Web Guides for Internet Landchads! Tutorials on minimalist webpage creation and server maintenance. en-us Web Guides for Internet LandChads Mirror your site over tor Thu, 01 Jul 2021 07:15:39 -0400

Mirror Your Site Over Tor

Tor logo

Now that you have a website, why not offer it on a private alternative such as the onion network?

Setting up Tor

Installing Tor

Firstly we need to add the tor repo's to have the latest up to date version or tor.

apt install -y apt-transport-https gpg
echo "deb buster main
deb-src buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor.list

Then we need to add the gpg keys to our keyring

curl -s | gpg --import
gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | apt-key add -

Now update and install tor

apt update
apt install tor

Enabling Tor

Then edit the file /etc/tor/torrc, uncommenting the following lines:

HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
HiddenServicePort 80

Now start and enable tor at boot

 systemctl enable --now tor 

If the next command outputs active in green you're golden!

 systemctl status tor

Now you're server is on the dark web. The following command will give you your onion address:

 cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname

Adding the Nginx Config

From here, the steps are almost identical to setting up a normal website configuration file. Follow the steps as if you were making a new website on the webserver tutorial up until the server block of code. Instead, paste this:

        server {
            listen ;
            root /var/www/landchad ;
            index index.html ;
            server_name your-onion-address.onion ;

From here we are almost done, all we have to do is enable the site and reload nginx which is also covered in the webserver tutorial.

Update regularly!

Make sure to update Tor on a regular basis by running:

apt update
apt install tor

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Cryptocurrency Tutorials Completed Tue, 29 Jun 2021 08:10:31 -0400 There is now a set of basic tutorials on cryptocurrency wallets and concepts up. The goal here is to allow people to receive tips for sites using all free and open source and peer-to-peer technology.

More tutorials on crypto management and exchanging may be added later, but these focus simply on basic concepts and setting up wallets. They include:

Welcome to! Mon, 28 Jun 2021 08:21:44 -0400 Welcome to!

This website is for step-by-step tutorials that allow people to host and maintain their own website and other web services on the cheap or free.

There is already a full basic tutorial on website creation on the site here. Following the tutorials can take as little as an hour, but will help you set up a VPS, and NginX server and encrypt your new webpage with Certbot.

Next I plan adding general info on HTML and CSS and how to manage a website.

More stuff like running your own email server and more will be added shortly as more articles are finalized.
