
781 lines
27 KiB

// config
include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Discord\DiscordCommandClient;
use Discord\Parts\User\Game;
use Discord\Parts\Embed\Embed;
use Discord\Parts\Embed\Author;
use Discord\Parts\Embed\Image;
use Discord\Parts\Embed\Footer;
include_once __DIR__.'/env_stuff.php';
$discord = new DiscordCommandClient([
'token' => get_thing('token'),
'prefix' => ';',
'defaultHelpCommand' => false,
'name' => 'benbot',
'discordOptions' => [
// 'loggerLevel' => 'DEBUG',
'pmChannels' => true,
include __DIR__.'/kaomoji.php';
include __DIR__.'/definitions.php';
include __DIR__.'/util_fns.php';
$starttime = new DateTime();
$defs = new Definitions(__DIR__.'/definitions.json');
$imgs = new Definitions(__DIR__.'/img_urls.json');
$cities = new Definitions(__DIR__.'/cities.json');
$help = [];
// $cleverbot_nick = create_cleverbot_instance('benbot');
$cleverbot = new Cleverbot_IO('benbot');
$game = $discord->factory(Game::class, [
'name' => ';help',
$discord->on('ready', function($discord) use ($game, $defs, $imgs, $cleverbot) {
$discord->on('message', function($msg, $args) use ($defs, $imgs, $cleverbot) {
// for stuff that isn't a command
$text = $msg->content;
$gen = char_in($text);
$first_char = $gen->current();
if ($first_char == ';') {
for ($qu = "", $gen->next(); $gen->current() != " " && $gen->valid(); $gen->next())
$qu .= $gen->current();
$qu = strtolower($qu);
if ($defs->get($qu, true))
send($msg, "**$qu**: " . $defs->get($qu));
if ($imgs->get($qu, true)) {
$imgfile = $imgs->get($qu);
$msg->channel->sendFile(__DIR__."/uploaded_images/$imgfile", $imgfile, $qu);
} else {
if (is_dm($msg)) {
if (!$msg->author->bot)
send($msg, $cleverbot->ask($msg->content));
->sendMessage("<@193011352275648514>, bot started successfully");
// commands
$discord->registerCommand('hi', [
], [
'description' => 'greeting',
$discord->registerAlias('Hi', 'hi');
$discord->registerAlias('Hello', 'hi');
$discord->registerAlias('hello', 'hi');
$discord->registerCommand('embed', function($msg, $args) use ($discord) {
$embed = $discord->factory(Embed::class, [
'title' => 'test',
'url' => '',
'image' => $discord->factory(Image::class, ['url' => __DIR__.'/img/bamboozled.jpg']),
'thumbnail' => $discord->factory(Image::class, ['url' => __DIR__.'/img/bamboozled.jpg']),
'author' => $discord->factory(Author::class, ['name' => 'Ben']),
'footer' => $discord->factory(Footer::class, ['text' => 'footer']),
$msg->channel->sendMessage('embed', false, $embed);
}, [
'description' => 'not working :(',
$time = $discord->registerCommand('time', function($msg, $args) use ($cities) {
$url = "";
if (count($args) == 0) {
// lookup the person's time or tell them to save their time
if ($cities->get($msg->author->id, true)) {
$ci = $cities->get($msg->author->id);
$newurl = "$url&lat={$ci["lat"]}&lng={$ci["lon"]}";
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($newurl));
$jtime = strtotime($json->time);
send($msg, "It's " . date('g:i A \o\n l F j, Y', $jtime) . " in {$ci["city"]}.");
} else {
send($msg, "It's " . date('g:i A \o\n l F j, Y') . " Eastern Time (USA).\nset a preferred city with `;time save city` or `;weather save.`");
} else {
if (count($msg->mentions) > 0) {
// if users are mentioned
foreach ($msg->mentions as $mention) {
if ($cities->get($mention->id, true)) {
$ci = $cities->get($mention->id);
$newurl = "$url&lat={$ci["lat"]}&lng={$ci["lon"]}";
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($newurl));
$jtime = strtotime($json->time);
send($msg, "It's " . date('g:i A \o\n l F j, Y', $jtime) . " in {$ci["city"]} (<@{$mention->id}>).");
} else {
send($msg, "No city found for <@{$mention->id}>.\nset a preferred city with `;time save city` or `;weather save city`");
} else {
// look up the time for whatever they requested
$api_key = get_thing('weather_api_key');
$query = implode("%20", $args);
$jsoncoords = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$query}&APPID=$api_key&units=metric"));
$coord = $jsoncoords->coord;
$url = "";
$newurl = "$url&lat={$coord->lat}&lng={$coord->lon}";
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($newurl));
$jtime = strtotime($json->time);
send($msg, "It's " . date('g:i A \o\n l F j, Y', $jtime) . " in {$jsoncoords->name}.");
}, [
'description' => 'looks up current time for yourself or another user',
'usage' => '<@user>',
