using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using dotbot.Core; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace dotbot.Commands { [Group("email")] public class Emails : ModuleBase { public DotbotDb db { get; set; } private NetworkCredential EmailCredential; public Emails(IConfigurationRoot config) { EmailCredential = new NetworkCredential(config["gmail_login"], config["tokens:gmail"]); } [Command] public async Task SendEmail( [Summary("user to send to")] IUser recipient, [Summary("message to send")] [Remainder] string message ) { if (!db.Emails.Any(e => e.Id == recipient.Id)) { await ReplyAsync($"{recipient.Mention} does not have a saved email"); return; } var status = await ReplyAsync($"sending message"); (new SmtpClient("") { EnableSsl = true, Port = 587, Credentials = EmailCredential, }) .Send( from: $"{Context.User.Username}-{Context.Guild.Name}", recipients: db.Emails.Find(recipient.Id).EmailAddress, subject: $"benbot message from {Context.User.Username}", body: message ); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); await status.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"message sent to {recipient.Mention}!"); } [Command("save")] [Summary("saves an email address to your profile")] public async Task SaveEmail([Summary("email to save")] string email) { var id = Context.User.Id; await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); if (db.Emails.Any(e => e.Id == id)) db.Emails.Find(id).EmailAddress = email; else db.Emails.Add(new Email { Id = id, EmailAddress = email }); db.SaveChanges(); await ReplyAsync("your email has been saved"); } [Command("show")] [Summary("shows your saved email address")] public async Task ShowEmail() { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, your saved email is {db.Emails.Find(Context.User.Id)?.EmailAddress ?? "non existent"}"); } } }