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2022-12-03 05:55:49 +00:00
namespace AOC2021;
/// <summary>
2022-12-03 05:41:38 +00:00
/// Day 22: <a href=""/>
/// </summary>
2023-09-20 18:38:58 +00:00
public sealed class Day22() : Day(2021, 22, "Reactor Reboot")
private readonly List<Instruction> _instructions = new();
public override void ProcessInput()
foreach (var line in Input)
var s = line.Split(' ');
var e = s[1]
.Select(i => i.Split('=')[1])
.SelectMany(l => l.Split(".."))
_instructions.Add(new(s[0] == "off", new(new(e[0], e[1]), new(e[2], e[3]), new(e[4], e[5]))));
private long ActiveCubes(int x, Region3D region)
if (region.IsEmpty || x < 0) return 0;
var intersection = region.Intersect(_instructions[x].Region);
var activeInRegion = ActiveCubes(x - 1, region);
var activeInIntersection = ActiveCubes(x - 1, intersection);
var activeOutsideIntersection = activeInRegion - activeInIntersection;
// outside the intersection is unaffected, the rest is either on or off:
return _instructions[x].Disable ? activeOutsideIntersection : activeOutsideIntersection + intersection.Volume;
public override object Part1()
var f = new RangeSegment(-50, 50);
return ActiveCubes(_instructions.Count - 1, new(f, f, f));
public override object Part2()
var f = new RangeSegment(-int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
return ActiveCubes(_instructions.Count - 1, new(f, f, f));
private record Instruction(bool Disable, Region3D Region);
private record RangeSegment(int From, int To)
public bool IsEmpty => From > To;
public long Length => IsEmpty ? 0 : To - From + 1;
public RangeSegment Intersect(RangeSegment other) =>
new(Math.Max(From, other.From), Math.Min(To, other.To));
private record Region3D(RangeSegment X, RangeSegment Y, RangeSegment Z)
public bool IsEmpty => X.IsEmpty || Y.IsEmpty || Z.IsEmpty;
public long Volume => X.Length * Y.Length * Z.Length;
public Region3D Intersect(Region3D other) =>
new(X.Intersect(other.X), Y.Intersect(other.Y), Z.Intersect(other.Z));