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Ben Harris 2016-10-28 11:44:13 -04:00
commit 0229ce0306
1 changed files with 87 additions and 0 deletions

87 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
If you use more than 3 lines of code from the internet, cite them in a comment.
It's cause for an 'f' otherwise!!!!
THIS IS OUT OF 20 POINTS!!!! No one can get more than 20 points.
If you work in pairs, then I'll give each person 2/3 of the total points. So
if a team gets 30 (and each person gets 15), I'll give each student 20.
If you work in threes, then I'll give each person 1/2 of the total points. So
if a team gets 40 (and each person gets 13.3333), I'll give each student 20.
The Shell Assignment (total 42 points)
+ 1 Can run an executable
+ 1 You search the path for the executable
+ 1 Can do file input redirection "<"
ls > fred
+ 1 Can do file output redirection ">"
ls < fred
+ 2 Can do command piping "|"
ls | wc
+ +1 Can do lots of pipes
ls | grep fred | wc
+ 1 Can do at least one combination of these things
ls | wc > fred
+ 4 Can do any combination of three of <, >, and |
cat < filename | sort > sortedFile.txt
+ 2 Can set enviornment variables
+ 2 Expands enviornment variables on the command line
ls $HOME
+ 2 Does filename expansion "glob" (Hint: Use the built in glob.)
ls a*b
+ 1 Knows how to change directory
cd /fred
+ 1 Bang last command
!l runs ls
+ 1 Bang # command
!4 runs 4th command from history
+ 1 Queue commands
make ; make install
+ +1 Can have lots of semicolons
ls; sleep 3; rm fred
+ 2 Change Prompt
PS1="what is you command?"
+ 3 Can run commands in the background.
processImage &
+ 1 Concatenate commands with &. Only runs next command if the previous
comand returned success.
cd /home/rappleto & rm fred.txt
+ 1 Catch Keyboard interrupt
ctrl + c = back to prompt
+ 1 Replace "~" with the home directory
rm ~/junkfile
+ 1 Control-L clears the screen
ctrl-l = clear screen
+ 3 When they misspell a command, offer a suggestion
(user) lss
(shell) Did you mean "ls"?
+ 2 Can run commands from a file
. scriptFile.txt
+ 2 Tab Completion and Arrow History
+ 1 Saves and reloads history to a file
+ 2 Automatically runs a file called .myshell when it starts
+ 2 Only runs execuatables from an approved list
+ -2 Commands cannot have arguments (i.e. ls -l does not work).
Some cases to consider
+ A person tries to run a non-executable.
+ A person tries to read or write to a non-existant file.
+ A person tries to read or write to a file they do not have permissions on.
+ A person tries a non-sensical command. (i.e. ls > foo > fee < doo < dee
+ A person tries to pipe to a non-command (i.e. ls | /tmp/foo.txt)
+ A person tries to pipe from a non-command (i.e. /tmp/foo | ls)
+ A person tries to expand a non-variable (i.e. ls $DOES_NOT_EXIST)
+ A regular expression matches no files.
+ A regular expression matches one file.
+ A regular expression matches lots of files.
+ A person tries to change directory to something that does not exist.
These programs are due Friday before finals week. It will take a totally excellent excuse to move this at all.