$discord->registerAlias('Time', 'time');
$time->registerSubCommand('save', function($msg, $args) use ($cities) {
$api_key = get_thing('weather_api_key');
$query = implode("%20", $args);
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$query}&APPID=$api_key&units=metric"));
if (count($msg->mentions) > 0) {
$ret = "the preferred city for ";
foreach ($msg->mentions as $mention) {
$cities->set($mention->id, [
'id' => $json->id,
'lat' => $json->coord->lat,
'lon' => $json->coord->lon,
'city' => $json->name,
$mentions[] = "<@{$mention->id}>";
$ret .= implode(", ", $mentions);
$ret .= " has been set to {$json->name}";
send($msg, $ret);
} else {
$cities->set($msg->author->id, [
'id' => $json->id,
'lat' => $json->coord->lat,
'lon' => $json->coord->lon,
'city' => $json->name,
$msg->reply("your preferred city has been set to {$json->name}");
}, [
'description' => 'saves a preferred city to use with ;weather and ;time',
'usage' => '<city>',
$weather = $discord->registerCommand('weather', function($msg, $args) use ($cities) {
$api_key = get_thing('weather_api_key');
$url = "$api_key&units=metric&";
if (count($args) == 0) {
// look up for your saved city
if ($cities->get($msg->author->id, true)) {
$url .= "id=" . $cities->get($msg->author->id)["id"];
echo $url, PHP_EOL;
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
} else {
$msg->reply("you can set your preferred city with `;weather save <city>`");
} else {
if (count($msg->mentions) > 0) {
// look up for another person
foreach ($msg->mentions as $mention) {
if ($cities->get($mention->id, true)) {
$url .= "id=" . $cities->get($mention->id)["id"];
echo $url, PHP_EOL;
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
send($msg, format_weather($json));
} else {
// mentioned user not found
send($msg, "no preferred city found for <@{$mention->id}>.\nset a preferred city with `;weather save city <@{$mention->id}>`.");
} else {
// look up any city
$query = implode("%20", $args);
$url .= "q=$query";
}, [
'description' => 'looks up weather for a city, other user, or yourself',
'usage' => '<city|@user>',
$discord->registerAlias('Weather', 'weather');
$weather->registerSubCommand('save', function($msg, $args) use ($cities) {
$api_key = get_thing('weather_api_key');
$query = implode("%20", $args);
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$query}&APPID=$api_key&units=metric"));
if (count($msg->mentions) > 0) {
$ret = "the preferred city for ";
foreach ($msg->mentions as $mention) {
$cities->set($mention->id, [
'id' => $json->id,
'lat' => $json->coord->lat,
'lon' => $json->coord->lon,
'city' => $json->name,
$mentions[] = "<@{$mention->id}>";
$ret .= implode(", ", $mentions);
$ret .= " has been set to {$json->name}";
send($msg, $ret);
} else {
$cities->set($msg->author->id, [
'id' => $json->id,
'lat' => $json->coord->lat,
'lon' => $json->coord->lon,
'city' => $json->name,
$msg->reply("your preferred city has been set to {$json->name}");
}, [
'description' => 'saves your favorite city',
'usage' => '<location>',
$discord->registerCommand('roll', function ($msg, $args) {
$msg->reply('you rolled a ' . rand(1, $args[0] ?? 6));
}, [
'description' => 'rolls an n-sided die. defaults to 6.',
'usage' => '<number of sides>',
$discord->registerAlias('Roll', 'roll');
$discord->registerCommand('text_benh', function($msg, $args) {
if (count($args) === 0) {
send($msg, 'can\'t send a blank message');
$srvr = $msg->channel->guild->name;
$user = is_dm($msg) ? $msg->author->username : $msg->author->user->username;
$from = "From: {$srvr} Discord <{$srvr}>";
$msg_body = $user . ":\n\n" . implode(" ", $args);
if (mail(get_thing('phone_number') . "", "", $msg_body, $from)) {
return "message sent to benh";
}, [
'description' => 'text a message to benh',
'usage' => '<message>',
$discord->registerAlias('Text_benh', 'text_benh');
$discord->registerCommand('avatar', function($msg, $args) {
if (count($msg->mentions) === 0) {
if (is_dm($msg)) send($msg, $msg->author->avatar);
else send($msg, $msg->author->user->avatar);
foreach ($msg->mentions as $av)
send($msg, $av->avatar);
}, [
'description' => 'gets the avatar for a user',
'usage' => '<@user>',
$discord->registerAlias('Avatar', 'avatar');
$discord->registerCommand('up', function($msg, $args) use ($starttime) {
$diff = $starttime->diff(new DateTime());
$ret = "Up for ";
