finish paper and normalize style of class definitions

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Ben Harris 2017-04-25 23:31:22 -04:00
parent 8e624663da
commit f78fe37c7e
23 changed files with 279 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -16,37 +16,73 @@
\documentclass[12pt]{article} % Font size (can be 10pt, 11pt or 12pt) and paper size (remove a4paper for US letter paper)
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@ -70,8 +106,16 @@
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\title{\textbf{Senior Project Paper}\\ % Title
@ -88,11 +132,12 @@ Discord Chat Bot: Asynchronous PHP} % Subtitle
\maketitle % Print the title section
I chose to build a chat bot for my senior project. It started as a side project that I happened upon while chatting with friends in a Discord chat. I started spending a lot of time on this project as I added more and more features to the bot.
@ -102,6 +147,7 @@ My original plan for my senior project was to make a social beer rating site as
My bot now has over 2000 lines of code and is able to fulfill many generic purposes that one would look for in a large chat group. The bot is now being used in over a dozen public Discord servers.
\section*{What I Learned}
The biggest thing that I've learned is that being excited about the project you're doing makes everything a whole lot easier and more fun.
@ -110,35 +156,33 @@ In terms of tangible skills, I have learned a great deal about writing asynchron
I also learned a lot about the Standard PHP Library (SPL) and the cool features included in it. I especially liked the interfaces defined by the SPL that provide easy solutions to common problems. I like the various Iterator and Array Access interfaces. Combining these two interfaces, I created my \verb|PersistentArray| class. Since the only data that the bot would need to store are simple key/value pairs, I decided to access them as associative arrays and writing a serialized version of that array to file. It was a fun learning experience to implement something from the SPL.
%\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{0.4\textwidth} % Inline image example
\section*{What I would do differently}
The main thing that I would have done differently would have been to choose the framework to use based on something other than familiarity with the language. While I made the project quite hard for myself, I feel that some of the things that I built for my bot would have been much easier to complete in a different language or with a framework that has a larger support community (see the DiscordPHP section under Technologies Used).
Something that I would like to look into in the future is Redis. I've read a bit about them and they seem to be better-suited to my use case of key-value pairs than a traditional database.
\section*{Technologies Used}
\item Discord API
\item DiscordPHP API Wrapper
\item ReactPHP Promises
\item Guzzle PHP HTTP client
\item PHP 7.1
\item Ubuntu Server 16.10
\item Composer Dependency Manager (PSR-4 class autoloading)
\item Discord API
\item DiscordPHP API Wrapper
\item ReactPHP Promises
\item Guzzle PHP HTTP client
\item PHP 7.1
\item Ubuntu Server 16.10
\item Composer Dependency Manager (PSR-4 class autoloading)
I chose to use PHP for my bot when I originally looked at creating a bot for Discord. There are API wrappers for most major programming languages. I felt the most comfortable in PHP because I've had the most experience with it.
DiscordPHP is the wrapper in PHP for the Discord HTTP/WebSocket API. It boasts nearly full coverage of the API, even including voice support for streaming audio to a voice channel within Discord. The downside to using the DiscordPHP framework is the poor documentation and relatively weak developer community. There is a group on Discord itself dedicated to DiscordPHP, but it is rarely active and I already find myself knowing more than most of the other users there. Additionally, the framework authors are seldom seen and have not resolved outstanding pull requests or made any new contributions on GitHub in over two months.
Since PHP is inherently synchronous, we need to account for the asynchronous nature of responding to commands and messages in a chat. Promises are a way to deal with operations that take differing amounts of time to complete. Promises represent the eventual value returned from the completion of an operation, and can be unfulfilled, fulfilled, or failed. The DiscordPHP framework uses the ReactPHP implementation of Promises to deal with asynchronous events.
Since PHP is inherently synchronous and single-threaded, we need to account for the asynchronous nature of responding to commands and messages in a chat. Promises are a way to deal with operations that take differing amounts of time to complete. Promises represent the eventual value returned from the completion of an operation, and can be unfulfilled, fulfilled, or failed. The DiscordPHP framework uses the ReactPHP implementation of Promises to deal with asynchronous events.
