
127 lines
4.2 KiB

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use React\Promise\Deferred;
use Discord\Parts\Embed\Embed;
use Carbon\Carbon;
include_once __DIR__.'/env_stuff.php';
function char_in($str) {
for ($i = 0; $i <= strlen($str); $i++)
yield substr($str, $i, 1);
function send($msg, $txt, $embed = null) {
return $msg->channel->sendMessage($txt, false, $embed)
->otherwise(function($e) use ($msg) {
echo $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$msg->reply("sry, an error occurred. check with <@193011352275648514>.\n```{$e->getMessage()}```");
function sendfile($msg, $filepath, $filename, $txt) {
return $msg->channel->sendFile($filepath, $filename, $txt)
->otherwise(function($e) use ($msg) {
echo $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$msg->reply("sry, an error occurred. check with <@193011352275648514>.\n```{$e->getMessage()}```");
function is_dm($msg) {
return $msg->channel->is_private;
function ascii_from_img($filepath) {
$ret = "";
$img = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($filepath));
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filepath);
$scale = 10;
$chars = [
' ', '\'', '.', ':',
'|', 'T', 'X', '0',
$chars = array_reverse($chars);
$c_count = count($chars);
for($y = 0; $y <= $height - $scale - 1; $y += $scale) {
for($x = 0; $x <= $width - ($scale / 2) - 1; $x += ($scale / 2)) {
$rgb = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y);
$r = (($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF);
$g = (($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF);
$b = ($rgb & 0xFF);
$sat = ($r + $g + $b) / (255 * 3);
$ret .= $chars[ (int)( $sat * ($c_count - 1) ) ];
$ret .= "\n";
return $ret;
function fahr($celsius) {return $celsius * 9 / 5 + 32;}
function cels($fahrenh) {return $fahrenh * 5 / 9 - 32;}
function format_weather($json, $id = null) {
global $discord;
global $cities;
return $discord->factory(Embed::class, [
'title' => "Weather in {$json->name}, {$json->sys->country}",
'thumbnail' => ['url' => "{$json->weather[0]->icon}.png"],
'fields' => [
['name' => 'Current temperature', 'value' => "{$json->main->temp}°C (".fahr($json->main->temp)."°F)", 'inline' => true],
['name' => 'Low/High Forecasted Temp', 'value' => "{$json->main->temp_min}/{$json->main->temp_max}°C " . fahr($json->main->temp_min) . "/" . fahr($json->main->temp_max) . "°F", 'inline' => true],
['name' => 'Current conditions', 'value' => $json->weather[0]->description, 'inline' => true],
['name' => 'Atmospheric Pressure', 'value' => "{$json->main->pressure} hPa", 'inline' => true],
['name' => 'Humidity', 'value' => "{$json->main->humidity} %", 'inline' => true],
['name' => 'Wind', 'value' => "{$json->wind->speed} meters/second, {$json->wind->deg}°", 'inline' => true],
['name' => 'Sunrise', 'value' => Carbon::createFromTimestampUTC($json->sys->sunrise, $cities->get($id)["timezone"])->toTimeString(), 'inline' => true],
['name' => 'Sunset', 'value' => Carbon::createFromTimestampUTC($json->sys->sunset, $cities->get($id)["timezone"])->toTimeString(), 'inline' => true],
'timestamp' => null,
function register_help($cmd_name) {
global $discord; global $help;
$help[$cmd_name] = $discord->getCommand($cmd_name)->getHelp(';')["text"];
function ask_cleverbot($input) {
$deferred = new Deferred();
global $discord;
$url = "";
$key = get_thing('cleverbot');
$input = rawurlencode($input);
$discord->http->get("$url?input=$input&key=$key", null, [], false)->then(function($apidata) use ($deferred) {
}, function ($e) {
return $deferred->promise();
function ping_me($msg) {
global $discord;
->sendMessage("<@193011352275648514>, $msg");