
268 lines
8.7 KiB

namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
use BenBot\EmbedColors;
use Discord\Parts\Embed\Embed;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use function Stringy\create as s;
final class Debug
private static $bot;
public static function register(&$that)
self::$bot = $that;
self::$bot->registerCommand('up', [__CLASS__, 'up'], [
'description' => 'shows uptime',
self::$bot->registerCommand('dbg', [__CLASS__, 'dbg'], [
'description' => 'logs message details',
self::$bot->registerCommand('sys', [__CLASS__, 'sys'], [
'description' => 'run server command and show output',
self::$bot->registerCommand('eval', [__CLASS__, 'botEval'], [
'description' => 'only for owner',
self::$bot->registerCommand('status', [__CLASS__, 'status'], [
'description' => 'get status of bot and server',
self::$bot->registerCommand('server', [__CLASS__, 'server'], [
'description' => 'displays information about the server',
'registerHelp' => true,
'aliases' => [
self::$bot->registerCommand('roles', [__CLASS__, 'roles'], [
'description' => 'lists all roles in the server',
'aliases' => [
self::$bot->registerCommand('whois', [__CLASS__, 'userInfo'], [
'description' => 'get info about a user',
'usage' => '[@user]',
'aliases' => [
echo __CLASS__ . " registered", PHP_EOL;
public static function up($msg, $args)
return "benbot has been up for " . self::$bot->start_time->diffForHumans(Carbon::now(), true);
public static function dbg($msg, $args)
if (Utils::getUserIDFromMsg($msg) == "193011352275648514") {
Utils::send($msg, "check logs!")->then(function ($result) {
self::$bot->loop->addTimer(3, function ($timer) use ($result) {
} else {
return "**you're not allowed to use that command**";
public static function sys($msg, $args)
if (Utils::getUserIDFromMsg($msg) == "193011352275648514") {
return "```" . shell_exec(implode(" ", $args)) . "```";
} else {
return "**you're not allowed to use that command**";
public static function botEval($msg, $args)
if (Utils::getUserIDFromMsg($msg) == "193011352275648514") {
$cmd = implode(" ", $args);
return "```" . eval("return $cmd;") . "```";
} else {
return "**you're not allowed to use that command**";
public static function status($msg, $args)
$usercount = 0;
foreach (self::$bot->guilds as $guild) {
$usercount += $guild->member_count;
$url = "";
self::$bot->http->get($url, null, [], false)->then(function ($result) use ($msg, $usercount) {
$vitals = $result->Vitals->{"@attributes"};
$embed = self::$bot->factory(Embed::class, [
'title' => 'Benbot status',
'thumbnail' => ['url' => self::$bot->avatar],
'color' => EmbedColor::BLUE,
'fields' => [
['name' => 'Server Uptime'
,'value' => Utils::secondsConvert($vitals->Uptime)
['name' => 'Bot Uptime'
,'value' => self::$bot->start_time->diffForHumans(Carbon::now(), true)
['name' => 'Server Load Average'
,'value' => $vitals->LoadAvg
['name' => 'Bot Server Count'
,'value' => count(self::$bot->guilds)
['name' => 'User Count'
,'value' => $usercount
['name' => 'Bot Memory Usage'
,'value' => Utils::convertMemoryUsage()
'timestamp' => null,
Utils::send($msg, "", $embed);
public static function server($msg, $args)
if (Utils::isDM($msg)) {
return "you're not in a server, silly";
$verification_levels = [
0 => "None: must have discord account",
1 => "Low: must have verified email",
2 => "Medium: must have verified email for more than 5 minutes",
3 => "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻: must have verified email, be registered on discord for more than 5 minutes, and must wait 10 minutes before speaking in any channel",
$guild = $msg->channel->guild;
$created_at = Carbon::createFromTimestamp(Utils::timestampFromSnowflake($guild->id));
$embed = self::$bot->factory(Embed::class, [
'title' => "{$guild->name} server info",
'thumbnail' => [
'url' => $guild->icon
'color' => EmbedColors::BLUE,
'fields' => [
['name' => 'Owner'
,'value' => "$guild->owner"
,'inline' => true
['name' => 'Region'
,'value' => $guild->region
,'inline' => true
['name' => 'Member Count'
,'value' => $guild->member_count
,'inline' => true
['name' => 'Channel Count'
,'value' => count($guild->channels)
,'inline' => true
['name' => 'Server Created'
,'value' => $created_at->format('g:i A \o\n l F j, Y') . " (" . $created_at->diffForHumans() . ")"
['name' => 'Verification level'
,'value' => $verification_levels[$guild->verification_level]
['name' => 'Server ID'
,'value' => $guild->id
['name' => 'benbot joined'
,'value' => $guild->joined_at->format('g:i A \o\n l F j, Y') . " (" . $guild->joined_at->diffForHumans() . ")"
'timestamp' => null,
Utils::send($msg, "", $embed);
public static function roles($msg, $args)
$guild = $msg->channel->guild;
$response = "```roles for {$guild->name}\n\n";
foreach ($guild->roles as $role) {
$response .= "{$role->name} ({$role->id})\n";
$response .= "```";
Utils::send($msg, $response);
public static function userInfo($msg, $args)
if (Utils::isDM($msg)) {
return "you're not in a server, silly";
$users = [];
if (count($msg->mentions) === 0) {
$users[] = $msg->author;
} else {
foreach ($msg->mentions as $mention) {
$users[] = $msg->channel->guild->members->get('id', $mention->id);
foreach ($users as $user) {
$roles = [];
foreach ($user->roles as $role) {
$roles[] = $role->name;
$embed = self::$bot->factory(Embed::class, [
'title' => "User info for",
'description' => "$user",
'thumbnail' => ['url' => $user->user->avatar],
'color' => EmbedColors::BLUE,
'fields' => [
['name' => 'Roles'
,'value' => implode(", ", $roles)
['name' => 'ID'
,'value' => $user->id
['name' => 'Status'
,'value' => $user->status
['name' => 'Game'
,'value' => $user->game->name ?? 'not playing anything right now'
['name' => 'Member since'
,'value' => $user->joined_at->format('g:i A \o\n l F j, Y') . " ({$user->joined_at->diffForHumans()})"
'timestamp' => null,
Utils::send($msg, "", $embed);