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2021-11-26 10:13:17 +00:00
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2021-11-26 10:13:17 +00:00
<h1 style=font-size:xxx-large>blogit: A Complete Guide</h1>
<div id=partial_header></div>
<p>Running a personal website should be an easy task. Unfortunately, a big
hindrance is that there aren&rsquo;t many &ldquo;suckless&rdquo; blogging system.
<a href="https://pedantic.software/git/blogit">blogit</a> is the closest in terms of
simplicity and minimalism to perfection. This article would be an end-all be-all
2021-11-30 05:47:57 +00:00
guide to effectively install blogit onto your own website.</p>
2021-11-26 10:13:17 +00:00
<p>blogit advertises itself as a small static blog generator, and indeed the whole
project is comprised of a single script file. To install this file, first
navigate to your website&rsquo;s git directory then <code>wget</code> said script:</p>
<pre><code>$ cd proj/website/
$ wget https://pedantic.software/git/blogit/raw/27d3f06259e83df2fed6fec7bbe77ac6b917eee7/blogit
$ chmod +x blogit
<p>This might seem weird having a script in the home directory of your website, but
I couldn&rsquo;t find a better place to put it, especially when editing the actual
script is dependent on each website&rsquo;s setup (as seen later on).</p>
<p>blogit initializes the basic operational structure with the following command:</p>
<pre><code>$ ./blogit init
<p>It is useful to let blogit build automatically on every git commit, so let&rsquo;s
configure that:</p>
<pre><code>$ touch .git/hooks/pre-commit
$ chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
$ echo "$!/bin/sh" &gt; .git/hooks/pre-commit
$ echo "./blogit build" &gt; .git/hooks/pre-commit
<p>Then, open the <code>blogit</code> script with a text editor, search for <code>exclude</code>
and delete the line where it outputs <code>blog</code> to git exclude. This
functionality is meant for systems where the website&rsquo;s root is not the same as
blogit&rsquo;s root.</p>
<p>blogit uses the file <code>config</code> in <code>$(website)</code> for its settings, so let&rsquo;s create it:</p>
<pre><code>$ touch config
<p>To get the list of settings available, run:</p>
<pre><code>$ head -n 18 blogit
<p>For my use case, this is what I set it up as:</p>
<pre><code>BLOG_DATE_FORMAT:=%Y/%m/%d %H:%M
BLOG_TITLE:=ayham's blog
BLOG_DESCRIPTION:=probably interesting stuff
BLOG_FEEDS:=rss atom
<p>Everything should be self explainatory, except perhaps for <code>BLOG_FEED*</code>.
<code>BLOG_FEED_MAX</code> specifies the amount of rss and atom entries to generate,
whereas <code>BLOG_FEEDS</code> specify feed formats to generate.</p>
<p>The script can be molded for each case, examples of doing this is explained
later on.</p>
<h1>Building, and the Tag System</h1>
<p>Setting tags for each article is super easy in blogit. For every article,
append this as a comment in the end of the file:</p>
<pre><code>[semicolon] Tags: TAG1 TAG2
<p>Finally, to build your blog:</p>
<p><code>$ ./blogit build</code></p>
<p>Now you should be able to navigate to <code>$(website)/blog/index.html</code>.
<p>Because blogit is a very small script, we can easily edit it to make add
features or to add complex styling functionality.</p>
<p>As done earlier, removing the git exclude is a basic recommended edit.</p>
<p>A more visible example is the order of HTML aggregation. For example, this
website has its <code>article_list_header.html</code> coming before the tag list. The
article list header file includes the big &ldquo;Articles&rdquo; seen on the <a href="https://blog.ayham.xyz">index
page</a>, which comes before the tag list. To do this you can edit
the <code>blog/index.html:</code> section in the blogit script.</p>
