
129 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Dmenu for saving the currently open website into buku.
# Instructions for saving:
# Currently works for qutebrowser and chromium based browsers.
# Press TAB to autocomplete the default so you can edit it.
# Press ENTER to accept your changes (if you did nothing it'll be the default).
# Press ESCAPE to go with the default value (in case of tags it'll accept them).
# To cancel out of adding it, just keep spamming ESCAPE until you reach the
# last prompt where you're asked to confirm or deny.
### Known problems:
### * If using this script with 'shift' as part of the hotkey the shift key
### gets stuck if you let go of it while xdotool is doing its thing.
### Can be solved by not using the shift key in the hotkey.
### * Can't figure out why xdotool fails sometimes. Fixed by sleeping a bit.
### * When you try to open a bookmark the list shows an extra line at the start
### saying "waiting for input" when the script is run with a hotkey (sxhkd).
### Can't figure out why.
### Should check if the yanked URL is in buku already before continuing.
### Though it'll simply give an error even if you try to add it.
# Set menu options:
MenuOpen='1. Open a bookmark.'
MenuSave='2. Create new bookmark.'
ChosenMenu=$(printf '%s\n%s' \
"$MenuOpen" "$MenuSave" \
| dmenu -i -l 10 -p "$ScriptName:")
# Open bookmark:
if [ "$ChosenMenu" = "$MenuOpen" ]; then
buku -p -f 5 \
| awk -F '\t' '{print $1, "-", $2, "#(" $3 ")"}' \
| dmenu -i -l 30 \
| awk '{print $1}' \
| xargs --no-run-if-empty buku -o
# Create bookmark:
elif [ "$ChosenMenu" = "$MenuSave" ]; then
# Get the name of the active window:
ActiveWindow=$(ps -p "$(xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid)" -o comm=)
# Set the name if the active window is a chromium based browser:
printf '%s' "$ActiveWindow" | grep -Eq 'chromium|chrome|brave' \
&& ActiveWindow='chromium-based'
### Haven't actually checked whether Chromium's window name is chromium.
# Get URL/title based on browser:
if [ "$ActiveWindow" = 'qutebrowser' ]; then
xdotool search --name qutebrowser key --clearmodifiers y P
sleep 0.1
URL=$(xclip -o)
sleep 0.1
xdotool search --name qutebrowser key --clearmodifiers y T
sleep 0.1
Title=$(xclip -o)
elif [ "$ActiveWindow" = 'chromium-based' ]; then
xdotool key --clearmodifiers ctrl+l
sleep 0.1
xdotool key --clearmodifiers ctrl+c
sleep 0.1
URL=$(xclip -o)
sleep 0.1
### Maybe write it to a file in the background to speed it up.
### Doesn't work for some generated sites.
Title=$(curl -s "$URL" \
| awk -F '<title>|</title>' '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i+=2){print $i}}' \
RS='' \
| recode html)
# Prompt user to edit the URL:
EditedURL=$(printf "%s" "$URL" | dmenu -l 1 -p "Edit URL:")
[ "$EditedURL" ] && URL=$EditedURL
# Prompt user to edit the title:
EditedTitle=$(printf '%s' "$Title" | dmenu -l 1 -p 'Edit title:')
[ "$EditedTitle" ] && Title=$EditedTitle
# Prompt the user to pick tags for the bookmark:
BukuTags=$(buku -t)
BukuTags=$(printf '%s' "$BukuTags" \
| grep '[0-9]\..' \
| awk '{print $2}')
# awk is POSIX, but means you need to avoid spaces in tags.
#| grep -oP '(?<=[0-9]\.\s).+(?=\s\([0-9])')
# grep -oP is non-POSIX, but allows for spaces in tags.
while true; do
SelectedTag=$(printf '%s' "$BukuTags" \
| dmenu -i -l 30 \
-p "Add tags. SHIFT+ENTER to create a new tag. $Tags")
[ -z "$SelectedTag" ] && break
Tags=$(printf '%s' "${Tags%?}")
# Prompt the user to add a comment/description:
Comment=$(printf '' | dmenu -p 'Input comment:')
# Prompt the user whether they want the title and description to not update:
Immutability=$(printf 'No\nYes' | dmenu -i -p 'Enable immutability?')
[ "$Immutability" = 'Yes' ] && Immutable='--immutable 1'
[ "$Immutability" = 'No' ] && Immutable=''
# Create a preview for the user to see their input:
[ "$Immutability" = 'Yes' ] && Lock='(L)'
Confirmation=$(printf '%s\nIDN. %s %s\n > %s\n + %s\n # %s' \
'This is a preview. Press ENTER to confirm or ESCAPE to cancel.' \
"$Title" "$Lock" "$URL" "$Comment" "$Tags" \
| dmenu -i -l 5)
# If the user pressed ENTER, create the bookmark:
[ "$Confirmation" ] && \
buku $(printf '%s %s %s --title %s -c %s %s' \
'-a' "$URL" "$Tags" "$Title" "$Comment" "$Immutable")
elif [ -z "$ChosenMenu" ]; then
exit 1
printf 'ERROR: invalid selection.\n'
exit 1