
94 lines
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using Discord.Commands;
using dotbot.Core;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace dotbot.Commands
public class Images : ModuleBase<SocketCommandContext>
public DotbotDb db { get; set; }
private readonly IConfigurationRoot _config;
public Images(IConfigurationRoot config)
_config = config;
[Alias("image", "pic")]
[Summary("get a saved image")]
public async Task GetImage([Summary("image name")] string name)
if (db.Images.Any(i => i.Id == name))
await Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
var img = db.Images.Find(name);
await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync($"UploadedImages/{img.FilePath}", $"{img.Id} by {Context.User.Mention}");
else await ReplyAsync($"no image `{name}` found. you can save one if you want by attaching an image with this command {_config["prefix"]}img save <name>");
[Summary("list all saved images")]
public async Task ListImages() => await ReplyAsync($"here are the available images: \n```{string.Join(", ", db.Images.Select(i => i.Id))}```");
[Summary("save an image for later")]
public async Task SaveImage([Summary("image name")] string name)
await Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
var attached = Context.Message.Attachments;
if (attached.Count != 1)
await ReplyAsync($"please attach 1 image");
var img = attached.First();
(new WebClient { Proxy = null }).DownloadFile(img.Url, $"UploadedImages/{img.Filename}");
if (db.Images.Any(i => i.Id == name))
db.Images.Find(name).FilePath = img.Filename;
db.Images.Add(new Image { Id = name, FilePath = img.Filename });
await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
await ReplyAsync($"the image has been saved as {name}");
[Alias("del", "remove", "delete")]
[Summary("delete a saved image")]
public async Task DeleteImage([Summary("image name")] string name)
await Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
if (db.Images.Any(i => i.Id == name))
await ReplyAsync($"{name} has been deleted");
else await ReplyAsync($"{name} didn't exist in the first place");