change layout of ultra compact thread titles

This commit is contained in:
r 2024-04-24 15:57:56 -05:00
parent 2e210dc40d
commit f2b25d61d3
1 changed files with 19 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -563,31 +563,33 @@ class App(object):
self.body.attr_map = {None: attr[1]}
def readable_delta(self, timestamp):
def readable_delta(self, timestamp, compact=False):
Return a human-readable string representing the difference
between a given epoch time and the current time.
# "New BBJ Features Thread by ~deltarae in 2024; ~dzwdz replied 15h ago; 4 total"
# "<1m ago", "Xm ago", "Xh Ym ago", "Xd ago", "Xw ago" "Xm ago" "<datestamp>"
delta = time() - timestamp
hours, remainder = divmod(delta, 3600)
if hours > 840: # 5 weeks
return self.timestring(timestamp)
elif hours > 336: # 2 weeks:
return "%d weeks ago" % floor(hours / 168)
return "%d%s ago" % (floor(hours / 168), "w" if compact else " weeks")
elif hours > 168: # one week
return "%d week ago" % floor(hours / 168)
return "%d%s ago" % (floor(hours / 168), "w" if compact else " weeks")
elif hours > 48:
return "%d days ago" % floor(hours / 24)
return "%d%s ago" % (floor(hours / 24), "d" if compact else " days")
elif hours > 1:
return "%d hours ago" % hours
return "%d%s ago" % (hours, "h" if compact else " hours")
elif hours == 1:
return "about an hour ago"
return "1h ago" if compact else "about an hour ago"
minutes, remainder = divmod(remainder, 60)
if minutes > 1:
return "%d minutes ago" % minutes
return "%d%s ago" % (minutes, "m" if compact else " minutes")
if minutes == 1:
return "1 minute ago"
return "less than a minute ago"
return "1m ago" if compact else "1 minute ago"
return "<1m ago" if compact else "less than a minute ago"
def quote_view_action(self, button, message):
@ -823,9 +825,11 @@ class App(object):
# are deleted instead of being properly wrapped. but this is preferable
# behviour to what it was doing IMHO
info = urwid.Text([
("default", " by "),
(str(user["color"]), "~%s " % user["user_name"]),
("dim", "@ %s" % self.timestring(thread["created"]))])
("dim", "; "),
(str(user["color"]), "~%s" % user["user_name"]),
("dim", " replied %s; " % self.timestring(thread["last_mod"], "delta", compact=True)),
("dim", "%d total" % thread["reply_count"])
line = urwid.Columns([
(3, urwid.AttrMap(button, "button", "hover")),
(len(title.text), title),
@ -883,13 +887,13 @@ class App(object):
def timestring(self, epoch, mode="both"):
def timestring(self, epoch, mode="both", compact=False):
Returns a string of time representing a given epoch and mode.
if mode == "delta":
return self.readable_delta(epoch)
return self.readable_delta(epoch, compact)
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch)
if mode == "time":
directive = self.prefs["time"]