
// Remove the contract from src.
// Add the contract to dest.
static auto category_getContract(Category &category, std::string _name) -> Contract& {
for (int i = 0; i < category._contracts.size(); i++)
if (category._contracts[i]._name == _name)
return category._contracts[i];
throw std::runtime_error("Contract does not exist.");