$ret .= $diff->format("%a") . " day" . ($diff->d == 1 ? ", " : "s, ");
$ret .= $diff->format("%h") . " hour" . ($diff->h == 1 ? ", " : "s, ");
$ret .= $diff->format("%i") . " minute" . ($diff->i == 1 ? ", and " : "s, and ");
$ret .= $diff->format("%s") . " second" . ($diff->s == 1 ? "" : "s");
send($msg, $ret);
}, [
'description' => 'bot uptime',
$discord->registerAlias('Up', 'up');
$discord->registerCommand('say', function($msg, $args) {
$a = implode(" ", $args);
if ((strpos($a, '@everyone') !== false) || (strpos($a, '@here') !== false)) {
$msg->reply("sry, can't do that! :P");
send($msg, "$a\n\n**love**, {$msg->author}");
}, [
'description' => 'repeats stuff back to you',
'usage' => '<stuff to say>',
$discord->registerAlias('Say', 'say');
$discord->registerCommand('set', function($msg, $args) use ($defs) {
$def = strtolower(array_shift($args));
$defs->set($def, implode(" ", $args));
send($msg, $def . " set to: " . implode(" ", $args));
}, [
'description' => 'sets this to that',
'usage' => '<this> <that>',
$discord->registerAlias('Set', 'set');
$discord->registerCommand('get', function($msg, $args) use ($defs) {
if (isset($args[0])) send($msg, "**" . $args[0] . "**: " . $defs->get(strtolower($args[0])));
else send($msg, "can't search for nothing");
}, [
'description' => 'gets a value from the definitions. you can also omit get (;<thing to get>)',
'usage' => '<thing to get>',
$discord->registerAlias('Get', 'get');
$discord->registerCommand('unset', function($msg, $args) use ($defs) {
send($msg, $args[0] . " unset");
}, [
'description' => 'removes a definition',
'usage' => '<def to remove>',
$discord->registerAlias('Unset', 'unset');
$discord->registerCommand('8ball', function($msg, $args) use ($fortunes) {
$ret = "Your Question: *";
$ret .= count($args) == 0 ? "Why didn't {$msg->author} ask a question?" : implode(" ", $args);
$ret .= "*\n\n**" . $fortunes[array_rand($fortunes)] . "**";
send($msg, $ret);
}, [
'description' => 'tells your fortune',
'usage' => '<question to ask the mighty 8ball>',
$discord->registerCommand('lenny', function($msg, $args) {
send($msg, "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)");
$channel = $msg->channel;
}, [
'description' => 'you should know what this does',
$discord->registerAlias('Lenny', 'lenny');
$discord->registerCommand('lennies', function($msg, $args) use ($lennyception) {
send($msg, $lennyception);
}, [
'description' => '( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)',
$discord->registerAlias('Lennies', 'lennies');
$discord->registerCommand('shrug', function($msg, $args) {
send($msg, "¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯");
}, [
'description' => 'meh',
$discord->registerAlias('Shrug', 'shrug');
$kaomoji = $discord->registerCommand('kaomoji', function($msg, $args) use ($kaomojis) {
send($msg, $kaomojis[array_rand($kaomojis)]);
}, [
'description' => 'sends random kaomoji',
'usage' => '<sad|happy|angry|confused|surprised>',
$discord->registerAlias('Kaomoji', 'kaomoji');
$kaomoji->registerSubCommand('sad', function($msg, $args) use($sad_kaomojis) {
send($msg, $sad_kaomojis[array_rand($sad_kaomojis)]);
}, ['description' => 'sad kaomoji']);
$kaomoji->registerSubCommand('happy', function($msg, $args) use($happy_kaomojis) {
send($msg, $happy_kaomojis[array_rand($happy_kaomojis)]);
}, ['description' => 'happy kaomoji']);
$kaomoji->registerSubCommand('angry', function($msg, $args) use($angry_kaomojis) {
send($msg, $angry_kaomojis[array_rand($angry_kaomojis)]);
}, ['description' => 'angry kaomoji']);
$kaomoji->registerSubCommand('confused', function($msg, $args) use($confused_kaomojis) {
send($msg, $confused_kaomojis[array_rand($confused_kaomojis)]);
}, ['description' => 'confused kaomoji']);
$kaomoji->registerSubCommand('surprised', function($msg, $args) use($surprised_kaomojis) {
send($msg, $surprised_kaomojis[array_rand($surprised_kaomojis)]);
}, ['description' => 'surprised kaomoji']);
$kaomoji->registerSubCommand('embarrassed', function($msg, $args) use($embarrassed_kaomojis) {
send($msg, $embarrassed_kaomojis[array_rand($embarrassed_kaomojis)]);
}, ['description' => 'embarrassed kaomoji']);
$joke = $discord->registerCommand('joke', function($msg, $args) {
$joke_arr = explode("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/miscjokes.txt'));
send($msg, $joke_arr[array_rand($joke_arr)]);
}, [
