--- title: 'git remotes with ssh aliases' date: 201801121330.26 tags: - 'git' - 'ssh' --- did you know that `~/.ssh/config` aliases work for git remotes?? ~/.ssh/config Host gh HostName github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gh_key you can now use `gh:username/repo` as the remote in place of `git@github.com:username/repo`, which is much shorter and easier to type many times! `git clone gh:benharri/learngit` there are many other use cases for the `ssh_config` file. for example, here is my config for the tilde machine for easy ssh connections. Host tilde HostName tilde.team User ben then use `ssh tilde` to start a new ssh session. this also works with `scp`: try something like this `scp file.txt tilde:workspace/.` in place of `scp file.txt ben@tilde.team:workspace/.` the ssh\_config file is super useful. check `man ssh_config` for a full list of options! tags: [git](tag_git.html), [ssh](tag_ssh.html)