day 20 part 1
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing Details

This commit is contained in:
Ben Harris 2021-01-02 19:31:06 -05:00
parent 4b17c629ca
commit c25d7f1a01
2 changed files with 91 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace aoc2020.test
// [DataRow(typeof(Day17), "293", "1816")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day18), "12918250417632", "171259538712010")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day19), "160", "357")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day20), "", "")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day20), "21599955909991", "")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day21), "", "")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day22), "", "")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day23), "", "")]

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace aoc2020
/// <summary>
@ -5,18 +9,103 @@ namespace aoc2020
/// </summary>
public sealed class Day20 : Day
private readonly List<Tile> _allPermutations;
private readonly List<Tile> _topLefts;
public Day20() : base(20, "Jurassic Jigsaw")
var lines = new List<string>();
var tiles = new List<Tile>();
var currentTileId = 0;
foreach (var line in Input)
if (line.StartsWith("Tile "))
currentTileId = int.Parse(line.Split(' ', ':')[1]);
else if (line == "")
tiles.Add(new(currentTileId, lines.Select(l => l.ToCharArray()).ToArray()));
if (lines.Any()) tiles.Add(new(currentTileId, lines.Select(l => l.ToCharArray()).ToArray()));
_allPermutations = tiles.SelectMany(t => t.AllPermutations()).ToList();
_topLefts = _allPermutations
.Where(t => !_allPermutations.Any(t2 => t.TileId != t2.TileId && t.LeftId == t2.RightId) &&
!_allPermutations.Any(t2 => t.TileId != t2.TileId && t.TopId == t2.BottomId))
public override string Part1()
return "";
return $"{_topLefts.Select(t => t.TileId).Distinct().Aggregate(1L, (acc, next) => acc * next)}";
public override string Part2()
return "";
private record Tile(int TileId, char[][] Pixels)
private const int Size = 10;
internal int TopId => GetId(z => (z, 0));
internal int BottomId => GetId(z => (z, Size - 1));
internal int LeftId => GetId(z => (0, z));
internal int RightId => GetId(z => (Size - 1, z));
private int GetId(Func<int, (int x, int y)> selector)
return Enumerable.Range(0, Size)
.Select((c, i) => (Pixels[c.x][c.y] == '#' ? 1 : 0) << i)
.Aggregate(0, (acc, next) => acc | next);
private Tile RotateClockwise()
return Transform((x, y, newPixels) => newPixels[x][Size - 1 - y] = Pixels[y][x]);
private Tile Flip()
return Transform((x, y, newPixels) => newPixels[y][Size - 1 - x] = Pixels[y][x]);
private Tile Transform(Action<int, int, char[][]> transformFunc)
var newPixels = Enumerable.Repeat(false, Size).Select(_ => new char[Size]).ToArray();
for (var y = 0; y < Size; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < Size; x++)
transformFunc(x, y, newPixels);
return new(TileId, newPixels);
internal IEnumerable<Tile> AllPermutations()
var tile = this;
for (var i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
yield return tile;
if (i == 4) tile = Flip();
else if (i == 8) yield break;
tile = tile.RotateClockwise();
public string Format()
return $"Tile {TileId}:\n{string.Join("\n", Pixels.Select(p => new string(p)))}";