import random, re, string from src import ModuleManager, utils # Save things people have shouted (caps lock) and shout random saved things back @utils.export("channelset", utils.BoolSetting("reshout", "Whether or not to save shouted things and shout random saved things back")) class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule): def on_load(self): if not"reshout"):""" CREATE TABLE reshout (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, channel_id INTEGER, shout TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES channels(channel_id), UNIQUE (channel_id, shout))""") def _add_shout(self, channel, shout): "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO reshout (channel_id, shout) VALUES (?, ?)", [, shout]) def _random_shout(self, channel): return (""" SELECT shout FROM reshout WHERE channel_id=? ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1""", []) or [None])[0] @utils.hook("command.regex") @utils.kwarg("command", "reshout") @utils.kwarg("pattern", re.compile(".*")) def message(self, event): if event["target"].get_setting("reshout", False): total = 0 i = 0 for char in event["message"]: if char.isalnum(): total += 1 if char.isupper(): i += 1 if total >= 20 and (i/total) >= 0.8: reshout = self._random_shout(event["target"]) if reshout: event["target"].send_message("%s: %s" % (event["user"].nickname, reshout)) self._add_shout(event["target"], event["message"]) @utils.hook("received.command.unshout") @utils.kwarg("help", "Remove a saved shout") @utils.kwarg("usage", "[substring]") @utils.kwarg("require_mode", "o") @utils.kwarg("require_access", "unshout") @utils.kwarg("permission", "unshout") def unshout(self, event): shout = None success, error = None, None if event["args"]: success = "Deleted shout" error = "Shout not found" shout =""" SELECT id, shout FROM reshout WHERE channel_id=? AND shout LIKE ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1""", [event["target"].id, "%%%s%%" % event["args"]]) else: success = "Deleted last shout" error = "No saved shouts" shout =""" SELECT id, shout FROM reshout WHERE channel_id=? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1""", [event["target"].id]) if shout: id, shout = shout "DELETE FROM reshout WHERE id=?", [id]) event["stdout"].write(success) else: event["stderr"].write(error)