PHP 7 offered a major improvement over PHP 5 in terms of speed - up to twice the speed in most use cases. There are also many deprecations of old extensions and modules as well as a few new syntactic sugar operators (my favorite is the null coalescence operator). A bug in the OpenSSL extension for PHP prevented \verb|fwrite()|s to non-blocking SSL sockets from completing. It was not found for so long due to the infrequency of non-blocking streams in PHP. Versions later than 7.1.4 include the patch for this bug.
@ -146,7 +190,9 @@ I run the bot from my personal Ubuntu server. I run my own instance of GitLab an
Composer is the de-facto standard for PHP package management. As any package manager should, Composer is able to install packages from \verb|| to the current project, writing exact version information to the \verb|composer.lock| file. Other requirements can be specified in the \verb|composer.json| file. I have leveraged the PSR-4 class autoloading feature provided by Composer to specify namespaces for my PHP classes.
\section*{Software organization}
\section*{Source organization}
The source code for my bot is organized into classes under the \verb|src/| directory. Classes that contain code that will not be called as commands in Discord are in the root directory of \verb|src/|. Classes that contain commands are in \verb|src/Commands/|.
@ -154,26 +200,158 @@ The \verb|Command| class describes a command that the bot will perform for certa
The first iteration of my bot was a single file over 1000 lines long. This was unmanageable and difficult to work on. The only way to find a certain command or function was with the find function of my editor. The current structure is much easier to work with and I am able to add Command classes quickly and efficiently.
\section*{The Hardest Part}
I have continually found that the poor quality of documentation for DiscordPHP and lack of community around it has been the most difficult part of this project. I have spent many hours reading through the source code of DiscordPHP to understand the implementation details.
Other than the difficulty of finding solutions to my problems, it has also been difficult to wrap my brain around asynchronous code, especially the Promises paradigm. It finally began to click once I realized how I could interact with the results of promises and deal with exceptions (as rejected promises). When something failed or acted unexpectedly during the first few weeks of development, I didn't see any error messages. I thought it was due to PHP's strange handling of error messages, but it turned out that I needed to attach an \verb|onRejected| handler to the methods I was using.
Other than the difficulty of finding solutions to my problems, it has also been difficult to wrap my brain around asynchronous code, especially the Promises paradigm. It finally began to click once I realized how I could interact with the results of promises and deal with exceptions (as rejected promises). When something failed or acted unexpectedly during the first few weeks of development, I didn't see any error messages. I thought it was due to PHP's strange handling of error messages, but it turned out that I needed to attach an \verb|onRejected| promise handler to the methods I was using.
Now that I have a better handle on these issues, I have been able to move forward with the bot.
\section*{Complex Data Structures and/or Algorithms}
I'm rather proud of my implementation of TicTacToe. Players enter a number 1-9 to make moves, referring to each cell of the TicTacToe grid.
\begin{lstlisting}[language=PHP, caption=Get TicTacToe cell value]
private static function getPieceAt($i)
return $board[intval(($i - 1) / 3)][($i - 1) % 3];
\begin{lstlisting}[language=PHP, caption=Handle a move from a player]
if (self::placePieceAt($move, $player)) {
if (self::checkWin()) {
self::$bot->game['active'] = false;
return "<@" . self::$bot->game['players'][self::$bot->game['turn']] . "> won";
} else {
self::$bot->game['turn'] = self::$bot->game['turn'] == ":x:" ? ":o:" : ":x:";
return self::printBoard() . "\n<@" . self::$bot->game['players'][self::$bot->game['turn']] . ">, it's your turn!";
} else {
return "position already occupied!";
Working with the OpenWeatherMap and Geonames APIs was also complicated. I opted to store the city, timezone, and coordinates for a city once it's been found to limit the number of API calls made.
