feat(templates): Reorganise some hook's arguments

Some of the arguments in the pip-tools hook were for an older version of
the hook, which didn't work with pyproject.toml files.

Since Python 3.6 is long deprecated now, the template is being bumped at
least to the 3.7 version.
This commit is contained in:
Dionisio E Alonso 2024-02-26 11:22:07 -03:00
parent 695f0977d6
commit 5d6c98a528
1 changed files with 7 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ repos:
- id: pyupgrade
args: [--py311-plus]
args: [--py36-plus]
args: [--py37-plus]
- repo: https://github.com/pycqa/isort
rev: 5.13.2
@ -62,23 +62,20 @@ repos:
- id: isort
name: isort (python)
args: [--check-only, --line-length=120, --diff]
args: [--check-only, --profile=django, --line-length=120, --diff, --py=36, --src=ceg/]
args: [--check-only, --profile=django, --line-length=120, --diff, --py=37, --src=ceg/]
- repo: https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools
rev: 7.3.0
- id: pip-compile
name: pip-compile setup.py
files: ^(setup\.py|requirements\.txt)$
name: pip-compile requirements.txt
files: ^requirements\.(in|txt)$
args: [requirements.txt]
- id: pip-compile
name: pip-compile requirements-dev.in
args: [requirements-dev.in]
files: ^requirements-dev\.(in|txt)$
args: [requirements-dev.in]
- id: pip-compile
name: pip-compile requirements-lint.in
args: [requirements-lint.in]
files: ^requirements-lint\.(in|txt)$
- id: pip-compile
name: pip-compile requirements.txt
args: [requirements.txt]
files: ^requirements\.(in|txt)$
args: [requirements-lint.in]