--- title: 'phoenix' date: 201802261157.10 tags: - 'internet' - 'dev' --- inspired by [oodsnet](http://oods.net), (and my pull request to add [darkmode](https://github.com/exezin/oodsnet/pull/5)), i started to create my own tilde.team fork (now [forum.tilde.team](https://forum.tilde.team/)). the first step was to switch out the css to the [tilde.team standard](https://tilde.team/css/) and update the classes for bootstrap. once i got it going and integrated with the tilde.team linux auth service, i asked other tildeans for input and suggestions. [~micaiah](/~micaiah/) was interested in helping, but also wanted to learn a new language and/or framework, so we decided to start over, recreating the entire forum with [elixir/phoenix](http://phoenixframework.org). we'd discussed elixir previously, but never had a convincing use case to force us to learn it. the project is live, with the source code on [github](https://github.com/tilde-team/forum). the thing that i'm most impressed with is the speed of the erlang runtime :D check out these response times. sub-millisecond!?!?! ![](https://bhh.sh/pub/photos/phx.png) give it a look, and [join the tilde.team](https://tilde.team/signup) if you want to come hang out! tags: [internet](tag_internet.html), [dev](tag_dev.html)