
150 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File

using Discord.Commands;
using dotbot.Services;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
using System;
using Discord.WebSocket;
namespace dotbot.Commands
public class TicTacToe : ModuleBase<SocketCommandContext>
public Dictionary<ulong, TicTacToeSession> _games;
public TicTacToe(TicTacToeService tic)
_games = tic._activeGames;
[Summary("start a game of tic tac toe!")]
public async Task StartGame([Summary("mention whom you would like to play with!")] IUser opponent)
var gameId = Context.Channel.Id;
_games[gameId] = new TicTacToeSession(Context.User, opponent) { LastMessage = Context.Message };
await ReplyAsync($"{_games[gameId]}");
[Summary("ends a tic tac toe session")]
public async Task StopGame()
var gameId = Context.Channel.Id;
if (_games.ContainsKey(gameId))
var game = _games[gameId];
await ReplyAsync("game over.");
await ReplyAsync("no game running in this channel...");
public class TicTacToeSession
public bool Active;
public bool Tied;
public Dictionary<string, ulong> Players;
public string Turn;
public string[][] Board;
public IMessage LastMessage;
public TicTacToeSession(IUser player, IUser opponent)
Board = new string[][] {
new string[] { ":one:", ":two:", ":three:" },
new string[] { ":four:", ":five:", ":six:" },
new string[] { ":seven:", ":eight:", ":nine:" }
Players = new Dictionary<string, ulong>
{ ":x:", player.Id },
{ ":o:", opponent.Id }
Turn = ":x:";
Active = true;
Tied = false;
public string GetPiece(int i) => Board[(i - 1) / 3][(i - 1) % 3];
public bool PutPiece(int i, string piece)
if (GetPiece(i) == ":x:" || GetPiece(i) == ":o:") return false;
Board[(i - 1) / 3][(i - 1) % 3] = piece;
return true;
internal async Task<string> DoMove(SocketUserMessage msg)
if (!Active || Players[Turn] != msg.Author.Id) return "";
await LastMessage.DeleteAsync();
LastMessage = msg;
await msg.DeleteAsync();
if (Int32.TryParse(msg.Content, out var move))
if (move > 0 && move < 10)
if (!PutPiece(move, Turn))
return $"unable to place your piece. position **{move}** already occupied by {GetPiece(move)}";
if (CheckWin())
Active = false;
return $"<@{Players[Turn]}> ({Turn}) won!";
else if (Tied)
Active = false;
return "it's a tie. game over.";
Turn = Turn == ":x:" ? ":o:" : ":x:";
return $"";
else return $"**{msg.Content}** is not a valid move. please enter a number between 1 and 9.";
else return "your move wasn't even a number... try again!";
internal bool CheckWin()
if ((GetPiece(1) == GetPiece(4) && GetPiece(4) == GetPiece(7))
|| (GetPiece(2) == GetPiece(5) && GetPiece(5) == GetPiece(8))
|| (GetPiece(3) == GetPiece(6) && GetPiece(6) == GetPiece(9))
|| (GetPiece(1) == GetPiece(2) && GetPiece(2) == GetPiece(3))
|| (GetPiece(4) == GetPiece(5) && GetPiece(5) == GetPiece(6))
|| (GetPiece(7) == GetPiece(8) && GetPiece(8) == GetPiece(9))
|| (GetPiece(1) == GetPiece(5) && GetPiece(5) == GetPiece(9))
|| (GetPiece(3) == GetPiece(5) && GetPiece(5) == GetPiece(7))
) return true;
if (Enumerable.Range(1, 9).All(i => GetPiece(i) == ":o:" || GetPiece(i) == ":x:"))
{ // check tie condition (all pieces placed)
Tied = true;
Active = false;
return false;
public override string ToString() => $"{string.Join("\n", Board.Select(r => $"{string.Join(" ", r)}"))}\n<@{Players[Turn]}>'s turn. send a number 1-9.";