'description' => 'tells a random joke',
'usage' => '<chucknorris|yomama|dad>',
$discord->registerAlias('Joke', 'joke');
$joke->registerSubCommand('chucknorris', function($msg, $args) {
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents(""));
send($msg, $json->value->joke);
}, [
'description' => 'get a random fact about chuck norris',
$joke->registerSubCommand('yomama', function($msg, $args) {
$jokes = file("yomamajokes.txt");
send($msg, $jokes[array_rand($jokes)]);
}, [
'description' => 'yo mama jokes',
$joke->registerSubCommand('dad', function($msg, $args) {
send($msg, file_get_contents("", false, stream_context_create([
'http' => [
'method' => 'GET',
'header' => 'Accept: text/plain'
}, [
'description' => 'tells a dad joke',
$discord->registerCommand('block', function($msg, $args) {
$ret = "";
foreach (char_in(strtolower(implode(" ", $args))) as $char) {
if (ctype_alpha($char)) $ret .= ":regional_indicator_" . $char . ": ";
else if (ctype_digit($char)) {
switch ($char) {
case 0: $ret .= ":zero: "; break;
case 1: $ret .= ":one: "; break;
case 2: $ret .= ":two: "; break;
case 3: $ret .= ":three: "; break;
case 4: $ret .= ":four: "; break;
case 5: $ret .= ":five: "; break;
case 6: $ret .= ":six: "; break;
case 7: $ret .= ":seven: "; break;
case 8: $ret .= ":eight: "; break;
case 9: $ret .= ":nine: "; break;
else if ($char == " ") $ret .= " ";
send($msg, $ret);
}, [
'description' => 'turn a message into block text',
'usage' => '<msg>',
$discord->registerAlias('Block', 'block');
$img = $discord->registerCommand('img', function($msg, $args) use ($imgs, $discord) {
$qu = strtolower($args[0]);
// look for image in uploaded_images
if ($imgs->get($qu, true)) {
$imgfile = $imgs->get($qu);
$msg->channel->sendFile(__DIR__."/uploaded_images/$imgfile", $imgfile, $qu)->then(function($m) use ($discord, $imgfile) {
// echo "sent", PHP_EOL;
$discord->logger->info("$imgfile sent");
}, function ($e) use ($discord) {
// echo $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
}, [
'description' => 'image tools (;help img for more info)',
'usage' => '<image to show>',
$discord->registerAlias('Img', 'img');
// $img->registerSubCommand('save2', function($msg, $args) use ($imgs) {
// if (count($msg->attachments) > 0) {
// foreach ($msg->attachments as $attachment) {
// $pic = file_get_contents($attachment->url);
// $ext = pathinfo($attachment->url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// $filename = __DIR__.'/uploaded_images/';
// $filename .= isset($args[0]) ? $args[0].".$ext" : $attachment->filename;
// file_put_contents($filename, $pic);
// }
// } else send($msg, "no image to save");
// }, [
// 'description' => 'image tools',
// 'usage' => '<save as>',
// ]);
$img->registerSubCommand('save', function($msg, $args) use ($imgs) {
$qu = strtolower($args[0]);
if ($imgs->get($qu, true)) {
send($msg, "img with this name already exists");
if (count($msg->attachments) > 0) {
foreach ($msg->attachments as $attachment) {
$ext = pathinfo($attachment->url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$imgs->set($qu, "$qu.$ext");
file_put_contents(__DIR__."/uploaded_images/$qu.$ext", file_get_contents($attachment->url));
send($msg, "image saved as $qu");
} else send($msg, "no image to save");
}, [
'description' => 'saves attached image as name',
'usage' => '<name>',
// $img->registerSubCommand('list2', function($msg, $args) use ($imgs) {
// $dir = new DirectoryIterator(__DIR__.'/uploaded_images/');
// foreach ($dir as $fileinfo) {
// if (!$fileinfo->isDot()) {
// $ret[] = $fileinfo->getBasename(".".$dir->getExtension());
// }
// }
// send($msg, "list of uploaded images:\n\n" . implode(", ", $ret));
// }, [
// 'description' => 'saved image list',
// ]);
$img->registerSubCommand('list', function($msg, $args) use ($imgs) {
send($msg, "list of uploaded images:\n\n" . implode(", ", $imgs->list_keys()));
}, [
'description' => 'saved image list',
// $img->registerSubCommand('asciiart', function($msg, $args) {
// if (count($msg->attachments) > 0) {
// print_r($msg->attachments);
// $imgpath = $msg->attachments[0]->url;
// } else {
// $imgpath = $msg->author->user->avatar;
// }
// echo $imgpath, PHP_EOL;
// send($msg, "```" . ascii_from_img($imgpath) . "```");
// }, [
// 'description' => 'converts image to ascii art',
// 'usage' => '<image>',
// ]);
// look up defs or images!
