
136 lines
4.9 KiB

namespace BenBot\Commands;
use BenBot\Utils;
use BenBot\Cities;
use Discord\Parts\Embed\Embed;
use Carbon\Carbon;
final class Weather
private static $bot;
public static function register(&$that)
self::$bot = $that;
$weather = self::$bot->registerCommand('weather', [__CLASS__, 'weather'], [
'description' => 'get current weather',
'usage' => '[@user|city search]',
'registerHelp' => true,
$weather->registerSubCommand('save', ['BenBot\Commands\Cities', 'saveCity'], [
'description' => "saves a city for a user (or yourself if you don't mention anyone)",
'usage' => '<city search> [@user]',
echo __CLASS__ . " registered", PHP_EOL;
public static function weather($msg, $args)
$id = Utils::getUserIDFromMsg($msg);
$api_key = getenv('OWM_API_KEY');
$url = "$api_key&units=metric&";
if (count($args) <= 1 && $args[0] == "") {
echo "looking up weather for {$msg->author} $id";
if (isset(self::$bot->cities[$id])) {
$city = self::$bot->cities[$id];
$url .= "id={$city["id"]}";
self::$bot->http->get($url)->then(function ($result) use ($msg, $city) {
Utils::send($msg, "", self::formatWeatherJson($result, $city["timezone"]));
} else {
return "you can set your city with `;weather save <city>`";
} else {
if (count($msg->mentions) > 0) {
foreach ($msg->mentions as $mention) {
if (isset(self::$bot->cities[$mention->id])) {
$city = self::$bot->cities[$mention->id];
$url .= "id={$city["id"]}";
self::$bot->http->get($url)->then(function ($result) use ($msg, $city) {
Utils::send($msg, "", self::formatWeatherJson($result, $city["timezone"]));
} else {
return "no city saved for $mention.\nset a preferred city with `;weather save <city> $mention`";
} else {
$query = rawurlencode(implode(" ", $args));
$url .= "q=$query";
self::$bot->http->get($url)->then(function ($result) use ($msg) {
Utils::send($msg, "", self::formatWeatherJson($result));
// util fns
public static function celsiusToFahrenheit($celsius)
return $celsius * 9 / 5 + 32;
public static function fahrenheitToCelsius($fahrenheit)
return $fahrenheit * 5 / 9 + 32;
public static function formatWeatherJson($json, $timezone = null)
return self::$bot->factory(Embed::class, [
'title' => "Weather in {$json->name}, {$json->sys->country}",
'thumbnail' => ['url' => "{$json->weather[0]->icon}.png"],
'fields' => [
['name' => 'Current temperature'
, 'value' => "{$json->main->temp}°C (".self::celsiusToFahrenheit($json->main->temp)."°F)"
, 'inline' => true
['name' => 'Low/High Forecasted Temp'
, 'value' => "{$json->main->temp_min}/{$json->main->temp_max}°C " . self::celsiusToFahrenheit($json->main->temp_min) . "/" . self::celsiusToFahrenheit($json->main->temp_max) . "°F"
, 'inline' => true
['name' => 'Current conditions'
, 'value' => $json->weather[0]->description
, 'inline' => true
['name' => 'Atmospheric Pressure'
, 'value' => "{$json->main->pressure} hPa"
, 'inline' => true
['name' => 'Humidity'
, 'value' => "{$json->main->humidity} %"
, 'inline' => true
['name' => 'Wind'
, 'value' => "{$json->wind->speed} meters/second, {$json->wind->deg}°"
, 'inline' => true
['name' => 'Sunrise'
, 'value' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($json->sys->sunrise, $timezone)->toTimeString()
, 'inline' => true
['name' => 'Sunset'
, 'value' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($json->sys->sunset, $timezone)->toTimeString()
, 'inline' => true
'timestamp' => null,