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<p>list of books i read, not a recommendation list.</p>
<li>Robin Waterfield Translation - Plato - Republic</li>
<li>2009 B.F. Skinner - Beyond Freedom and Dignity</li>
<li>Bryan Caplan - The Myth of the Rational Voter</li>
<li>Fyodor Dystovysky - Crime and Punishment</li>
<li>Stephen R.C. Hicks - Explaining Post-Modernism</li>
<li>Jordan B. Peterson - 12 Rules For Life</li>
<li>Jaron Lanier - Ten Arguments For Deleting Your
Social Media Accounts Right Now</li>
<li>DK - The Economics Books</li>
<li>Slavoj Zizek - The Sublime Object of Ideology</li>
<li>Mario Puzo - The Godfather</li>
<li>Debra Soh - The End of Gender: Debunking the
Myths About Sex and Identity in Our Society</li>
<h4>Any recommendations?</h4>
<p>if you have any books you would like to recommend,
contact me <a href="contact.htm">here</a>.</br>
(P.S. "red-pilled" books are especially welcomed).</p>
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