$discord->registerCommand('', function($msg, $args) use ($cleverbot) {
$msg->reply($cleverbot->ask(implode(" ", $args)));
// $qu = strtolower($args[0]);
// if ($defs->get($qu, true))
// send($msg, "**$qu**: " . $defs->get($qu));
// if ($imgs->get($qu, true)) {
// $imgfile = $imgs->get($qu);
// echo $qu, ": ", $imgfile, PHP_EOL;
// $msg->channel->sendFile(__DIR__."/uploaded_images/$imgfile", $imgfile, $qu);
// }
}, [
'description' => 'talk to ben (you can do this in a DM with me too!)',
'usage' => '<msg>',
$discord->registerCommand('dm', function($msg, $args) {
if (is_dm($msg)) send($msg, "you're already in a dm, silly");
if (count($msg->mentions) == 0) {
$msg->author->user->sendMessage("hi\ntry typing `;help` or just have a conversation with me");
} else {
foreach ($msg->mentions as $mention) {
$mention->sendMessage("hi\ntry typing `;help` or just have a conversation with me");
}, [
'description' => 'start a DM conversation with yourself or someone else',
'usage' => '<@user>',
$discord->registerCommand('bamboozle', function($msg, $args) {
if (count($msg->mentions) > 0)
foreach ($msg->mentions as $key => $val)
$ret .= "<@$key>";
else $ret = $msg->author;
$ret .= ", you've been heccin' bamboozled again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
$msg->channel->sendFile('img/bamboozled.jpg', 'bamboozle.jpg', $ret);
}, [
'description' => "bamboozles mentioned user (or you if you don't mention anyone!!)",
'usage' => '<user>(optional)',
$discord->registerAlias('Bamboozle', 'bamboozle');
// debugging commands
$discord->registerCommand('dbg', function($msg, $args) use ($defs, $imgs) {
if (is_dm($msg)) $id = $msg->author->id;
else $id = $msg->author->user->id;
if ($id == "193011352275648514") {
send($msg, "debugging. check logs.");
} else send($msg, "you're not allowed to use that command");
$discord->registerAlias('Dbg', 'dbg');
$discord->registerCommand('sys', function($msg, $args) {
if (is_dm($msg)) $id = $msg->author->id;
else $id = $msg->author->user->id;
if ($id == "193011352275648514") {
send($msg, "```\n" . shell_exec(implode(" ", $args)) . "\n```");
} else send($msg, "you're not allowed to use that command");
$discord->registerAlias('Sys', 'sys');
$discord->registerCommand('help', function($msg, $args) use ($discord, $help) {
$ret = "```";
if (count($args) == 1) {
$qu = strtolower($args[0]);
if ($cmd = $discord->getCommand($qu, true)) {
$ret .= $cmd->getHelp(';')["text"];
} else {
$ret .= "$qu not found";
send($msg, "$ret```");
} else {
$ret .= "benbot - a bot made by benh. avatar by hirose.\n\n";
$ret .= implode("", $help);
$ret .= "\n;help <command> - get more information about a specific command\ncommands will still work if the first letter is capitalized.```";
if (is_dm($msg)) send($msg, $ret);
else {
$msg->reply("check DMs!");
$discord->registerAlias('Help', 'help');