blog/index.html: $(ARTICLES) $(TAGFILES) $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header index_header tag_list_header tag_entry tag_separator tag_list_footer article_list_header article_entry article_separator article_list_footer index_footer footer))
mkdir -p blog
export TITLE; \
envsubst &lt; templates/header.html &gt; $@; \
envsubst &lt; templates/index_header.html &gt;&gt; $@; \
+ envsubst &lt; templates/article_list_header.html &gt;&gt; $@; \
envsubst &lt; templates/tag_list_header.html &gt;&gt; $@; \
first=true; \
for t in $(shell cat $(TAGFILES) | sort -u); do \
"$$first" || envsubst &lt; templates/tag_separator.html; \
NAME="$$t" \
URL="@$$t.html" \
envsubst &lt; templates/tag_entry.html; \
first=false; \
done &gt;&gt; $@; \
envsubst &lt; templates/tag_list_footer.html &gt;&gt; $@; \
- envsubst &lt; templates/article_list_header.html &gt;&gt; $@; \
first=true; \
for f in $(ARTICLES); do \
<h2>Fixing Code Blocks</h2>
<p>I have noticed that when using backticks (`) to annotate a code block, blogit
would add an extra newline at the start of each code piece. To solve this issue,
ensure that you have the program command &ldquo;markdown&rdquo; which converts markdown to
HTML. After that, substitute as following:</p>
2021-11-26 10:19:51 +00:00
blog/%.html: $(BLOG_SRC)/%.md $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header article_header article_footer footer))
2021-11-26 10:13:17 +00:00
mkdir -p blog
TITLE="$(shell head -n1 $&lt;)"; \
export TITLE; \
AUTHOR="$(shell git log -n 1 --reverse --format="%cn" -- "$&lt;")"; \
export AUTHOR; \
DATE_POSTED="$(shell git log --diff-filter=A --date="format:$(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT)" --pretty=format:'%ad' -- "$&lt;")"; \
export DATE_POSTED; \
DATE_EDITED="$(shell git log -n 1 --date="format:$(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT)" --pretty=format:'%ad' -- "$&lt;")"; \
export DATE_EDITED; \
TAGS="$(shell grep -i '^; *tags:' "$&lt;" | cut -d: -f2- | paste -sd ',')"; \
export TAGS; \
envsubst &lt; templates/header.html &gt; $@; \
envsubst &lt; templates/article_header.html &gt;&gt; $@; \
- sed -e 1d \
- -e '/^;/d' \
- -e 's/&amp;/\&amp;amp;/g' \
- -e 's/&lt;/\&amp;lt;/g' \
- -e 's/&gt;/\&amp;gt;/g' \
- -e '/^```$$/{s,.*,,;x;p;/^&lt;\/code&gt;/d;s,.*,&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt;,;bT}' \
- -e 'x;/&lt;\/code&gt;/{x;s,\$$,\&amp;#36;,g;$$G;p;d};x' \
- -e 's,\\\$$,\&amp;#36;,g' \
- -e '/^####/{s,^####,&lt;h4&gt;,;s,$$,&lt;/h4&gt;,;H;s,.*,,;x;p;d}' \
- -e '/^###/{s,^###,&lt;h3&gt;,;s,$$,&lt;/h3&gt;,;H;s,.*,,;x;p;d}' \
- -e '/^##/{s,^##,&lt;h2&gt;,;s,$$,&lt;/h2&gt;,;H;s,.*,,;x;p;d}' \
- -e '/^#/{s,^#,&lt;h1&gt;,;s,$$,&lt;/h1&gt;,;H;s,.*,,;x;p;d}' \
- -e 's,`\([^`]*\)`,&lt;code&gt;\1&lt;/code&gt;,g' \
- -e 's,\*\*\(\([^*&lt;&gt;][^*&lt;&gt;]*\*\?\)*\)\*\*,&lt;b&gt;\1&lt;/b&gt;,g' \
- -e 's,\*\([^*&lt;&gt;][^*&lt;&gt;]*\)\*,&lt;i&gt;\1&lt;/i&gt;,g' \
- -e 's,!\[\([^]]*\)\](\([^)]*\)),&lt;img src="\2" alt="\1"/&gt;,g' \
- -e 's,\[\([^]]*\)\](\([^)]*\)),&lt;a href="\2"&gt;\1&lt;/a&gt;,g' \
- -e '/^- /{s,^- ,&lt;li&gt;,;s,$$,&lt;/li&gt;,;x;/^&lt;\/ul&gt;/{x;bL};p;s,.*,&lt;ul&gt;,;bT}' \
- -e '/^[1-9][0-9]*\. /{s,^[0-9]*\. ,&lt;li&gt;,;s,$$,&lt;/li&gt;,;x;/^&lt;\/ol&gt;/{x;bL};p;s,.*,&lt;ol&gt;,;bT}' \
- -e '/^$$/{x;/^$$/d;p;d}' \
- -e 'x;/^$$/{s,.*,&lt;p&gt;,;bT};x' \
- -e ':L;$$G;p;d' \
- -e ':T;p;:t;s,&lt;\([^/&gt;][^&gt;]*\)&gt;\(\(&lt;[^/&gt;][^&gt;]*&gt;\)*\),\2&lt;/\1&gt;,;/&lt;[^\/&gt;]/bt;x;/^$$/{$${x;p};d};bL' \
- "$&lt;" | envsubst &gt;&gt; $@; \
+ sed -e 1d -e '/^;/d' &lt; $&lt; | markdown -f fencedcode &gt;&gt; $@; \
2021-11-26 10:19:51 +00:00
2021-11-26 10:13:17 +00:00
<p><a href="https://landchad.net">Go get a website</a>, and set up blogit.
2021-11-30 17:17:44 +00:00
Want to contact me? <a href="https://contact.ayham.xyz">Here.</a></p>
2021-11-26 10:26:25 +00:00
2021-11-30 17:03:48 +00:00
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