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2023 day 3 part 2
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

This commit is contained in:
Ben Harris 2023-12-03 01:44:25 -05:00
parent dd80a3dddc
commit 3d6b2df0d6
2 changed files with 48 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ public class Test2023
[DataRow(typeof(Day01), "54331", "54518")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day02), "2476", "54911")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day03), "522726", "")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day03), "522726", "81721933")]
public void CheckAllDays(Type dayType, string part1, string part2) =>
Common.CheckDay(dayType, part1, part2);

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@ -3,50 +3,65 @@ namespace AOC2023;
/// <summary>
/// Day 3: <a href=" 3"/>
/// </summary>
public sealed partial class Day03() : Day(2023, 3, "Gear Ratios")
public sealed class Day03() : Day(2023, 3, "Gear Ratios")
private static partial Regex DigitsRegex();
private List<string> _input;
private readonly List<Number> _numbers = [];
private readonly List<Symbol> _symbols = [];
public override void ProcessInput()
_input = Input.ToList();
var input = Input.ToList();
List<int> digits = [];
public override object Part1()
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < _input.Count; i++)
for (var row = 0; row < input.Count; row++)
var numbers = DigitsRegex()
.Select(f => (index: f.Index, value: int.Parse(f.Value), length: f.Length));
foreach (var num in numbers)
Number currentNumber = new();
for (var col = 0; col < input[row].Length; col++)
bool found = false;
for (var y = i - 1; y <= i + 1; y++)
var c = input[row][col];
if (c == '.') continue;
if (char.IsAsciiDigit(c))
if (found) break;
if (y < 0 || y >= _input.Count) continue;
digits.Add(c - '0');
if (digits.Count == 1)
currentNumber.Start = (row, col);
for (var x = num.index - 1; x <= num.index + num.length; x++)
if (found) break;
if (x < 0 || x >= _input[i].Length) continue;
while (col < input[row].Length - 1 && char.IsAsciiDigit(input[row][col + 1]))
digits.Add(input[row][++col] - '0');
var c = _input[y][x];
if (c == '.' || char.IsDigit(c)) continue;
sum += num.value;
found = true;
currentNumber.End = (row, col);
currentNumber.Value = int.Parse(string.Concat(digits));
currentNumber = new();
else _symbols.Add(new(input[row][col], (row, col)));
return sum;
public override object Part1() =>
.Where(n => _symbols.Any(s =>
Math.Abs(s.Position.Row - n.Start.Row) <= 1
&& s.Position.Column >= n.Start.Column - 1
&& s.Position.Column <= n.End.Column + 1))
.Sum(n => n.Value);
public override object Part2() =>
.Where(s => s.Value == '*')
.Select(s => _numbers.Where(n =>
Math.Abs(s.Position.Row - n.Start.Row) <= 1
&& s.Position.Column >= n.Start.Column - 1
&& s.Position.Column <= n.End.Column + 1)
.Where(gears => gears.Length == 2)
.Sum(gears => gears[0].Value * gears[1].Value);
private record struct Number(int Value, (int Row, int Column) Start, (int Row, int Column) End);
private record struct Symbol(char Value, (int Row, int Column) Position);