\begin{lstlisting}[language=PHP, caption=Weather look up]
public static function weather($msg, $args)
$id = Utils::getUserIDFromMsg($msg);
$api_key = getenv('OWM_API_KEY');
$url = "$api_key&units=metric&";
if (count($args) <= 1 && $args[0] == "") {
echo "looking up weather for {$msg->author} $id";
if (isset(self::$bot->cities[$id])) {
$url .= "id=" . self::$bot->cities[$id]["id"];
self::$bot->http->get($url)->then(function ($result) use ($msg, $city) {
Utils::send($msg, "", self::formatWeatherJson($result, $city["timezone"]));
} else {
return "you can set your city with `;weather save <city>`";
} else {
if (count($msg->mentions) > 0) {
foreach ($msg->mentions as $mention) {
if (isset(self::$bot->cities[$mention->id])) {
$url .= "id=" . self::$bot->cities[$mention->id]["id"];
self::$bot->http->get($url)->then(function ($result) use ($msg, $city) {
Utils::send($msg, "", self::formatWeatherJson($result, $city["timezone"]));
} else {
return "no city saved for $mention.\nset a preferred city with `;weather save <city> $mention`";
} else {
$query = rawurlencode(implode(" ", $args));
$url .= "q=$query";
self::$bot->http->get($url)->then(function ($result) use ($msg) {
Utils::send($msg, "", self::formatWeatherJson($result));
\section*{Expected Difficulty}
This project has been a fun challenge. I have enjoyed working on it immensely. It has been an interesting mix of both easy and difficult. One one hand, it feels easy because of my familiarity with PHP, but on the other hand, the features that I planned on implementing in my Project Proposal turned out to be much harder than I anticipated.
The features that turned out being the hardest were:
\item Audio Streaming to voice channels
\item Games in chat
\item Returning images from a web search
As I have discussed previously, these features were difficult due to the lack of documentation and initially brittle architecture of my bot. Additionally, my bot is best suited for working with REST-ful JSON APIs. Bing and Google have no easily-accessible image search API, so I would be unable to use the existing JSON architecture. To accomplish this, I will have to write an HTML parser to get the URL of the first image result.
Hopefully I will be able to build these features within the next week.
This is the grading scale that I included with my Project Proposal.
Items in \textbf{boldface} text are incomplete and items in \textit{italic} text are considered work-in-progress as of April 25, 2017.
\item Get User Info [1 pts]
\item Get Profile Photo for arbitrary User [1 pts]
\item Get Server Info [2 pts]
\item Display Bot Status/Uptime [1 pts]
\item Send direct message to any user [1 pts]
\item \textbf{Permissions for commands based on user's permissions [2 pts]}
\item Talk to Cleverbot [3 pts]
\item Save images and retrieve them later [5 pts]
\item Save text and retrieve it later [2 pts]
\item Send me a text message [2 pts]
\item Send emails to a saved address for a user [2 pts]
\item Internet lookups
\item Weather for any city [3 pts]
\item Time for any city (by looking up timezone) and formatting correctly [3 pts]
\item Save a preferred city for each user for time and weather [2 pts]
\item Look up a random joke [2 pts]
\item \textbf{Send an image from Google Image Search Results [5 pts]}
\item \textit{Stream music from YouTube to a voice channel [10 pts]}
\item Create and vote on polls [5 pts]
\item Chat games (\textit{TicTacToe}, \textbf{Hangman}, or both) [10 pts]
\item Text transform (block emojis, unicode fonts, and ASCII art) [3 pts]
\item Roll an n-sided die [1 pts]
\item 8-Ball style fortunes [2 pts]
\textbf{70 points total.}
63+ $\rightarrow$ A
56+ $\rightarrow$ B
49+ $\rightarrow$ C
42+ $\rightarrow$ D
35+ $\rightarrow$ F
At the time of writing, I have completed 51 of 70 possible points, which falls in the C range. I hope to finish as many of the outstanding points as possible between now and my presentation.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
namespace BenBot;
use Discord\Discord;
use Discord\Parts\User\Game;
@ -19,7 +18,8 @@ use Dotenv\Dotenv;
use function Stringy\create as s;
class BenBot extends Discord {
class BenBot extends Discord
public $start_time;
public $dir;
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ class BenBot extends Discord {
// handle game move for players
if ($this->game['active'] && in_array($msg->author->id, $this->game['players'])) {
$move = intval((string) $str);
if ($this->game['active'] && $msg->author->id === $this->game['players'][$this->game['turn']]) {
$move = intval($msg->content);
if ($move > 0 && $move < 10) {
$player = array_search($msg->author->id, $this->game['players']);
$response = Commands\TicTacToe::handleMove($player, $move);
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class BenBot extends Discord {
