???? Public repo for my personal dotfiles
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Dionisio E Alonso 6b3392b79f Restore underline in LSP diagnostics
Using a better colorscheme makes the underlining more useful, as it
doesn't overrides syntax highlighting colors.  Therefore there is no
need to have it turned off.
2021-11-01 17:47:30 -03:00
VSCodium Update font and ligatures in VSCodium settings 2021-01-11 10:38:44 -03:00
alacritty Add base config for both Alacritty and Kitty terminals 2020-06-28 20:55:30 -03:00
beets Add year and genre when listing albums in Beets 2020-04-23 14:10:08 -03:00
calibre Increase margins in Calibre's viewer 2019-07-29 18:58:04 -03:00
dconf Update Tilix Quake default size 2019-11-19 14:36:37 -03:00
emacs.d Enable truncate lines on Emacs instead of folding 2020-02-13 10:22:33 -03:00
fish Add my default prompt colors to Fish 2020-04-11 22:13:03 -03:00
git Remove no longer necessary coloring setting for Git 2019-03-13 21:51:55 -03:00
ipython/profile_default Correct come PEP-008 issues 2018-04-22 01:28:43 -03:00
kitty Fix box-borders with for Kitty terminal 2021-08-04 17:58:58 -03:00
nvim Restore underline in LSP diagnostics 2021-11-01 17:47:30 -03:00
nvim-gtk Minor window layout change for Neovim-GTK 2018-11-05 13:04:32 -03:00
pip Delete user-scope installation for Pip 2019-11-20 10:57:12 -03:00
shells Change quotation in shell's aliases 2019-04-23 14:50:43 -03:00
tmux Fix wrongly deleted submodule 2021-03-10 00:49:23 -03:00
vim Update terminal command and keybinds for Vim/Neovim 2021-07-30 23:49:59 -03:00
zathura Use basename in window title for Zathura 2019-03-26 16:42:42 -03:00
.gitmodules Delete another nvim completion deprecated plugin 2021-11-01 17:21:53 -03:00
README.rst Merge branch 'master' into nvim-lsp 2021-03-17 21:23:10 -03:00
tmux.conf Set default-terminal for Tmux as a server option 2019-03-20 09:52:43 -03:00


Baco's Dotfiles

These are my dot files.


Take into account that this project has submodules. When cloning do it as: :

$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.com/baco/dotconf.git

Some Neovim/Vim specifics

For using Vim with coc.nvim plugin, you need to install Node+npm. One way of doing that is: :

$ curl -sL install-node.now.sh/lts | bash -s -- --prefix ~/.local

Periodically update submodules with the following git command, or if cloned without the --recurse-submodules git-clone option: :

$ git submodule update --remote

Fonts with icon glyphs

If there are some glyphs on Neovim/Vim that appear to be missing or broken, you may need to patch your own font with the NerdFonts project.

Neovim/Vim config here has some automatic code completion. Instead of using words or letters for representing the different kind of completion items, this config uses nice icons from popular IDEs to give some familiar look.

Easy fix

Choose some other symbols available in you coding font of preference and set them in nvim/lua/lspkind_defaults.lua and in vim/coc-settings.json. Or just delete all settings of symbol_map and completionItemKindLabels within those files, respectively, and let the plugin choose the defaults.

Not so easy fix: Patch your own font with codeicons glyphs

Install FontForge, for instance, on a Debian-based distro you can install this: :

$ sudo apt install python3-fontforge

Clone NerdFonts repository and inside that directory run the following commands (This example assumes you are patching Iosevka font, but you can patch one of your choice): :

./nerd-fonts$ wget --content-disposition "https://microsoft.github.io/vscode-codicons/dist/codicon.ttf" -P ./src/glyphs/
./nerd-fonts$ ls -u ../Iosevka/v3.2.2/ttf-unhinted/iosevka-curly-slab-{regular,bold,italic,bolditalic,extended{,bold,italic,bolditalic}}.ttf |
              while read file
                  python3 ./font-patcher -c -out ~/.local/share/fonts/"Iosevka Nerd Font"/ -ext otf --custom codicon.ttf $file

For other uses of the font-patcher tool you can read the official documentation.