
58 lines
1.6 KiB

An individual contains his "submission" of the
random set of generated tables.
An individual is rated bases on his "submission",
named here as mFitness.
For convenience, the value of mFitness at is max
is 1.0f and at is lowest is 0.0f.
For optimization, pointers have been used almost
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include "../data_defines.h"
#include "../utils/include_bundles/utils_bundle.h"
class Individual {
// Initializes the class, pass by pointer the teacher vec,
// No need for the table info(long term optimization),
// so number of tables are enough.
// The level must be passed to prevent teacher
// teaching wrong levels.
// (Look at Table definition)
void Init(vector<Teacher> *, vector<Subject> *, vector<Level> *,
int numOfTables);
// Calculates fitness and sits it to mFitness var.
void CalcFitness();
// Straightforward
float GetFitness() const { return mFitness; };
Individual mate(const Individual &);
// for easy Individual comparisions
bool operator<(const Individual &indiv) const {
return indiv.GetFitness() < mFitness;
vector<Table> *GetChromosome() const { return mTables; }
void SetChromosome(vector<Table> *tables) { mTables = tables; }
// Wrapper for mTables[i].GenerateRandTable()
void GenerateTables();
vector<Teacher> *mTeachers;
vector<Subject> *mSubjects;
vector<Level> *mLevels;
vector<Table> *mTables; // also, in ga, Chromosome
float mFitness = 0;