throw new \Exception("A command with the name $command already exists.");
list($commandInstance, $options) = $this->buildCommand($command, $callable, $options);
[$commandInstance, $options] = $this->buildCommand($command, $callable, $options);
$this->cmds[$command] = $commandInstance;
foreach ($options['aliases'] as $alias) {
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class BenBot extends Discord {
public function __get($name)
$allowed = ['commands', 'aliases'];
$allowed = ['cmds', 'aliases'];
if (array_search($name, $allowed) !== false) {
return $this->$name;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
namespace BenBot;
use BenBot\BenBot;
use Discord\Parts\Channel\Message;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ use BenBot\Utils;
use Discord\Helpers\Process;
use function Stringy\create as s;
class AsciiArt {
class AsciiArt
private static $bot;
private static $figlet;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
class Cities {
class Cities
private static $bot;
@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ class Cities {
$mentions[] = "$mention";
$response .= implode(", ", $mentions);
$response .= " has been set to {$json->name}";
$response .= implode(", ", $mentions) . " has been set to {$json->name}";
Utils::send($msg, $response);
} else {
self::$bot->cities[$msg->author->id] = [

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
use React\Promise\Deferred;
class CleverBot {
class CleverBot
private static $bot;
private static $cs;

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Discord\Parts\Embed\Embed;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use function Stringy\create as s;
class Debug {
class Debug
private static $bot;
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ class Debug {
self::$bot->registerCommand('sys', [__CLASS__, 'sys'], [
'description' => 'run server command and show output',
self::$bot->registerCommand('eval', [__CLASS__, 'botEval'], [
'description' => 'only for owner',
self::$bot->registerCommand('status', [__CLASS__, 'status'], [
'description' => 'get status of bot and server',
@ -77,6 +80,17 @@ class Debug {
public static function botEval($msg, $args)
if (Utils::getUserIDFromMsg($msg) == "193011352275648514") {
$cmd = implode(" ", $args);
return "```" . eval("return $cmd;") . "```";
} else {
return "**you're not allowed to use that command**";
public static function status($msg, $args)
$usercount = 0;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
use function String\create as s;
class Definitions {
class Definitions
private static $bot;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
class Emails {
class Emails
private static $bot;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\FontConverter;
use BenBot\Utils;
use BenBot\FontConverter;
class Fonts {
class Fonts
private static $bot;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
use BenBot\Utils;
class Fun {
class Fun
private static $bot;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
class Images {
class Images
private static $bot;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
class Jokes {
class Jokes
private static $bot;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
use function Stringy\create as s;
class Misc {
class Misc
private static $bot;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
class Music {
class Music
private static $bot;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
class Poll {
class Poll
private static $bot;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
class TicTacToe {
class TicTacToe
private static $bot;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
use BenBot\Commands\Cities;
@ -8,7 +7,8 @@ use BenBot\Commands\Cities;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class Time {
class Time
private static $bot;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
use BenBot\Cities;
@ -9,7 +8,8 @@ use Discord\Parts\Embed\Embed;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class Weather {
class Weather
private static $bot;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
namespace BenBot;
use BenBot\Utils;
use function Stringy\create as s;
class FontConverter {
class FontConverter
public static $fonts;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
namespace BenBot;
class PersistentArray implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator {
class PersistentArray implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator
protected $data;
protected $filepath;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
namespace BenBot;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Discord\Parts\Embed\Embed;
use React\Promise\Deferred;
class Utils {
class Utils
private static $bot;